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I'm going to London!

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Oh, Dawn...I hope your trip is wonderful.


I have no idea what happened. My dad came over tonight to pay me for the ancestry.com subscription I bought which I have been using to research his family tree. He knows very little of his mother's side of the family because her parents died when she was 14 and she was raised an orphan after that.


So, anyway, he just said my brother called him this morning and told him about London. He said he thought I should go -- that it was the chance of a lifetime. I told him that my mom offered to pay for my ticket, and he said I should take her up on it because she doesn't really spend money anymore.


So, dh and I dropped the boys off at their piano recital pizza party and went to dinner. He asked what my dad and I talked about. I told him London. I then said that my brother invited him as well and that he was getting an apartment for 7 weeks. I asked if he would consider coming out to spend four days there (not including travel days).


He said I was definitely going, that I deserved it, that he would try to make it some as well, but that there was no way I was going to miss it. He was all excited.


I was like: :confused:


He asked if that was why I was distant, and I told him I was just afraid to bring the conversation up. He looked confused like I should have no problem talking to him about it.


I told him that he was nitpicking the other night, and he said he didn't know what happened to him but he thinks he just felt so left out of something so great.


Oh, and walking into the restaurant, we were talking about our piano instructor and how her personality is rather dull but how she is a great teacher. I said, "You know, it's hard to find a person who has everything." He said, "Well, you do."


Sometimes I feel like I live in the twilight zone.

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Wow, friends. Such support and joy I find when coming here!


I'm still not really sure what got into dh the other day -- or at other times. His vision has grown worse, and thank you to the person who mentioned the brain tumor possibility. Just today, he planned to rent Harry Potter 3 to watch with the boys, and I remembered to bring the Blockbuster card with us when we went to church (he thought he'd have to come back to the house for it) so that we could save time. He said, "You are just amazing -- you do everything just right."


Totally don't get him sometimes. :tongue_smilie:


Thank you all very much. I (perhaps we -- dh is not sure if he will be able to come for a few days or not) will be leaving in late August after our son (hopefully) graduates from Officer Candidates School in Quantico, VA. We're not sure if my mom would really want to watch the boys several nights along with the days, and my husband doesn't want to burden her.


We start the passport process tomorrow, and I will buy a ticket in a few days once the bank finalizes my brother's plans.


I am definitely noting all of the suggestions many of you have mentioned, and I will be starting a "must-see in London" list soon. I still cannot believe I will be going. We just never seemed like the kind of people who could travel internationally! LOL

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Great news, Dawn. I didn't respond to your original post, but I sure hope you have the time of your life on your trip!! th_Airplane.gif



I'm thrilled for you Dawn. Have a wonderful trip..

And I just gotta' say - this is the cutest "smiley" I ever saw :tongue_smilie:

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