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QUESTION about timing labor contractions............

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But, length and intensity can be important. One can have contractions 3 minutes apart, but lasting only 30 seconds and be manageable. A woman with this pattern may not be nearly as far along in the labor process as one who has contractions 5 - 6 minutes apart, lasting 60 - 75 seconds that are quite intense. Also, the mother's demeanor can tell a lot about labor progress that isn't reflected in the contraction pattern. If mom is still smiling for the camera, she usually has a ways to go;).

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But, length and intensity can be important. One can have contractions 3 minutes apart, but lasting only 30 seconds and be manageable. A woman with this pattern may not be nearly as far along in the labor process as one who has contractions 5 - 6 minutes apart, lasting 60 - 75 seconds that are quite intense. Also, the mother's demeanor can tell a lot about labor progress that isn't reflected in the contraction pattern. If mom is still smiling for the camera, she usually has a ways to go;).


I agree -- the situation is, errr, rather not typical however. DD32 suffered an IUFD and is scheduled to deliver tomorrow, however, she is having contractions now -- however, they have spaced apart considerably and are not at all organized.


Thanks! I think she will probably make it till tomorrow.

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free on line timer, if that helps http://contractionmaster.com/






I'm so very sorry. Praying for you both.





Have been thinking of you all a lot yesterday and today, Mariann. Prayers that the process goes safely for Stacey, and as quickly as is safe.



Thank you all so much! Things stopped after a couple of hours and Stacey's been resting.


She and her dh have to be at the hospital at 10am tomorrow - I will get Allison to school at 8am, get other things in order, and then meet them at the hospital.


DD10 is having a great time playing with her 'nieces' -- I have spent all day at Stacey's house and will go back to my sister's house tonight -- your prayers are so very much appreciated not only for Stacey and tomorrow but for me as I am very, very tired and finding it difficult to 'deal' with my sister. :grouphug::grouphug::grouphug:

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I've been reading your posts over the last few months and you've certainly had a lot going on. Your daughter is so very fortunate to have a loving, attentive, Mom like you. Your love for her really shows. :grouphug::grouphug::grouphug:


Thank you so very much -- that is just the nicest thing I've had said to me in the longest time. Thank you. :grouphug:

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Duration of contractions = The start of one contraction to the end of that contraction.


Frequency of contractions = The end of one contraction to the beginning of the next contraction.


So if one starts at 3:00:00 and lasts until 3:00:45. That contraction was 45 seconds in duration.


Then the next one starts at 3:04:00 so those two contractions were 3 minutes and 15 seconds apart.



My "rule" is 10-1-1.


10 contractions in a row that last at least 1 minute long and have been doing that for 1 hour.


For a first time Mama, length can be important to look at. Typically she's not going to be progressing much with 45 sec or less long contractions. Get some good 60-70 sec. contractions and things start moving. I've had several clients with #2 or more that have 45 sec contractions right up until pushing. But first timers, you will see longer contractions do the job.

Edited by Heather in OK
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