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Would you wear this?

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My mil cleaned out her clothes the other day. She ask if I wanted any! I took some. I know the plain colored tee shirts will work.


She has some really nice shirts by Alfred Dunner. I do like the colors, but because the only people I know that buy this brand seems to be women in their 60's and 70's. I didn't know if this brand is made for mainly older ladies. I am in my late 30's and I don't want to look like I am out of style for my age. She has like two plaid shirts and I know my deceased mother would have loved them.


The plain ones look fine and I don't think you can put an age on them. The two plaid ones I am debating. I would say I like them, but not sure they would look right because my age.


Do you know what I mean? I am looking at some of my clothes going I like it but yet is it isn't my age. Am I clear! I know what I mean, but can't get it out in typing.

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No, I wouldn't wear any of my mil's clothes. My sister and I exchanged old maternity and nursing clothes. It threw our husbands off to see us from behind wearing the other's clothes. They mixed us up. After that experience, I'd never take a chance that my husband (or FIL) might confuse me with his mother.

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I guess I am trying to decide if I look like my mother when I wear them. You know going out into public people who know me I don't want to look like I should be 70!


Well, the one outfit may just hang till I decide. It is nice, but I just think I may not look young in it.

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My mom has given me lots of her clothes. I think I've only kept a couple of things. Mostly, I think they are so 'MOM' that I can't bring myself to wear them. The most recent batch included a pair of flowery capri pants, a silky blouse with big black and brown spots and a velvet brown jacket type of shirt to wear over it. I told her they weren't my style and she told me to donate them if I didn't want them. :)

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No, I wouldn't wear any of my mil's clothes. My sister and I exchanged old maternity and nursing clothes. It threw our husbands off to see us from behind wearing the other's clothes. They mixed us up. After that experience, I'd never take a chance that my husband (or FIL) might confuse me with his mother.


Good point! (and scary thought!)

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No, I wouldn't wear any of my mil's clothes. My sister and I exchanged old maternity and nursing clothes. It threw our husbands off to see us from behind wearing the other's clothes.

I wouldn't wear my MIL's clothes because we're totally different sizes! However my inlaws love to match. I've got tons of clothes that match my sisters in laws'. However, I'm rarely around them. My husband has never gotten us confused. Then again, I also look different from them, from behind and from the front! ;)


I have a hard time believing a plain t-shirt is going to age you or make you look like someone else. Try it on and see! Or try to alter it a bit to jazz it up.

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I know what you mean about Alfred Dunner clothes. Because I'm a larger size, I often have to look thru some yucky clothes to get what I want--clothing manufacturers seem to think fat and old lady go together.


I'd just keep the plain and donate the others.

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Well, you are only getting older yourself, ya know?


Besides, I think Alfred Dunner is a good conservative choice even for younger women who had to attend certain informal but classy functions and the 'old ladies' like me will just love seeing them dressed so nicely.


How old is too old to follow current fashion, anyway? Personally, I think if you have kids and are over thirty it is time to wind down on staying current with the latest and greatest fashion edicts as it just makes you look lame to be competing with teenagers.

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Don't worry I hate the teenager look! I am far from that!


I liked all the points! Yes, I am keeping the plain shirts, but it was the plaid ones I wasn't sure. I may leave it in the closet and than when I know I won't wear it donate it.


I haven't seen my mil wear any of what she gave me. It is smaller sizes and she is in larger now.

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No, I wouldn't wear any of my mil's clothes. My sister and I exchanged old maternity and nursing clothes. It threw our husbands off to see us from behind wearing the other's clothes. They mixed us up. After that experience, I'd never take a chance that my husband (or FIL) might confuse me with his mother.


:iagree: My husband's grandmother gave me something of her's she called "lingerie" :eek: that I'm not sure if she actually wore or not, but I could not figure out WHY on Earth she thought I would ever wear anything like what it was, let alone a second-hand from her (she's in her 90's!) I was poliet, since it was a Christmas present, but when we got home both my husband and I were like "no way!" It put it in the dress-up box for ds's friend who is a girl.

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Nope. I wouldn't wear them. I dressed beyond my years for a while when I was younger. Thankfully, I had a dear friend who ridiculed...er, rescued me. :tongue_smilie: It's much more fun to wear cute clothes. And yes, I even had a plaid shirt.....


Other than that I would say if it is not important to you to look a certain way, and you feel happy and lovely and comfortable in those clothes, that's really OK too.:)

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