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Prayers Please Baby Grayson

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I am 40 weeks 3 days I have never been past 38 weeks. Grayson's head is turned looking at my right thigh. I am dilated between a 4.5 and a 5. I have had my membranes stripped twice and I am going back tomorrow to have my membranes stripped again. I am using a cold pack and binding my belly to get him to turn. I am physically, mentally, and emotionally exhausted. Please pray for his head to turn and that we have a safe delivery. We are going for an ultrasound next Tuesday to check his fluid levels if I don't go into labor by then. If you can offer any other suggestions please let me know.

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when I was in labor with my youngest (he is now 8) his head was turned to the right side. I was fully dialated, but nothing could happen until he turned his head. Stayed that way for 5 hours. They had me laying on my left side alot. Not sure if that would help, but I don't think it would hurt. As soon as he turned his head, he popped out. Too fast for the doctor to get there. The nurse caught him. Will be praying for a safe and happy delivery!

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Guest IdahoMtnMom

My great nephews head was turned at a horrible angle... when mom's water broke, they had a c-section team standing by (we have a small hospital and on weekends surgical staff is on call only so in the cases of a suspected problem, they get them in the doors and waiting) and after about an hour and a half of labor, he wormed himself around. The rest came so quick, there wasn't even time for an Epi... and little Alex is perfect!!!

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:grouphug: and prayers.


Both my kids did this, but to the left. The pushing urge got so bad with my second, when I was 6 cm, that I just started to push and that got him in the right direction. I went from 6cm to crowning in the time it took me to get off the medicine ball and onto the bed. So sometime they do find a way without outside intervention. Hope all goes well for you.



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Definitely try the inversion.


I used that to move my last little one. I was only 38 weeks when I realized that he had his head the wrong way so I had a little more time/room to move him around, but just a couple of times he moved around into the correct position.

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I am praying for you and baby Grayson, and trusting God to help you both during this time. My sympathies too, as I had one son stuck sideways for a week. The doctor was able to turn him "manually", and he stayed put thank goodness. I just remember how uncomfortable it was, so my heart goes out to you.




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Drink as much water as you can stand. And then drink some more. That will help keep your amniotic fluid supplies as high as possible, and giving him room to "swim" might help with the turning. Maybe?


Good luck!


P.S. I had my kiddo at 41 weeks, 1 day and he was just beautifully cooked up!

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