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The order of Star Wars

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I was in my 20's when Stars Wars first came. I hated Sci fi and was surprised at how much I liked that movie, but lost interest after 3. I didn't even know there were more than 3.


My kids want to see them now and I am thinking of letting them. Kate is very sensitive to scary things but I think 9.5 yo is ok. She couldn't handle the battle scene in Narnia, but she survived it on my lap with her head buried in my chest. She did ok with the spooks in the secret chamber so I think the wierd looking creatures in star wars might be ok. Although, she is still scared of screeching eels in Princess Bride and has a hard time swimming to the deep end of the pool during swim practice. Bianca will watch anything. She knows how to work through it all and gets the real life and pretend idea.


So, which Star Wars came first? In fact, in what order did they all come out?

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I was in my 20's when Stars Wars first came. I hated Sci fi and was surprised at how much I liked that movie, but lost interest after 3. I didn't even know there were more than 3.


My kids want to see them now and I am thinking of letting them. Kate is very sensitive to scary things but I think 9.5 yo is ok. She couldn't handle the battle scene in Narnia, but she survived it on my lap with her head buried in my chest. She did ok with the spooks in the secret chamber so I think the wierd looking creatures in star wars might be ok. Although, she is still scared of screeching eels in Princess Bride and has a hard time swimming to the deep end of the pool during swim practice. Bianca will watch anything. She knows how to work through it all and gets the real life and pretend idea.


So, which Star Wars came first? In fact, in what order did they all come out?


4,5, & 6 came first, then 1, 2, & 3 came out.

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I would maybe preview them first (especially the newer ones) since they can be a little bit dark in their themes. We waited a little bit before showing them to our dc, but, now they are some of their favorites. It just sounds like maybe your dd might be a little scared during some parts. They are really good, though, and I'm not a science fiction person either!

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4,5, & 6 came first, then 1, 2, & 3 came out.


I am imagining then, that 1,2, & 3 are the beginning of the story and I am imagining that because they came later, the graphic content is more scary, so I should do 4,5, & 6 1st, like they came out, or are the graphics not so bad and should I start with 1,2,& 3 to better understand the plot?

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I am imagining then, that 1,2, & 3 are the beginning of the story and I am imagining that because they came later, the graphic content is more scary, so I should do 4,5, & 6 1st, like they came out, or are the graphics not so bad and should I start with 1,2,& 3 to better understand the plot?


Start with 4,5, & 6. They are less graphic from what I've seen (I've only seen bits & pieces of 1, 2, & 3). You can understand the plot just fine without ever seeing 1, 2, & 3. I think 4, 5, & 6 probably help you understand 1, 2, & 3.

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I was in my 20's when Stars Wars first came. I hated Sci fi and was surprised at how much I liked that movie, but lost interest after 3. I didn't even know there were more than 3.


My kids want to see them now and I am thinking of letting them. Kate is very sensitive to scary things but I think 9.5 yo is ok. She couldn't handle the battle scene in Narnia, but she survived it on my lap with her head buried in my chest. She did ok with the spooks in the secret chamber so I think the wierd looking creatures in star wars might be ok. Although, she is still scared of screeching eels in Princess Bride and has a hard time swimming to the deep end of the pool during swim practice. Bianca will watch anything. She knows how to work through it all and gets the real life and pretend idea.


So, which Star Wars came first? In fact, in what order did they all come out?


If your dd had difficulty handling the battle scene in Narnia and was afraid of the screeching eels (which are never really seen) in Princess Bride, I would definitely start with Episodes 4, 5, and 6. Episode 3 in particular could be disturbing to a sensitive child.


Those of us who saw the original Star Wars movies when they came out have done just fine watching them in the order 4 --> 5 --> 6 --> 1 --> 2 --> 3. Your dd's will do just fine, too, if they start with Episode 4: A New Hope (the original movie which was subsequently retitled).

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Episodes IV, V, and VI are the so-called "Original Trilogy". They are Star Wars: A New Hope, Star Wars: The Empire Strikes Back, and Star Wars: The Return of the Jedi.


I will start my kids with those, in that order. But this is a very contentious point among devoted fans.


I was, personally, very disappointed with the so-called "Prequel Trilogy" that Lucas made and released to much fanfare starting in the late 1990s: The Phantom Menace, Attack of the Clones, and The Revenge of the Sith. Those are technically Episodes I, II, and III, as if the whole 12 hours were one giant story from the golden age of 1930s movie serials and 1950s television serials.


I have a very low opinion of these both as films and as expansion of the Star Wars "universe". They're also, IMHO, not the lighter, child-friendly confections that I remember Star Wars: ANH being when I watched it daily at the age of 6 (an opinion reconfirmed when I last rewatched it a few weeks ago while deciding whether or not to put in on for my oldest who's very interested).


It is my opinion that the newer trilogy is darker and more adolescent, with more "adult themes" than the original trilogy. I'm not sure I'd let young children watch the Prequel Trilogy before adolescence. YMMV


All that said, I'll also note that the versions in wide distribution are most emphatically NOT the versions you may have seen in your youth. Lucas has altered and released the Original Trilogy a couple of times, adding more flashy elements and even changing scenes completely. I picked up a special edition release last Christmas that had, as a bonus feature, the "original theatrical release" of each film on the disc. If you can find that inexpensively, that's what I would go with. Again, YMMV.


Also be aware that Star Wars really isn't science fiction. Technically, it's considered Space Opera. You have a boy hero, on a quest, with an old wizard and a magic sword and some faithful companions. The quest involves rescuing a beautiful and virginal princess, escaping from the clutches of a foul villain, and dealing the forces of evil a grevious blow on behalf of freedom-loving and virtuous people everywhere.


/errant pedantry


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If I had a kid who was scared of the things you mentioned, I would hold off perhaps, or at least preview them first. The order the story goes in is the newer three first, then the three older movies. But the three older ones came out first. 1-3 take you through how Darth Vader becomes Darth Vader and then 4-6 deal with the downfall of the Empire. So, if you want to study the ancients before modern times, go with 4-6 first. :)


4,5, and 6 are not as graphic, but you still have some dark themes. Darth Vader freezing Hans Solo in carbonite was pretty scary to me as a kid.

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The first movie - #4, I guess! - stands alone pretty well and it is probably the least violent (in a graphic way) as well. So, you could just watch the first one and then decide whether your children are ready for more.


And I want to suggest that you preview #3 (when you get to it - I agree that it should be the last one) even if you do not preview the others as it is very intense!

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I agree with pretty much everyone else. Introduce your kids to the original three (4: A New Hope; 5: Empire Strikes Back; 6: Return of the Jedi) -- and hold off on the newer three for a bit.


And considering what you said of your daughter, you may want to hold off on the newer ones (especially #3, Revenge of the Sith) for quite a while. It's much darker, more disturbing, and more violent than all those other movies you mentioned.

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My ds loves and lives for Star Wars. His first movie he saw in the theater was Episode 1. However with a sensitive child I might hold off on 1, 2 and 3. I would preview them and guage from there.


I would say Episode 3 is the most graphic. I doubt the final battle scene would be appropriate. It's somewhat graphic, if only for a moment, and it is heart wrenching. Even hearing the music from that scene makes me sad.


We used 1,2, and 3 as character lessons. We talked about how evil is subtle and can creep into our lives, even when are intentions are well-meaning.

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. . . you could just watch 4, 5 and 6 and pretend the later films didn't exist. I have been a Star Wars fan since the originals came out. (Be very careful, or I may be forced to prove my credentials by posting the photo of my 12th birthday party, which had a Star Wars theme, and to which almost all of my guests came dressed as Princess Leia.)


I went to #1 hopeful and came out disappointed.


I went to #2 under protest and disliked it even more.


I have never even bothered to see #3.


Honestly, just skip them. Bleck.

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. . . you could just watch 4, 5 and 6 and pretend the later films didn't exist. I have been a Star Wars fan since the originals came out. (Be very careful, or I may be forced to prove my credentials by posting the photo of my 12th birthday party, which had a Star Wars theme, and to which almost all of my guests came dressed as Princess Leia.)


I went to #1 hopeful and came out disappointed.


I went to #2 under protest and disliked it even more.


I have never even bothered to see #3.


Honestly, just skip them. Bleck.

Replace "went to #2" with "rented #2", and I had my 12th birthday party at a Detroit Tigers game, but other than that we could be twins... LOL


I agree -- watch the original three and skip the prequels.

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I agree with most everyone else. Original three and hold off on the newer ones until later, if at all. Episode 3 is icky.


On the other note, having not been around when the originals came out, I *loved* the newer ones. Even at that, Revenge of the Sith is very graphic, and I wish I'd known that just for my own preparation's sake.


Anyway. I think it's awesome how he's been able to go back and do the first part of the story with newer technology. (Which was the point. He only started in the middle back in the 70s because he said that the technology available at the time wouldn't do the story justice. And he was SO right. I hope he does the last part of the story - which would be episodes 7, 8, and 9.)

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I will always refer to Star Wars, the Empire Strikes Back, and Return of the Jedi. Hmph.


It's almost as if someone completely different, possibly from another planet altogether, made the second three (and I'm iffy about Return of the Jedi). I wouldn't even bother with them. They are tiresome, painful, disappointing, and about 2 hours too long, each of them. :thumbdown:

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Well, I must confess, all of my children have been indoctrinated into Star Wars already... even (gulp) my two year old. He goes around declaring, "I'm Anakin! I get the bad guys with my wed wight sabre!"


We like watching it chronologically, according to the story line rather than in the order they came out. Episode three is the most intense/darkest of them all. Episode two has a decidedly cheesy romantic scene where Anakin's character (poor acting is the most likely culprit) makes me want to wretch! LOL

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My older ds was very sensitive about movie images at age 9. When he went to bed at night those images would replay in his mind and he wouldn't be able to sleep or he'd have nightmares. It was tough because our younger ds isn't nearly as sensitive to the same things. Their 3 year age difference helped. By the time the younger one was ready to watch a particular movie, the older one was growing out of his sensitivity.


One of the things that helped us was to watch the movie during the middle of the day. That way he had many hours to fill his mind with other things and the images weren't so fresh in his mind before bedtime. Plus things just aren't as scary in the middle of the day when it's all bright out. Whenever he did get himself worked up at night we'd let him listen to music. This occupied his brain enough to let him be able to fall asleep.


Don't know if any of that might help but I thought I'd throw it out there since I have some experience with an image-sensitive child.


I also wanted to add a caution to Empire Strikes Back. There are 2 scenes that stand out for me: 1--when Luke is in training w/Yoda and he goes into the cave and fights Vader (scary); 2--the end when Luke's arm gets cut off. I think these would bother your dd. But Episode 4 A New Hope--the original Star Wars--is a complete movie by itself. And it's still the best one!



whose ds's get to watch the old, non-digitally enhanced versions on VHS!

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