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Kindle or Nook?

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To me the only advantage of the Nook is that you can check out digital library books with it, and you can't with a Kindle. But I've heard that in the fall the Kindle will be able to open the library files. I've also heard that in November there's going to be a price war between Nook and Kindle - but that's speculation. I love my Nook, but I'd probably love my Kindle too if I had one.

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Here is what I tell folks:


I have a Nook, and I am fantastically happy with it. I am sure I made the right choice!


My best friend has a Kindle, and she is fantastically happy with it. She is sure she made the right choice!


If you talk black and white editions, both are slim, have long battery life, work well, have e-ink screens.


With the Nook, if the battery stops charging properly, something that eventually all batteries will do, you can easily purchase a very cheap replacement battery at the store or online, pop in, and off you go. With Kindle, you have to mail it in, be without it for a while, and they send you back a refurbished unit-- to which you must re-download everything you have purchased. (you should not have to repurchase, though Amazon has had issues in the past with sometimes removing items from it's store due to copyright issues-- I highly recommend making backups to your computer).


I speak highly of B&N customer service. TSA once broke the frame of my Nook. B&N replaced it, out of warranty, at no cost to me. It still sort of worked, so they mailed me my new one before I had to send the old one back, and sent shipping labels, so I did not even pay shipping, and I was not out of service a single day. Bringing your Nook into a store nets coupons and discounts. Free books on Frjdays, being able to lend books to others, borrow from libraries, and other perks are quite nice.


At the end of the day though, it isn't a decision to lose sleep over-- the products are so similar that you'll be happy with either one. I certainly don't see them being displaced by the iPad or android tablets-- the e-ink screen is zero eye-strain, the battery life is unmatched, and people want boom readers to read books and not do everything else.

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I adored my Kindle for 2 years until it died. Completely dead. No chance of revival. :confused:


I have been checking out the Nook Color but I am not sure I want to spend so much. Plus I hear stuff about the screen being hard to read on for long periods of time. I plan on getting an Ipad so maybe I will try to read books on that.


I like the regular Nook but compared to my kindle (2nd generation) the screen size looked smaller than I was used to.


As others have said you will love whatever you get.

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I have an original 3G Nook, and I love it. I prefer it over any of the Kindles I have used. That being said, unless they come out with a 3G model of their newer Nooks (color or b/w) I probably will not buy another one.


The 3G capability is very important to me.

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My 7yo just purchased a regular Nook (the touch version w/ e-ink, not color) with some money he had saved up. I've been enjoying playing on his ;)


DH and I have several B&N gift cards and are planning to use them for a Nook of our own.


I love that we can borrow through our library system, and then we joined the Philadelphia Free library, which offers a ton of selections for the Nook.


I am sure I would enjoy a Kindle, but we already have the B&N gift cards. Being able to use the Kindle for library books would be awesome, but I'm impatient ;)


I like the e-ink and it seems easy on the eyes. I want to be able to read in bright light outside.

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The only real drawback to the Nook is if you will ever be traveling internationally and want to buy books from B&N while outside the US. Hopefully it is something they will correct soon, but the last time I checked it was still not possible without great hassle.


Before dh got the Kindle app for his model blackberry, he had the Nook app. I tried to buy him a book as a surprise. To do so from outside the US I had to allow my mom (in the US) to access my B&N account, buy the book, download/unlock it and then and only then was I allowed to get it to his device. It was a multi-step hassle.


Other than that, really the devices are pretty similar and if you like one, you'll like the other. My experience is that whichever you use first will probably be the one you have the preference for. If you don't plan to use the Nook (buy books, I mean) internationally, it should not be an issue.

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I think Kindle comes with it's own set of international issues. I've never tried to use mine outside the US, but I do remember reading something about it when I was researching.


I settled on the Kindle. I've had it 14 months and LOVE IT. It's a second generation. With the cover, it fits nicely in my purse and I use it all the time. I bought DH a 3rd Generation for Father's Day and he loves his.


Like someone else said, unless you're looking at the Nook color, it's nearly and apples-to-apples decision. You can play with them all at Best Buy and see what you like the feel of best. I hated the touch screen on the Nook, so that was a big factor in my choice of Kindle over Nook. Plus at the time Amazon had a better selection and better prices for books. The other big thing that swayed me was that Amazon had ALL the reviews out, good bad and ugly for the Kindle. I searched and searched and searched and could not find them for the Nook at the B&N website, even though they offer reviews for everything else they sell. . . it made me feel like they were hiding something from me.

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I recently bought a Kindle and I love it! Though my friend has a Nook and loves hers too. So I think if you are a family of readers, you would enjoy either one as an ereader. My kindle is easy to read versus reading on the computer. I have found tons of freebies over the last couple of months--new authors, indies, first book of a series, etc. It's really just too easy to one click and have a book or sample sent automatically to my device. The ebook samples are usually much better than the samples Amazon has for paper books too. There is a new Nook Touch now , but I found it harder to use. I prefer the side buttons on my kindle rather than a touch screen.

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I have a Kindle and I love it, but I am a faithful and perpetual Amazonian. I never really even looked at a nook. I like that I can read my kindle anywhere, even if i don't have it with me, since my iphone has my kindle account linked to it.


I do usually keep my kindle in my purse.

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Nook for me because of the library books:). Once I read that, I didn't even look back. If the Kindle gets that feature, I would look more closely when time for a replacement. But, I'm happy with my choice:)


Our small library had a sign up this week saying Kindle is getting this feature. :hurray:



I love my Kindle.

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I have a kindle and love it! Kindle will get the library feature before the end of the year. I'm also betting there will be new products and price drops from amazon in the next few months. There is a rumor that they are coming out with a new tablet. If you can wait, I would see what is going on with prices in September-November and you might get a better deal (although nothing is certain).

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]I think Kindle comes with it's own set of international issues.[/b] .


Nope. No international issues with the Kindle at all.


I live in Brazil and have only ever used my Kindle here, never in the US (well, I've read in the US but never bought books there). It has not been a problem at all.


In the beginning there was a fee if you downloaded over the 3G/Whispernet while outside the US (or wherever your home country is) but they have removed that fee and it is now free to download direct to the Kindle wherever you are.


Also it has always been free to download to the computer than transfer via USB, which I do anyway because of having the back-up of my books right there on the computer and for saving battery life, I don't have to remember to turn wireless on/off.


If one needs international usage, the Kindle is hands-down the way to go. Speaking from experience, not as someone who's never used her kindle internationally.

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Thank you all so much. I will probably end with the Kindle b/c I too am an Amazonian :) I get so many giftcards from there using Swagbucks b/c they cost fewer Swagbucks. I will keep my eyes open for the price drop and for the library book feature.


Before I decide, I will go and play at Best Buy...great idea!


Thank you!

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