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? chest freezer location ?

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We really need a chest freezer. We just don't have room for one unless I want to put it in my living room!


I've got a small utility room in the house but it's uninsulated and without heating or cooling. It is attached to the house on an outside wall though so I suppose like an attached garage in temperature fluctuations. I've got shelving in there and use it for storage and a freezer would take much of the room but it could fit.


We have a detached steel/pole barn building type garage but it's uninsulated and without much shade. Temperatures would vary greatly and compare to outdoors. We live in Indiana so cold in the winter and hot in the summer.


Would the unattached garage be a definite no because of temp extremes? What about the utility room? Give up?

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My grandparents have theirs on the back porch in central FL and have for at least 33 years - they even had the same one for 27 of those years. Temp extremes didn't seem to hurt it. Though if you are very concerned about it, you could try disguising it as a counter/workspace inside the house.

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I have mine on the back porch, too. This past winter was the coldest we've had in a while with well below avg temps and lots of snow, and this summer is definitely on the HOT side. It hasn't seemed to make any difference to the freezer. Also, my ex-MIL always kept hers in a detached garage in MS that didn't even have garage doors. It's been there for at least 20 years and is still going strong.

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I've been thinking of getting one, too, but no room inside. Garage is not an option either, says dh. We could probably do our back porch...


ETA: how much do these things cost?

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We have ours in a detached shed that has electricity, but no heating/air conditioning. Our chest freezer is 14 years old and has spent the past 11 years in the shed with no problems at all. We live in NC, which has a wide variation of temperatures between winter and summer.

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Some brands won't honor your warranty if it is not kept in the house. My understanding is that this is more of an issue with recent freezers than older ones though.


We just bought a new one over the weekend from Lowe's. We had been watching a particular model for about 6 months, and it finally went as low as we've ever seen it so we got it on Saturday.

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My mom kept her very large chest freezer in the family room of our house while I was growing up. She pushed it all the way down in the firthest corner then put a foldiong decorator screen in front of the side that would be seen. And true to the 70s, she also covered it in woodgrain contact paper so it would blend more with the paneling on the wall LOL.

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From DH, the master refrigeration dude, chest freezers are fine in garages. It's a refrigerator (freezer on top, fridge on bottom) that doesn't do so hot out in the heat. He does warranty work, and the warranty is void on refrigerators if they are stored in garages or the like.

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We also have a chest freezer on our back porch, uncovered. We've had it for many years with no issues, other than occasionally rain leaks inside and can freeze around the gasket. It doesn't get super cold here in the winter, but it does get over 100 in the summer.

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We've had our freezer outside for the 2.5yrs we've been in Australia - cold in winter, but above freezing, and very hot in summer - and we've had no problem. It's an old freezer, and survived "drowning" in a foot of muddy water 4yrs ago, so maybe it's an exceptional survivor!

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