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Target $1 section has classics


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Y'all must have a better Target! I went all through that section this morning looking for something else, and there were definitely no books! Fourth of July bowls, stress balls, water toys, pencils & erasers, etc. Nothing good - just junk!

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Y'all must have a better Target! I went all through that section this morning looking for something else, and there were definitely no books! Fourth of July bowls, stress balls, water toys, pencils & erasers, etc. Nothing good - just junk!


That's all mine had this weekend. Maybe we'll get the "back to school" stuff in the next week or so.

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Sorry if this was already posted, I was at target today and got a bunch of the classics for $1 each. Little Women, Treasure Island, The Wind in the Willows, Moby Dick, Heidi, White Fang, and I think there were a couple of others. Just thought I would pass it along!

Mine has the classic, abridged versions for $1 and classic, unabridged for $2.50.


Just to add, ours additionally has Pollyanna in the $1 books and four other titles in the unabridged, $2.50, including Anne of Green Gables and Dorian Gray.


I picked up a few for my young readers!

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Mine has the classic, abridged versions for $1 and classic, unabridged for $2.50.


Just to add, ours additionally has Pollyanna in the $1 books and four other titles in the unabridged, $2.50, including Anne of Green Gables and Dorian Gray.


I picked up a few for my young readers!

Oh I am so hoping my Target has the same!! I got some of the abridged versions for $1 last year (Huckleberry Finn, Peter Pan, Oliver Twist & The Story of Doctor Dolittle) but I would love to get them unabridged as well, and you can't beat $2.50 on a brand new book!! I think a trip is in order tomorrow ;)

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.. but I would love to get them unabridged as well, and you can't beat $2.50 on a brand new book!!


I don't know if this is something you have thought about yet, but most of those classics (unabridged) are free for kindle or e-readers. With the price going down, it's about to the point where it's cheaper to buy the kindle and get the books for free.

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Woot, I was in Target the other day and found both versions ($1 abridged/$2.50 unabridged). I picked up ones that I normally otherwise had not planned to get. There was not a big selection anyway though. We already started collections of Sterling unabridged and Classic Starts abridged.

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Oh I am so hoping my Target has the same!! I got some of the abridged versions for $1 last year (Huckleberry Finn, Peter Pan, Oliver Twist & The Story of Doctor Dolittle) but I would love to get them unabridged as well, and you can't beat $2.50 on a brand new book!! I think a trip is in order tomorrow ;)

I picked up those last summer. We read Peter Pan and The Wizard of Oz. The kids loved them, even if they were abridged. You know, I just have to say there is nothing wrong with abridgements for young children. I know some people think they are just the worst things in the world but.... I don't.

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I picked up those last summer. We read Peter Pan and The Wizard of Oz. The kids loved them, even if they were abridged. You know, I just have to say there is nothing wrong with abridgements for young children. I know some people think they are just the worst things in the world but.... I don't.

Oh, no...I agree! I don't mind the abridged at all, especially for early on! I just definitely want to get the unabridged as well for later on :D


I went today and our Target doesn't have them yet :/ Bummer!! I am sure they *will* get them at some point...I was just hoping for instant gratification! ROFL!!


I don't know if this is something you have thought about yet, but most of those classics (unabridged) are free for kindle or e-readers. With the price going down, it's about to the point where it's cheaper to buy the kindle and get the books for free.

I know...I really really want to consider getting a Kindle, LOL! Part of me doesn't want to b/c I just love the feel of the actual book in hand, but part of me knows how great it would be to download and go.... *sigh* :svengo:

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Ended up at a different Target today (not on purpose, but it was in the same parking lot as where we were going, so I figured I would just check, lol) and they had VERY few left. I managed to snag up:

The Call of the Wild

White Fang

The Wind in the Willows


Treasure Island


They also had Polyanna and Heidi, but I opted not to get those. I think I have a version of Heidi already and I am not sure if DS will want to read either one anytime soon ;) They had Moby Dick as well, and I didn't get it b/c I could have sworn I already had it, but I don't :glare: We got Huckleberry Finn, Peter Pan, Oliver Twist & The Story of Doctor Dolittle last year.


And yeah, they were specifically in the dollar spot...the ones I found were literally buried on the bottom shelf underneath some of the workbook type things they had scattered. I would definitely do a little 'digging' b/c I almost missed them completely this time!!

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Ended up at Target AGAIN today (gosh I love that place, lol) and they have put out a TON of school-related things now!! Ours was FULL of new workbooks, flash cards, and SO much more. A lot was stuff that wasn't much help to us personally, and/or we already owned something similar, but I still had some great finds!!



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Ended up at Target AGAIN today (gosh I love that place, lol) and they have put out a TON of school-related things now!! Ours was FULL of new workbooks, flash cards, and SO much more. A lot was stuff that wasn't much help to us personally, and/or we already owned something similar, but I still had some great finds!!





I got a few of those dry erase boards and some flash cards that DS picked out.


Is there a 12 step program for Target? :lol:

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Our store had the books a while back, but I think they've sold them all now. I love the school stuff in the $1 section. I always say that it's only a dollar, but I end up putting 15 things into the cart. My husband tries to steer past the entrance as fast as he can. Sometimes I still grab a few things and put them into the cart when I catch up. Target is great!

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Oh, no...I agree! I don't mind the abridged at all, especially for early on! I just definitely want to get the unabridged as well for later on :D


I went today and our Target doesn't have them yet :/ Bummer!! I am sure they *will* get them at some point...I was just hoping for instant gratification! ROFL!!



I know...I really really want to consider getting a Kindle, LOL! Part of me doesn't want to b/c I just love the feel of the actual book in hand, but part of me knows how great it would be to download and go.... *sigh* :svengo:


I read A LOT. My parents have been trying to convince me for years to get a Kindle, and I resisted. They ended up giving me one for Christmas last year. It just didn't have that book feel. Then they put the leather cover on, and wa-la!! It's fine! Now I LOVE IT!!! I truly don't know how I lived without this thing for so long. You NEVER have to wait for books to come from Amazon or the library - you just order, and there they are! You don't have to keep a stack of books in your "to read" list - they are all on the Kindle! Take the plunge! (I will tell you, though, that my book budget has been completely blown.)


PS - it's worth paying extra for the little light that comes out of the cover for nighttime reading without disturbing your other half!!

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How many did your Target have?


I bought The Wind in the Willows, Pinocchio, Moby Dick, The Call of the Wild, White Fang, Black Beauty, Little Women, Polyanna, and Heidi (those last few hoping that #3 is a girl. ;>)


I noticed on Amazon that there are others in the series though, including Peter Pan, the Story of Doctor Dolittle, The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn, etc. I would love to get some more of those boy ones, especially, if they are available. Might brave the heat and try the other Target this afternoon if there is a chance of finding them.






Thanks for the tip! I made a special trip to Target at bought the whole collection. They will be perfect for dd7 who is not ready for the unabridged classics...yet. :)
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I'm a little bit leery of really cheap classics. I've gotten burned several times, even by books that clearly say unabridged. I'm thinking of Landoll versions specifically. I've also had a copy of Tom Sawyer and a copy of Little Men that looked unabridged. There was no notice of abridgement, edited by, or anything like that. The language was properly antiquated. But with both of those I ended up with another copy for some reason and felt the need to compare. Both of mine were missing one or two chapters from the original. I was seriously peeved. That said, several years back Wal-Mart had unabridged classics 2/$1 that truly were. These were plain jane paperbacks. My 2 that were missing chapters were illustrated and hard cover. So I generally pass on anything iffy that has the "look" of my Tom Sawyer and Little Men. I don't mean to be a killjoy. Just a warning to double-check. If they look iffy get a copy out of the library and compare chapter numbers while you still have the receipt. :D


On a more positive note I found mini dry erase markers in a pack of 3 for $1 at Target. I only got one pack because I wasn't sure how they would work. They work great!! I'm happy for the price and the size because my name brand expo markers get ruined continuously by "Mr. Nobody" carelessly leaving the lid off of them or leaving them in the reach of toddlers before they're even half-used. :glare: I won't feel so badly if that happens to a 33 cent marker. Those Expo markers are 'spensive!

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