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s/o hating Aspergers - I hate Tourette Syndrome

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My dear sweet boy has the most annoying and painful tic yet. His eyes jerk to the sides so all we can see are the whites. He tries to compensate by moving his head in the same direction as the tic.


The severity of the tic is giving him headaches and making him nauseated.


People have asked about it because it looks like he is rolling his eyes and being disrespectful. He can't ride his bike because when his eyes jerk he can't watch the road (this happened and he crashed).


What breaks my heart is that he has asked to go to the doctor and get a new presciption to help stop the tics. He hasn't been medicated in over three years. That request alone tells me how intense and disconcerting this tic is.


This precious boy has kept the severity of the tic quiet for weeks because he didn't want it to exclude him from his Sea Base trip. Aside - there was one boy (17yo) from out-of-state that joined DS's crew. He was a total jerk to DS the entire trip, picking on him because of his tic. Good thing I wasn't there or that kid would have received a lesson on the Boy Scout oath and Law, as well a general life lesson, that he would never forget.


Kudos to DS, though. He did the shopping for this weekend's Boy Scout campout and he is still going. He is not letting it slow him down.

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:grouphug: I understand how hard it is to watch your child suffer and not be able to fix it. My 9yo old has mostly verbal tics. They make it really difficult to speak. It comes and goes in severity. When they are bad he can hardly get out three words in a row without having to clear his throat and make other sounds. It can be very frustrating for him. I have even noticed that he will keep to himself when his tics are bad and not be his normal talkative self.


I would be very upset if an older teenager was teasing a younger child about his tics.:glare::cursing::mad:

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I often wonder if DSS has a tic. He does a similar "eye roll" thing but he doesn't realize he's doing it. It happens frequently and seems involuntary but of course we notice it most during inopportune times (where it appears disrespectful to the person talking with him). What your son is dealing with sounds awful.

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I hate TS too-

I especially hate the eye rolling and eye "pushing" tics. When I read that only the whites of his eyes showed when he tics, my heart.. my whole body hurt for you guys. :grouphug: I've watched both of my daughters get beyond exhausted with these tics. It's so hard to watch them endure this. My kids also do things to hide their tics. Right now they're both focused on vocal tics and they try to cover them up with high pitch humming and singing (which actually doesn't cover up very well :001_smile:).


I hope this tic comes and goes quickly for him. And, I hope that if he has to encounter that jerky kid again someone sets him straight.

It makes you grateful for the friends who don't seem to be bothered with the tics and all that goes with it. Thank goodness for the people who love our kids just as they are..

Sometimes I'll ask the girls, "Has so and so ever asked about your tics?" They just shrug and say "Yeah, I just say I can't help it and I'm not contagious."


I really admire these kids. When dealing with my own health issues, I often want to crawl under a rock and never come out. But these kids just keep on keepin' on.

Hats off to your son, and to you! He sounds like a great guy.

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