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Gluten, dairy, & soy free, low sugar QUICK & EASY food?!

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Along the lines of the ham wrap, avocado slices wrapped in organic turkey slices are scrumptious.


I make a fried rice with leftover brown rice. Sauté chicken chunks with some oil (I use a little peanut oil, but whatever you have will work.) and garlic. When chicken is mostly done, add onions, snap peas, red peppers (whatever veggies you want) and sauté a few minutes more. Add the rice and stir until mixed. Add mung bean sprouts, if desired. Add a little sesame oil at the end and some wheat-free tamari for flavor if you want. It doesn't take that long- the hardest part is cutting up the chicken and veggies. And it's so delicious. If you make a lot, it freezes and reheats well.


I'm going to experiment with making home made wraps with chick pea flour, so if I'm successful, I'll let you know how it turns out.

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These are some common things I eat...

1. Gluten free plain rice cakes with gluten free peanut butter and raspberry preserves

2. Tortilla chips with guacamole or salsa (the wholly guacamole and salsa are really good)

3. Popcorn

4. Turkey Chili (I use the Carroll Shelby seasoning- it's GF)

5. meatloaf (use the gluten free oats)

6. Fajitas with GF corn tortillas

7. Chicken tortilla soup- rice, chicken broth, salsa, corn, chicken

8. Stir Fry -San J makes a GF Szechuan marinade/stir fry that is excellent


Have you looked over on the blog where the woman used her crockpot for 365 days straight? I don't have the link, but it should show up when you google "Crockpot 365 days". She has a child that has to eat GF. I've gotten some ideas from her about meal cooking. I found the above soup there.

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Have you looked over on the blog where the woman used her crockpot for 365 days straight? I don't have the link, but it should show up when you google "Crockpot 365 days". She has a child that has to eat GF. I've gotten some ideas from her about meal cooking. I found the above soup there.



Oh? I have her bookmarked on my computer and have used several recipes. Didn't know that though, so didn't bother to look there!


I can only eat so much egg and turkey. After two weeks of those and black beans being my primary protein - I would go a longgg time without either.


Tho dh did bring a package of turkeyham slices home from Whole Foods that was really good. Tasted like extra lean ham. Not weird tasting like turkey sausage or turkey burgers.

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Along the lines of the ham wrap, avocado slices wrapped in organic turkey slices are scrumptious.


I make a fried rice with leftover brown rice. Sauté chicken chunks with some oil (I use a little peanut oil, but whatever you have will work.) and garlic. When chicken is mostly done, add onions, snap peas, red peppers (whatever veggies you want) and sauté a few minutes more. Add the rice and stir until mixed. Add mung bean sprouts, if desired. Add a little sesame oil at the end and some wheat-free tamari for flavor if you want. It doesn't take that long- the hardest part is cutting up the chicken and veggies. And it's so delicious. If you make a lot, it freezes and reheats well.


I'm going to experiment with making home made wraps with chick pea flour, so if I'm successful, I'll let you know how it turns out.


I love fried rice! Thanks.

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When I ate this diet, here's what I did:


Breakfast--Either wild rice with nuts and fruit OR some form of eggs. I would also have some veggies or fruit to accompany.


Lunch--Beans OR sweet potato OR some form of broiled meat (steak or a pork chop, sometimes cajun shrimp to be special) with lots of vegetables


Snacks were almost always nuts and fruit or veggies.


Dinner--More meat and vegetables usually. Often I could make my dh and the kids something "normal" but set aside a portion for me. For example, if I made spaghetti, I would have my portion with eggplant rather than pasta. For gravies I thickened with cornstarch instead of a flour/butter roux. I learned to be creative with my substitutes. I also used lettuce leaves as a taco or wrap for things that would ordinarily be held in a shell or bread.

Edited by strider
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Rice and beans


Tostadas (made with crockpot cooked pintos and cheese - I think you could sub dairy-free).


Black bean salsa - black beans, corn, tomatoes, onions, garlic, lime and cilantro. Eat as a dip with chips (or possibly something like celery) or eat as a side dish with spoon.


Mexican soup - chicken broth (not sure about soy), refried beans mixed in, and a can of RoTel. Can add corn, chicken, whatever...


GF pasta with jarred spaghetti sauce. I just tried the Schar brand and I think it's my favorite!


Apples and PB. Carmel rice cakes with PB.


Fajitas with corn tortillas.

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see if your library has a book like this one http://www.amazon.com/Low-Carb-Meals-Minutes-Linda-Gassenheimer/dp/157959512X



There's a forum for people on a yeast free diet that has a lot of resources..... can't think of the name of it.... grrr, hate it when this happens.... well I you hadn't asked I probably could have told you :P

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  • 1 month later...

To make you feel better, we are gluten, dairy and soy free as well, but we are also egg, rice, corn, almond, cashew, flax and kidney bean free.


I always have a cooked roast in the fridge (bison, turkey breast, lamb or beef) and I slice it and make sandwiches. I fry the bread (everything-free bread) in a touch of oil and make the sandwiches with hummus (or mustard), pickles (Bubbies dill!!), spinach and maybe peppers or avacado and it is delish!


I also usually tend to have a big pot of soup in the fridge for easy lunches. My kids really like the green bean, potato, bacon soup. You can thicken soup with sorghum flour.


We sometimes make an abundance of buckwheat pancakes to have in the fridge for easy access.


Another favorite is fried sausage (from a place called Red Barn that specializes in hormone free, antibiotic free meat with no gluten) and fried potatoes. It is an easy lunch- just add veggies and hummus.


Another fave (which is low carb as well) is homemade sushi rolls with quinoa instead of rice. The quinoa rolls do quite well in the fridge for a day or two.


Everyday my kids have a hot breakfast cereal for breakie called Fonio (it is related to the millet family and is quite mild tasting and great with bananas and cinnamon.


The best gluten free flour mix that I have ever tried is called Namaste Perfect Flour Blend. It does have rice in it so we can't use it anymore but if rice is not a concern for you then give it a try. They also make the BEST chocolate cake and brownies (though these are not low sugar).


In my experience, you can't be hyper vigilant on ALL fronts so I let the low sugar thing slide and just make sure that there is enough protien with the carbs to slow the sugar into the bloodstream.

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Here's a blog with some recipes.. http://myaspergersgirl.blogspot.com/


Be sure to get some Earth Balance GFCFSF butter.


Don't forget to check your medications and supplements for soy. For some reason they love to put soy in EVERYTHING.:glare:


We are all gluten and dairy free in this house and one of my daughters is also soy free. I feel your pain!

Edited by Misty
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Brown rice (not semolina) couscous with your favorite sauteed veggies. That's what I did tonight. So simple. Couscous cooks faster than one can sautee onions etc., so make sure you time it right. lol


Grilled fish & veggies (zuk, green beans, eggplant) with big salad (tomatoes, cucs, whatever)


Grilled steak tips, sliced cucumbers, tomatoes, bell pepper slices with a sprinkling of olive oil, salt, pepper, red wie viegar, corn on the cob


Grilled chicken, gently boiled potatoes tossed w/ salt, pepper, olive oil, lemon juice, with gently steamed or grilled summer squash.


Refired beans on corn tortillias, with salsa, cilantro, tomatoes, avocado, with a yummy herbed rice.


Baked or grilled chicken or fish corn tortilla/ tacos, with herbed (cilantro) rice. Giant salad.


Beef meatballs with corn or rice pasta w/ sauteed spinach, and a big salad.


Giant veggie/rice stir fry with whatever veggies you like: broc, carrots, bok choi, collards, snow peas, pea pods, mung bean sprouts, kale, whateveryoulove. Add meat/ tempeh/tofu as you choose.


Bean, meat, veggie chili with big salad, cornbread.

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we enjoy humus, either homemade or store bought. I like to use carrots as a dipper, but rice cakes are good.


Can you use goat or sheep products? If so, goat and sheep cheese is very good. I buy goat or coconut milk yogurt. Coconut milk ice cream sweetened with agave is good too, but that might be more sugar than you want.


Peanut, cashew or almond butter? You can get GF crackers, but this is good on celery sticks.


Hard boiled eggs


salsa and corn chips


bean salad (mixture of red beans, black beans, garbanzo beans and olive oil, cilantro, lime juice)


There are lots of GF bread recipes too. If I recall correctly, there is a nice one called Walrus Bread that works well in the bread machine. But, I have looked for this recipe in a while.

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