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Iron Count?

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What are normal levels? Mine came back 11.1, & mw only mentioned it when I told her how tired I've been. She said it's usually not treated unless it goes below 11 OR if a person's complaining about being REALLY tired.


So she's going to call in an rx, but in the mean time, I've been sort-of wondering & not having much luck on Google--probably because my brain's mush. I've never had low iron before...at least not low enough for anyone to mention.


Part of me? Figures since I don't have to go to work, who cares if I'm tired? :yawn: I do hate napping, though, & when the exhaustion wraps over into something more like pain, it really does stink.

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11.3 and above is usually considered "normal" for pregnancy. I don't have clients supplement unless it's under 11. And if it's under 10 then we bring out the big guns (Floradix or Hemaplex AND liquid chlorophyll...more about those below). Some care providers don't begin focusing on bringing it up until it's under 9.


I'm not sure how far along you are but it is normal and good for your hemoglobin to drop a bit. It's a good sign that your blood supply has expanded (there is also a jump in weight around the time this happens, around the beginning of the third trimester). Of course when it does, many women will feel it like you described which isn't fun. The risk of it getting and staying too low is that if you end up with more bleeding than normal at delivery, low hemoglobin may cause a higher risk of PPH.


Before supplementing add more iron rich foods into your diet. If you still need a supplement I recommend Floradix, Hemaplex (not as $$ as Floradix), or liquid chlorophyll. The body will assimilate more of the nutrients and iron. They also will not constipate you. If you use the Floradix or Hemaplex your pee will turn yellow due to your body eliminating any B vitamins it doesn't need. ;)




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  • 3 months later...

I took one iron pill & about died. But I just got the results of last week's blood work today, & it's dropped to 10.5. :tongue_smilie:


When I told the mw what a hard time I had w/ the last one I tried, she recommended slow-release iron, which I happen to have in the cabinet. I went ahead & took one of those about an hour ago, & I guess if it doesn't create problems, I'll stick w/ that. I looked at floradix & hemaplex on Amazon, so I'd know what I was looking for, but--it seems like it would make more sense at this point to buy one or the other in person. Target? Whole Foods? Specialty health food store?


And when I told her I figured it was silly to treat it this late, she pointed out that I'd be losing blood upon delivery & was concerned that it could go pretty low. How big of a deal would that be?


They did the full panel of blood tests last week, & that wiped me out pretty bad. She said it shouldn't have, but...wow. I'm thinking they shouldn't take so much blood this late in pg because, by golly, I *need* it! :lol:

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And when I told her I figured it was silly to treat it this late, she pointed out that I'd be losing blood upon delivery & was concerned that it could go pretty low. How big of a deal would that be?



ANY time you lose blood, for whatever reason it is a big deal to your body. And as a woman of child-bearing age, you NEED the iron. With each pregnancy I was anemic (low in iron) and I have had episodes since then. You DO feel REALLY TIRED when you're iron is low. So, buck up and take that necessary iron supplement for your health so you can be a healthy Momma to that precious child of yours! It's also even more important to take it if you live at a higher elevation. But, regardless of the elevation, your body evidently needs it.

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ANY time you lose blood, for whatever reason it is a big deal to your body. And as a woman of child-bearing age, you NEED the iron. With each pregnancy I was anemic (low in iron) and I have had episodes since then. You DO feel REALLY TIRED when you're iron is low. So, buck up and take that necessary iron supplement for your health so you can be a healthy Momma to that precious child of yours! It's also even more important to take it if you live at a higher elevation. But, regardless of the elevation, your body evidently needs it.


Oh, I'm definitely wiped out, but I guess I just figured that after the delivery, the iron count would bounce back. :001_huh::D


If the slow-release iron doesn't bother me, I'll take it. In case it's as bad as the other kind I tried, though, I wanted to know what my options are--do w/out, find hemaplex/floridix somewhere, etc. And if the latter can really only be ordered online, I don't want to put off ordering for too long.

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My iron was low and dropping until I started using Ultimate Iron by Enzymatic Therapies. It is the only iron that works well for me. Within a week my anemia symptoms improved (ice cravings stopped, more energy, hair stopped falling out). Floradix works ok for me, but this works better, is less expensive, and doesn't taste bad. :tongue_smilie: The regular iron pills do nothing for me. My iron went down even more when I was taking those.

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If you don't go outside without sunscreen on regularly, your vitamin D levels may be low as well. Just a thought. I have always had iron issues. I take 2 slow release iron pills every day. No problems fortunately. :001_smile:


Also if your iron has been low for awhile you might have iron store issues. I had to go to an oncologist/hematologist to find out what was going on with that. Apparently many doctors don't even check for it. Your iron can be ok, but still have iron store issues.



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What supplement are you taking? Are you also getting iron-rich foods? When are you due?


Any iron that you buy at Target, Walmart, Walgreens, etc. is going to be CRAP. Pure crap. It is hard for the body to use it.


Take the Hemaplex. Whole Foods, small local health food store, etc. should carry it.


And when I told her I figured it was silly to treat it this late, she pointed out that I'd be losing blood upon delivery & was concerned that it could go pretty low. How big of a deal would that be?

The risk is that if your iron level is low at delivery, if you were to have more bleeding than normal, you are at a higher risk for postpartum hemorrhage.


Your iron level at 10.5 isn't that low. If you were my client I would have you adding iron-rich foods and drinking pregnancy tea (if you weren't already. It has nettle and alfalfa, both of which are great for blood). Then I would recheck it in two weeks (depending on when you are due...if sooner, I'd recheck in a week). If it continues to drop then we would add in the Hemaplex. If it dips still, we'd do Hemaplex + liquid chlorophyll.


It wouldn't hurt to have the Hemaplex on-hand. It's not expensive (like Floradix is) and is something you may have need of in the future.


NY time you lose blood, for whatever reason it is a big deal to your body.

Yes, it is. However, our bodies were designed to bleed after birth. Some bleeding is normal and healthy. That normal bleeding doesn't wipe a woman out and require supplementation. If there were any extra bleeding close to or a true PPH, then yes, she's going to need to boost her body with iron-rich foods and/or supplements.

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What supplement are you taking? Are you also getting iron-rich foods? When are you due?


Well, I just took one today...It's women's slow-release iron. It looks like a generic store brand. I'm guessing it's just the Kroger brand.


Any iron that you buy at Target, Walmart, Walgreens, etc. is going to be CRAP. Pure crap. It is hard for the body to use it.


Well, then, that's probably what I've got: Brand CRAP. :lol: I'm sure dh just picked it up at Kroger or WM.


Take the Hemaplex. Whole Foods, small local health food store, etc. should carry it.


Yeah, if I don't have to order it, it's not too bad--I'll ask dh to pick some up on his way home tonight or tomorrow. I was just concerned about the wait time if I did have to order it. Although I seem to be tolerating the (can we call it something else?) Brand CRAP just fine. ;)


The risk is that if your iron level is low at delivery, if you were to have more bleeding than normal, you are at a higher risk for postpartum hemorrhage.


Oh, I thought hemorrhage had to do w/ quantity of blood lost. Which would obviously deplete a person's iron. But I didn't realize low iron could going in could effect...well...huh. Does that mean you'd bleed more, or does the term measure something else? :confused:


Your iron level at 10.5 isn't that low. If you were my client I would have you adding iron-rich foods and drinking pregnancy tea (if you weren't already. It has nettle and alfalfa, both of which are great for blood). Then I would recheck it in two weeks (depending on when you are due...if sooner, I'd recheck in a week). If it continues to drop then we would add in the Hemaplex. If it dips still, we'd do Hemaplex + liquid chlorophyll.


I don't know what kind of tea dh usually fixes...gosh, I'm sounding spoiled, w/ him going to get the iron pills & fixing tea, lol...but I got some raspberry leaf tea recently, & I've been drinking a cup or two of that most days since. Is the pg tea a Yogi tea or something else?


I've been sort-of trying to add iron-rich foods, but not as seriously as I should. One of my favorite things is a green smoothie, & I hadn't completely unpacked the blender, so I did that this afternoon. I'd been planning to make a spinach quiche at some point, & I went ahead & set out the recipe & the spinach, too.


I'm due in about a week & a half--I imagine I'll make it to 2 more appts. I don't know how long it takes to get iron levels up...I guess I figured long enough that there wasn't a lot they could do to check it between now & then.


Wow. I sound like Eeyore when it comes to health. :lol: "They probably can't fix it anyway. Or if they could, there's not time." Really, it's not meant to be so pessimistic, more like easy-going.


It wouldn't hurt to have the Hemaplex on-hand. It's not expensive (like Floradix is) and is something you may have need of in the future.


Thank you! :001_smile:

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The reason doctors don't treat iron deficiency till they have to is because too much iron can encourage the growth of cancer -especially if you are over the age of 50 and your hormones are no longer able to taper it. That is why most multivitamins aimed at the over 50 group do not contain iron.


I would try natural iron sources first -eat it naturally.


The other thing you can try is to add a glass of fresh juice to your diet. My iron was at 11 and I was chronically exhausted. I started drinking one glass of fresh juice that I juiced myself -(any fruit or veg you want to use but adding something green is especially helpful) - and viola - no more exhaustion.


I've been sort-of trying to add iron-rich foods, but not as seriously as I should. One of my favorite things is a green smoothie, & I hadn't completely unpacked the blender, so I did that this afternoon. I'd been planning to make a spinach quiche at some point, & I went ahead & set out the recipe & the spinach, too.



Just wanted to add that the iron in spinach is basically unable to be digested by the human body - so eating spinach is not going to help you - try Kale instead.

Edited by sewingmama
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The reason doctors don't treat iron deficiency till they have to is because too much iron can encourage the growth of cancer -especially if you are over the age of 50 and your hormones are no longer able to taper it. That is why most multivitamins aimed at the over 50 group do not contain iron.


I would try natural iron sources first -eat it naturally.


The other thing you can try is to add a glass of fresh juice to your diet. My iron was at 11 and I was chronically exhausted. I started drinking one glass of fresh juice that I juiced myself -(any fruit or veg you want to use but adding something green is especially helpful) - and viola - no more exhaustion.


Just wanted to add that the iron in spinach is basically unable to be digested by the human body - so eating spinach is not going to help you - try Kale instead.


I don't have any kale on hand right now, but...good grief! I can't *believe* ... I mean...what's the POINT of eating spinach if not iron??? :svengo:


Oh, & you know...I hadn't thought about it, but I put yogurt in the smoothies I make. Calcium + spinach = nada, no matter how you slice it, huh?


Shoot. I hate thinking I'm doing pretty well & finding out...not so much. :tongue_smilie: Thank you, though! I'm glad to have better info. :D

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Your hemoglobin (hmg) isn't so low that I'd be worried about getting it up quickly for the birth. It's something to keep an eye on but not horribly low.


Oh, I thought hemorrhage had to do w/ quantity of blood lost. Which would obviously deplete a person's iron. But I didn't realize low iron could going in could effect...well...huh. Does that mean you'd bleed more, or does the term measure something else?

Yes, right...it is. If your hmg is on the low side, if you were going to bleed more than normal, you're at more of a risk of doing so. Low hmg doesn't automatically = PPH.


Is the pg tea a Yogi tea or something else?

*shrug* It's just a tea with RRL + additional, beneficial herbs. Traditional Medicinals makes a good one. I looked at Yogi's (Mother-To-Be Tea) the other day and wasn't impressed with the ingredients. I like TM's because it has nettle and alfalfa. You can also buy some great loose herb blends.


There is time to bring it up. Getting that iron-rich food in (and know that iron from plants is absorbed much less than "heme" iron found in meat) will help. A good quality supplement (Hemaplex or Floradix) will help. And if it drops more (I'd say if it hits 9), I'd also hit it with the supplement & liquid chlorophyll.


I'm just taking the approach that it's just something to keep an eye on, it's not a huge concern at this point, it won't hurt to supplement, and just enjoy the last bit of your pregnancy. :)

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Whole Foods doesn't carry hemaplex. :glare:


Mw wanted me to take 2 of the slow-release/day--so far, I took one yesterday, one today. It's not nearly as bad as the herbal one I tried last mo, but wow. I'm so nauseous I can hardly sit up, & I haven't even upped it to 2 yet! Plus, while I was REALLY tired before taking them, now I'm...not even a zombie. I googled, & it says that a) taking iron can initially make you MORE tired & b) it takes about 120 days to feel any improvement.


That really annoys me.


My question, though. Dh asked the guy at WF about hemaplex--they didn't have it but did have floradix, but only in the liquid form, which I've read starts to taste pretty weird after a couple of days. They had a brand...dh thinks it was called megafoods...that makes a pill form that's really popular w/ pg women. Apparently, it's so good, that that's the reason floradix stopped making pills--megafoods took over the mkt.


I don't do much w/out checking w/ you guys first, so...:bigear: Have you heard of this stuff? Should I hold out for hemaplex? I don't think I can manage another day of the slow-release...

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Drink more water. It's my best advice.


I'm not usually good at drinking water, but lately...I don't know. It tastes even better than ice cream, lol. Whether or not that's enough at this point, it's a huge improvement over the usual. And as much as I have to go to the bathroom now, I'm not sure there's time in the day for MORE water. :lol:

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I took one iron pill & about died. But I just got the results of last week's blood work today, & it's dropped to 10.5. :tongue_smilie:


When I told the mw what a hard time I had w/ the last one I tried, she recommended slow-release iron, which I happen to have in the cabinet. I went ahead & took one of those about an hour ago, & I guess if it doesn't create problems, I'll stick w/ that. I looked at floradix & hemaplex on Amazon, so I'd know what I was looking for, but--it seems like it would make more sense at this point to buy one or the other in person. Target? Whole Foods? Specialty health food store?


And when I told her I figured it was silly to treat it this late, she pointed out that I'd be losing blood upon delivery & was concerned that it could go pretty low. How big of a deal would that be?


They did the full panel of blood tests last week, & that wiped me out pretty bad. She said it shouldn't have, but...wow. I'm thinking they shouldn't take so much blood this late in pg because, by golly, I *need* it! :lol:


You are so close to the end of the pregnancy that you may not be able to get it up before delivering, but please treat it so it won't drop any lower.


Take it from someone who knows. My first pregnancy the ob did not treat though it kept dropping and I delivered at a whomping 8.5. If I said that I was a completely limp noodle and total exhausted for weeks, I would not be exagerrating.


I was 11 at my 28 week check-up with ds and mentioned to my midwife that it had been REALLY low by the end of the pregnancy first time around, but they decided not to treat because that was the policy. No treatment until under 11. At 34 weeks, I wasn't feeling well and when they tested me for something else, they noted my hemoglobin was 9 despite taking my pre-natals and eating high iron foods. When he delivered, we'd manage to keep it above 8....8.1 so I didn't have to get a blood transfusion as the hospital rule was 8 and below. Came home in bad shape again.


Pregnancy number 3...everyone was fairly forewarned. Though not given any of the prescription drugs, I was on a high iron diet for the entire pregnancy and Chromagin (sp?). Despite that, at 36 weeks it was 8. After delivery and a near bleed out because I was also low potassium (something that I wasn't treated for so between the two, you can imagine about how well my blood clotted), I hit 6. At that point, there is no blood transfusion that makes a recently delivered, nearly bleeding out mom feel significantly better. Mostly, you are just a mess when they send you home with your newborn and you are supposed to nurse despite the fact you are weak as sheep.


Pregnancy number 4...at that point, exhausted bone marrow apparently because none of the prescription meds could get it above 9, but it managed to hover at 8.2 after and thereabouts after delivery...sigh...


The only good news is that if you hit these numbers, you are given medical permission to not a. chop vegetables or use any kind of knife, scissor, razor blade, etc. so you can foist all of that off on your dh for at least six weeks. b. shave your legs...that's right...don't even nick yourself pretty please. c. a very sweet home health nurse will drop by on a regular basis to see if you are behaving yourself, taking your meds, and generally still alive! :tongue_smilie:


So, take it from me...don't let it fall. Treat it!



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It's been so very long for me that I can't recommend pregnancy brands, but I do recommend treating it no matter how close you are to delivery. I'm not sure how watching all your other kids qualifies as "not working," :lol:, and if your iron drops low enough, that last week is going to feel like a month. It's worth trying a few brands, imo.


I always take iron with food so I don't get sick. Yes, absorption may be better on an empty stomach, but taking it with food beats the heck out of not taking it. If you are worried about constipation, take a natural stool softener (NOT a laxative). For me, that only applies the first few days, then my body adjusts.

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I always take iron with food so I don't get sick. Yes, absorption may be better on an empty stomach, but taking it with food beats the heck out of not taking it.

As long as your food doesn't have calcium. Foods high in Vit C are what should be consumed along with iron to help the body absorb it.


My question, though. Dh asked the guy at WF about hemaplex--they didn't have it but did have floradix, but only in the liquid form, which I've read starts to taste pretty weird after a couple of days. They had a brand...dh thinks it was called megafoods...that makes a pill form that's really popular w/ pg women. Apparently, it's so good, that that's the reason floradix stopped making pills--megafoods took over the mkt.


I don't do much w/out checking w/ you guys first, so... Have you heard of this stuff? Should I hold out for hemaplex? I don't think I can manage another day of the slow-release...

Floradix IS a liquid. I've never known it to be in pill form.


Never heard of megafood brand. I found it online: Blood Builder It looks pretty good. Would be better on the body than the slow-release you are taking.


The reason I give recommendations of Hemaplex and Floradix is the hema is cheaper. If you can swing the near $40 for the bottle of Floradix, go for it.


What I've found with most clients who need and use Floradix is they don't mind the taste at all when they start. I always warn them that it's not pleasant and suggest mixing it in some OJ or grape juice (do NOT take it with milk, coffee, or soda). Then they'll come back with, "Oh, I think it tastes good!" Then a week or so later they tell me, "...then suddenly one day it just tasted like nails!!!!" That's one way I can tell her hmg has recovered before I do a hmg recheck. ;)



re water intake - Put it in a cup or bottle that you can't see through. You'll drink more.

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As long as your food doesn't have calcium. Foods high in Vit C are what should be consumed along with iron to help the body absorb it.


I got some high-iron cereal & sat there eating it in milk before I realized how pointless that was. :glare::lol:


Floradix IS a liquid. I've never known it to be in pill form.


I thought I saw it that way on Amazon. Yeah, here.


Never heard of megafood brand. I found it online: Blood Builder It looks pretty good. Would be better on the body than the slow-release you are taking.


I ended up getting that. I figured that would be better than nothing, if I need to order the hemaplex. And anything's better than the way I felt on the slow-release today.


re water intake - Put it in a cup or bottle that you can't see through. You'll drink more.


I think I'm getting plenty of water. 16-20oz at a time, constantly all day long. Normally, I'd have to push *hard* to reach 64oz, but besides it tasting good--better than any alternative, lol, I'm *thirsty.*


ETA: I also got the kale, pg tea, & other suggestions. Thanks, guys!

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This is what my midwife advises. I was amazed how fast it worked. Nothing else ever worked like that. http://www.metagenics.com/products/a-z-products-list/Hemagenics


Also, when anemic it is normal to crave ice, so maybe the extra thirst is your anemia? But mine was lower than yours...it was 9 when I started treating, and back up to 12 in a few weeks of taking those pills.

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