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7th graders in MA surveyed about...

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oral s3x.


Yeah, yeah, Fox News is evil. I get it. Whatever.


Here is a quote from the article.

Principal Fran Thomas told Fox News Radio that students were indeed given the survey – and admits it was graphic. But Thomas said the school has nothing to do with the content and they were required to administer the survey to fulfill a grant requirement.

“I can take no responsibility for what’s on that survey,†Thomas said. “It’s not generated by the school system.â€


Does anyone else think this is passing the buck?



Another reason I'm glad I homeschool.




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oral s3x.


Yeah, yeah, Fox News is evil. I get it. Whatever.


Here is a quote from the article.


Does anyone else think this is passing the buck?



Another reason I'm glad I homeschool.






That principal's response sickens me. he's an adult in charge of children. he sold their innocence for grant money.

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I read the article and it totally ticked me off. Some of the comments were crazy too.


The survey was completely unnecessary. The fact that there was absolutely no REAL thought put into the decision process other than GRANT MONEY makes it even more unconscionable.

Edited by Daisy
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“It was not optional,†he said. “It’s part of a grant that they applied for and the district said you have to administer this survey.â€


Well then, you simply say, "We don't need that particular grant." Sorry, but I don't buy that you MUST sell out your middle school students.



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“It was not optional,†he said. “It’s part of a grant that they applied for and the district said you have to administer this survey.â€


Well then, you simply say, "We don't need that particular grant." Sorry, but I don't buy that you MUST sell out your middle school students.



Did I read it incorrectly or did the CDC say that the survey was not a stipulation to receiving the money?

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Finger pointing. It's not my fault. :glare: Well if you're in charge who's fault is it then? Critical thinking skills and personality responsibility, two more reasons I'm glad I homeschool.


I would bet a large majority of 7th graders are familiar with what oral sex is, but do they need a graphic survey?

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Did I read it incorrectly or did the CDC say that the survey was not a stipulation to receiving the money?


I read where the CDC said the questions were optional, but I never saw where they were optional for the grant.


Too bad.

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It's a crying shame that parents have no control on the content their kids are exposed to in public school. This entire situation is not only completely innappropriate (no wonder young children are having sex if they are coming across this kind of material) but scary to say the least. The principal himself has no control? Please, give me a break. All for the sake of the almighty dollar.

Add me to that "glad we're homeschooling camp" as well!

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I remember taking a similar survey in 9th grade. It didn't upset me, but I thought it was stupid and invasive. As I recall they didn't learn much from me. The smart aleck that I was then replied with a lot of bogus answers.


Yeah, seventh grade seems a bit on the young side for some of the questions, but then I remember that more then a couple 8th graders at our little middle school have been pregnant. So, can you honestly say that most 7th graders don't know what orals3x is?


I don't agree that schools the place for this especially when there has been no parental consent, and I certainly don't agree with forcing kids to take it in the schools quest for more money, but I don't think the questions are necessarily out of line for that age group.

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I live in a completely different world. A world where every single parent I know would go through the roof at the idea that their 12 year old was exposed to a graphic sexual survey. And if nothing else they'd be pissed off that information about their children's sexual activities was bought and sold like a commodity.

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I live in a completely different world. A world where every single parent I know would go through the roof at the idea that their 12 year old was exposed to a graphic sexual survey. And if nothing else they'd be pissed off that information about their children's sexual activities was bought and sold like a commodity.




My 12 year old would be embarrassed and uncomfortable if he were asked those questions. Not to mention he'd have no idea what they were talking about... So thankful that I can homeschool. Those surveys have nothing to do with education public or otherwise.

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