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Acquit???? Anyone else following the Casey Anthony trial?

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If you look at the taped conversations while she's in prison she keeps going on and on about how bad it is for "her." She only discusses finding Caylee as it pertains to her getting out, not simply for the sake of finding Caylee (at least IMO). She's incredibly selfish. Her parents may be enablers to her bad behavior, but that doesn't make them guilty of anything with regards to Caylee's death. The whole "accidental drowning" defense is ridiculous IMO. There is even a jailhouse tape of her dismissing the drowning theory long before she went to trial.


I saw the tapes at the beginning of the trial, and as far as I can see, there was no drowning and no remorse for the death of this poor baby by Casey. I do honestly believe that Casey is guilty. I also believe that she is a sociopath - she reminds me very much of my ex-husband. I had disturbing dreams of him for years after our divorce - and he never did anything to me, or threatened me in any way. I think I just realized that he was indeed a sociopath, and as such, could be capable of almost anything.


For this woman, everything is about her - she might not have hated her child, but it seems like she saw her as a real inconvenience. And to a sociopath, it might just make sense to get rid of the inconvenience when you've had enough. I really hope that she is found guilty.

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Can you quote a source? I'm genuinely curious, not being snarky. I ask because on CNN, they've made a point several times that there have never been any allegations before.


I know Casey has brought up the abuse allegations BEFORE the trial, after she was in jail. I am not sure if she ever brought it up BEFORE Caylee died and disappeared.


The accusation came before the opening stmt of the trial.


Does that make sense?


I am a poor Googler but here is a website with a post dated 8/13/10 that analyzes an interview with George. There is a link to the interview. The interviewer brings up the abuse allegation. That part starts at about 6:45.


blog with link to interview

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I know Casey has brought up the abuse allegations BEFORE the trial, after she was in jail. I am not sure if she ever brought it up BEFORE Caylee died and disappeared.


The accusation came before the opening stmt of the trial.


Does that make sense?


I am a poor Googler but here is a website with a post dated 8/13/10 that analyzes an interview with George. There is a link to the interview. The interviewer brings up the abuse allegation. That part starts at about 6:45.


blog with link to interview



This is what I'm talking about. There are no prior allegations of abuse until it came down to needing to use it as a defense strategy. There are no prior police reports, no friends who can corroberate her story, nothing. I just don't believe her.

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If you'd like to continue to question my professionalism and integrity, perhaps private messages would be best?


The above quote assumes a whole lot.


You don't know if I am coming from a so-called "secular" view, a Buddist, Pagan, Wiccan, California woo-woo, or Christian one.


You can hold out hope for sociopaths and pedophiles. I'll continue to treat people who respond to treatment. And the people who are victims of sociopaths and pedophiles.


I agree .



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This is what I'm talking about. There are no prior allegations of abuse until it came down to needing to use it as a defense strategy. There are no prior police reports, no friends who can corroberate her story, nothing. I just don't believe her.


The first hint of any sexual abuse was a letter she wrote from jail accusing her brother of coming into her room at night and lifting up her sports bra. And she said 'I think my dad might have done it too but when I was much younger.'


Watching the trial today....a new possible witness prosecution trying to get in who was in jail next to Casey. This prisoner, a girl, had a child who drowned in a swimming pool. Child was found by the grandfather.


Casey is a liar. I've never seen anything like it.

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latest: Defese is planning to call to the stand an exconvict (kidnapping charges) who claims he spoke with George Anthony a few days before Caylee disapeared. Did I read that right? George is angry and just issued a statement of innocence through his lawyer. Cindy Anthony mouthed I love you to casey today who rolled her eyes and turned away. How awful. :(


Her Father Fights Back


This guy did an interview and said he did not have this number in question until Feb 09. Heard just a few days ago that he is still going to be deposed. I doubt he gets called to the stand. There is nothing to this at all. Just more diversion by Jose.


It makes me sick that George is being painted as a possible child abuser. There is ZERO evidence of that, but PLENTY of evidence that Casey killed her child.


The only thing I am not fully convinced of is that it was premeditated.....I think it is just as likely that she accidently killed her with chloraform or even that she drowned. But the covering up and hiding the body screams guilty...so who knows. I do not believe for one second George found the baby dead in the pool and hid the body. Nothing about that makes a bit of sense.

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I too am impressed with how the judge is handling it all.


I {heart} the judge big time. I like that he doesn't put up with all the nonsense (from both sides). He also seems concerned that the jurors are sequestered away from their families and wants to get the trial moving so they can get on with their lives. Part of me would love to be on the jury (though I totally believe she did it, so I'm not exactly the best candidate) but another part of me thinks it has to be just terrible.

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I haven't read all these replies....I can't keep up with the trial because we only have 3 local channels. But, on the Today Show today, they said that some news that came up (with the jury out of the room at the time) is that the claim that Caylee drowned in the pool and was found by her grandfather was something that another inmate claimed that's why she was in prison (or jail or whatever). So, now they are claiming that the defense heard this other womans story and basically stole the idea.


Will the truth ever really be known??


ETA: Eerily.....the mugshot of the other woman looks so similar to Casey.

Edited by ~AprilMay~
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I haven't read all these replies....I can't keep up with the trial because we only have 3 local channels. But, on the Today Show today, they said that some news that came up (with the jury out of the room at the time) is that the claim that Caylee drowned in the pool and was found by her grandfather was something that another inmate claimed that's why she was in prison (or jail or whatever). So, now they are claiming that the defense heard this other womans story and basically stole the idea.


Will the truth ever really be known??


ETA: Eerily.....the mugshot of the other woman looks so similar to Casey.


I noticed that too....about the other woman looking like Casey.


The other inmate wasn't in jail because her baby boy drowned. She was in jail for unrelated (minor) things...suspended drivers license I think. Anyway, she was only there for 5 days, but apparently told the story about her child drowning and the child's grandfather finding the child. They then called 911---but it was too late. The speculation is that Casey heard the story and decided to use it as her own.


The one thing we know for sure is that Casey is a liar. I do not believe the truth will ever be fully known because she is such a liar--I think she probably BELIEVES much of what she tells.

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I noticed that too....about the other woman looking like Casey.


The other inmate wasn't in jail because her baby boy drowned. She was in jail for unrelated (minor) things...suspended drivers license I think. Anyway, she was only there for 5 days, but apparently told the story about her child drowning and the child's grandfather finding the child. They then called 911---but it was too late. The speculation is that Casey heard the story and decided to use it as her own.


The one thing we know for sure is that Casey is a liar. I do not believe the truth will ever be fully known because she is such a liar--I think she probably BELIEVES much of what she tells.


Thanks for the added details....I didn't hear some of that.

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What do you all think about this new "mistress" of George Anthony showing up? Now, I know that these things happen all the time, but why are we (the media) assuming she is speaking the truth? Could it be that she's just a crazy lady that wants the spot-light and is making all of this up? Has there been any kind of "proof" or at least something that connects her to George Anthony? Or are we (again, the media) just taking her word for it because it adds to the sensationalism of all of this.


What do you think? Has anyone heard of any connection other than her story?

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Sociopaths don't have "the same" sense of right and wrong. They have knowledge of what other people - the culture at large - sees as right or wrong. But they don't have that "feeling", "capacity", or depth.


The research is important, and I understand your reaction to it. It makes sense, though, of their behavior. Sociopaths are generally born, not made. Their thinking and behavior can usually be traced back to early childhood.


This is what we have been told in the discussions with therapists about whether DSD is or not. (Of course will never know for sure until after personality stops developing.)

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I've been reading about sociopaths, and it is apparently the one disorder that just does not respond to treatment. If anything, counseling makes the sociopath more dangerous, because they get to practice their lying skills on the therapist.


We were told this also by therapists. Behavior therapy is worth trying, but that prison research shows that talk therapy could, and probably would, make it worse.

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This is what we have been told in the discussions with therapists about whether DSD is or not. (Of course will never know for sure until after personality stops developing.)


Wow. That must be a very hard thing for your family to have to deal with. I hope that she is not!

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Thank you. :001_smile: I don't talk about it much because I don't want to be called a troll and IRL people are much less than understanding. Which I actually do understand because our life is so far from a normal reality lol. If I had been told several years ago that a cute little girl was capable of what I've seen now, I wouldn't have believed it either


I only mention it here because I believe I have some insight and honestly Casey Anthony reminds me of my DSD. The lying for absolutely no reason and the willingness to do anything just to get your way, even if it makes NO logical sense at all, are what jumped out at me. I have DVRed and watched most of the trial because of it. Just because she was a wonderful mother when she wanted to be, esp in front of others, and seemed so nice at times means nothing. The whole situation is just so sad.

Edited by ds4159
"or" and "and" are not interchangeable :)
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Thank you. :001_smile: I don't talk about it much because I don't want to be called a troll and IRL people are much less than understanding. Which I actually do understand because our life is so far from a normal reality lol. If I had been told several years ago that a cute little girl was capable of what I've seen now, I wouldn't have believed it either


I only mention it here because I believe I have some insight and honestly Casey Anthony reminds me of my DSD. The lying for absolutely no reason and the willingness to do anything just to get your way, even if it makes NO logical sense at all, are what jumped out at me. I have DVRed and watched most of the trial because of it. Just because she was a wonderful mother when she wanted to be, esp in front of others, and seemed so nice at times means nothing. The whole situation is just so sad.




I'm sorry you feel that you can't talk much about here on this board. I don't know that anyone would call you a troll. I wouldn't.

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Factor 1: Personality "Aggressive narcissism"

Glibness/superficial charm

Grandiose sense of self-worth

Pathological lying


Lack of remorse or guilt

Shallow affect (genuine emotion is short-lived and egocentric)

Callousness; lack of empathy

Failure to accept responsibility for own actions


Factor 2: Case history "Socially deviant lifestyle".

Need for stimulation/proneness to boredom

Parasitic lifestyle

Poor behavioral control

Lack of realistic long-term goals



Juvenile delinquency

Early behavior problems

Revocation of conditional release


Traits not correlated with either factor

Promiscuous sexual behavior

Many short-term marital relationships

Criminal versatility

Acquired behavioural sociopathy/sociological conditioning (Item 21: a newly identified trait i.e. a person relying on sociological strategies and tricks to deceive)


I think anyone who has really followed the trial can identify tons of these in Casey.

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Sorry for your problems with your DSD....:(




I'm sorry you feel that you can't talk much about here on this board. I don't know that anyone would call you a troll. I wouldn't.


Thank you both of you! I haven't been here long and don't have many posts. Plus seriously what happens at our house is just WAY OVER THE TOP! LOL :lol: Seriously! My goddaughter comes over because she says it is better than a reality TV show on MTV. :lol: I just say at least someone can get entertainment out of it! I do love this board though. I tell DH that it is my "Great Escape."

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Factor 1: Personality "Aggressive narcissism"

Glibness/superficial charm

Grandiose sense of self-worth

Pathological lying


Lack of remorse or guilt

Shallow affect (genuine emotion is short-lived and egocentric)

Callousness; lack of empathy

Failure to accept responsibility for own actions


Factor 2: Case history "Socially deviant lifestyle".

Need for stimulation/proneness to boredom

Parasitic lifestyle

Poor behavioral control

Lack of realistic long-term goals



Juvenile delinquency

Early behavior problems

Revocation of conditional release


Traits not correlated with either factor

Promiscuous sexual behavior

Many short-term marital relationships

Criminal versatility

Acquired behavioural sociopathy/sociological conditioning (Item 21: a newly identified trait i.e. a person relying on sociological strategies and tricks to deceive)


I think anyone who has really followed the trial can identify tons of these in Casey.


Yes, I agree.

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Thank you. :001_smile: I don't talk about it much because I don't want to be called a troll and IRL people are much less than understanding. Which I actually do understand because our life is so far from a normal reality lol. If I had been told several years ago that a cute little girl was capable of what I've seen now, I wouldn't have believed it either


I only mention it here because I believe I have some insight and honestly Casey Anthony reminds me of my DSD. The lying for absolutely no reason and the willingness to do anything just to get your way, even if it makes NO logical sense at all, are what jumped out at me. I have DVRed and watched most of the trial because of it. Just because she was a wonderful mother when she wanted to be, esp in front of others, and seemed so nice at times means nothing. The whole situation is just so sad.


:iagree: So sorry to hear about what you are having to deal with! My heart goes out to you! :grouphug:

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The only thing I am not fully convinced of is that it was premeditated.....I think it is just as likely that she accidently killed her with chloraform or even that she drowned. But the covering up and hiding the body screams guilty...so who knows. .

How can this possibly happen? :confused:


I know accidental deaths happen all the time, but if it's truly accidental wouldn't the normal reaction be to call 911?


I can't possibly fathom a set of circumstances (I know you all can probably come up with some, but I can't fathom it for me) that would cause me to realize my child is accidentally dead and now I have to come up with a rational plan to hide the body and all that would go along with that. It just doesn't compute in my brain.


I guess if you were negligent, then the accidental death isn't really accidental, right? Like if she forgot her in a car on a 106 degree day or something. Then she'd be in a panic that she would go to jail so she'd want to cover that up.


This whole thing makes me so sad and sick.

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How can this possibly happen? :confused:


I know accidental deaths happen all the time, but if it's truly accidental wouldn't the normal reaction be to call 911?


I can't possibly fathom a set of circumstances (I know you all can probably come up with some, but I can't fathom it for me) that would cause me to realize my child is accidentally dead and now I have to come up with a rational plan to hide the body and all that would go along with that. It just doesn't compute in my brain.


I guess if you were negligent, then the accidental death isn't really accidental, right? Like if she forgot her in a car on a 106 degree day or something. Then she'd be in a panic that she would go to jail so she'd want to cover that up.


This whole thing makes me so sad and sick.


True....that is why I am more inclined to believe it was the chloraform ( I am sure I am spelling that wrong)...she knew she was negligent even if she didn't actually intend to kill her daughter. So she tried to cover it up. The reason I can't imagine premeditated is because her behavior afterwards seemd so unplanned....but that is part of her personality/sickness?...in that she doesn't face reality. So who knows.


I've been gone most of the day and am hearing something about George's 'mistress'....ugh. She looks like a real winner.... I hope it isn't true that he had an affair, but even if he did I still do not believe he was involved in the death or coverup of that baby.

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I guess if you were negligent, then the accidental death isn't really accidental, right? Like if she forgot her in a car on a 106 degree day or something. Then she'd be in a panic that she would go to jail so she'd want to cover that up.



Even parents who leave their kids in the car accidently don't try to cover up the death. :( But giving your dd (less than 2 years old) a drug to keep her knocked out is beyond an accident.

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I noticed that too....about the other woman looking like Casey.


The other inmate wasn't in jail because her baby boy drowned. She was in jail for unrelated (minor) things...suspended drivers license I think. Anyway, she was only there for 5 days, but apparently told the story about her child drowning and the child's grandfather finding the child. They then called 911---but it was too late. The speculation is that Casey heard the story and decided to use it as her own.


The one thing we know for sure is that Casey is a liar. I do not believe the truth will ever be fully known because she is such a liar--I think she probably BELIEVES much of what she tells.


According to the Today Show....they said the "defense" heard this story and took it as their own. I know Casey is on the defense...but they didn't say Casey heard this story and stole it...they said the defense. It made it sound to me that the lawyers heard that story and ran with it. I don't have any clue...but I thought it sounded like the lawyers. Which would be dirty and rotten....but I guess not surprising.

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According to the Today Show....they said the "defense" heard this story and took it as their own. I know Casey is on the defense...but they didn't say Casey heard this story and stole it...they said the defense. It made it sound to me that the lawyers heard that story and ran with it. I don't have any clue...but I thought it sounded like the lawyers. Which would be dirty and rotten....but I guess not surprising.


Every person deserves to be represented when accused of a crime. One of those reasons that the Magna Carta served as the basis for many of our fundamental rights and liberties. I think she is guilty as heck and Jose Baez one of the slimiest attorneys to watch in action but we do not all make a fortune nor do all of us prevaricate to win. Most but not all:lol:

Great attorney joke:

What is the difference between a lawyer and a dog run over in the middle of the road?

There are skid marks in front of the dog.:lol:

I feel that I can make this un pc joke as a member of the bar.

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Every person deserves to be represented when accused of a crime. One of those reasons that the Magna Carta served as the basis for many of our fundamental rights and liberties. I think she is guilty as heck and Jose Baez one of the slimiest attorneys to watch in action but we do not all make a fortune nor do all of us prevaricate to win. Most but not all:lol:

Great attorney joke:

What is the difference between a lawyer and a dog run over in the middle of the road?

There are skid marks in front of the dog.:lol:

I feel that I can make this un pc joke as a member of the bar.



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I'm confused. When did the child drowned thing appear? Why didn't someone say something sooner? Wouldn't it be better than murder charges?


In opening remarks, Casey's attorney claimed that she and her father were home with Caylee and Caylee drowned in the backyard pool. George, (Casey's father) supposedly found the baby dead--drowned in the pool. He screamed-again according to defense attorney's opening statement--'Look what you've done! Your mother will never forgive you and you will go to jail for child neglect for the rest of your LIFE!'.


And then George supposedly disposed of the body and poor little Casey had NOTHING to do with it. And why didn't she tell anyone? Why did she go 31 days before reporting her dd missing and then another 5 months without telling anyone before the baby's body was found dumped like trash? Because her father had sexually molested her from the age of 8 and therefore Casey is way messed up. That's the claim.


All brand new info on the day of opening remarks. George was one of the first on the stand to deny the molestation charges as well as knowing anything about a drowning much less disposing of the body.


And then in the last few days the story surfaces about the fellow inmate named April Whalen who actually DID have a child drown and the child was found by his grandfather. The prosecution wants April in as a witness....to show that Casey took this story to use as her own.

Edited by Scarlett
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This is the first I've heard of the drowning defense. Has the medical examiner been able to determine cause of death, or were the remains too badly decomposed? I would imagine the latter. Wasn't Caylee bound with duct tape, or was that just the bag that her body was placed inside?


Body too badly decomposed to determine how she died. Duct tape wrapped 3 times around her nose and mouth.


Defense had some witness testify that the duct tape was put there after she died. That was to bolster the drowning theory.

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George is a retired police officer. With his training, would he say to his daughter, "Here, honey. Put the body in the trunk of your car, in June, in Florida, and drive around with it for a few days...and then dump it in the woods down the street from our house. No one will ever look for it THERE." :glare:

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George is a retired police officer. With his training, would he say to his daughter, "Here, honey. Put the body in the trunk of your car, in June, in Florida, and drive around with it for a few days...and then dump it in the woods down the street from our house. No one will ever look for it THERE." :glare:


I know right? Not to mention the defense is trying like crazy to dispute the prosecution's belief that the body was in her car. I guess they are going to say that George took care of the body and it was never in Casey's car.

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Yep, me too. I'm watching it right now and when she talked about looking up chloroform, I said "She's lying," to dh. He agrees.


Just had this exact conversation with my mom. She's already lost her granddaughter and doesn't want to lose her daughter. Sad. The whole mess.

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Local tv stations run it all day here. It's kind of hard to block it out of our lives. One interview stated the whole drowning notion is just to throw some doubt in there. Just to give the jury something to mull over re: the faintest possibility of an accidental death - because this is a death sentence case.


Have you all heard about the craziness in the mornings with people/spectators trying to get into courtroom? It's a cattle call of sorts to get into the courtroom. The local radio station was calling it Black Friday madness to get in to view the proceedings. This case has hit such a raw nerve,especially in women.

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So, Cindy Anthony testified that she was the one that made Internet searches from the home computer for "chloroform," "break neck" and trauma injuries.


But records show she was at work at the time these searches were made.


Was this something the prosecution made a big deal of in front of the jury? Did he discredit Cindy?


Just curious, because I am not viewing the trial, just reading news on it. I didn't get it before when y'all were talking about her throwing away her integrity.


I can't imagine being in her position. I can't imagine how great the desire to save her daughter from the death penalty. But deliberate perjury when the facts can be easily contested? That's desperation.


I fear we will never know the truth.

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So, Cindy Anthony testified that she was the one that made Internet searches from the home computer for "chloroform," "break neck" and trauma injuries.




Why in the world would she look that stuff up? Did she make up an excuse for why she would do those searches?


My heart breaks with every picture of Caylee. She is so precious and beautiful. I want to scoop her up in my arms and whisk her away. Truly can't believe or wrap my head around what happened to her. :crying:

Edited by lovelaughs_times_three
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She obviously knew very detailed information about the searches because her answers were well thought out. I can't imagine being on the jury and thinking everyone is lying. I read earlier about George's testimony being questioned because of the supposed mistress. I guess he said on the stand he didn't have relations with her? I think the whole family is a bit twisted and feel so bad for that little girl.

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