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HG Moms!

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I just want hugs or commiseration. Without advice about trying ginger, saltines, or sea bands. :glare: You know how THAT goes!


The zofran had been working so well the last 3 days and I was able to do things and eat some.


Last night and today I haven't been able to keep the zofran down. I'm thirsty, but can't keep water down. I'm weak, tired, dizzy, thirsty, and so on. I hate throwing up bile, it get so painful. I'd be hungry, but with all the food and stuff that's come back up today food feels like the enemy.


Anyway, I know no one in real life who has had a pregnancy like mine, but I'm not severe enough that I feel comfortable on the HG forums this time.

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With my first HG pregnancy, I found odd things that would stay down even when nothing else would (zofran wasn't available at that time...but my oh my was it wonderful for the second HG pregnancy). Munster cheese and koolaid were the two I remember (may not work for you, but the idea is to keep trying to see what does work).


Ginger, blech! Gingersnaps worked sometimes. Ice pops, yes. Sea bands, yeah right! :glare: Some mamas just have to go in for IV's to help bump them up again. :grouphug: I'll be praying for ya, hon. Been there three times.

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Thank you. The hugs and prayers mean a lot!


Yes, "getting" a baby would be wonderful. I'm over being pregnant and DH is WAY over it. HG both times.


I've been trying the weird things(cheerios w/ milk and sugar and somewhat flat/cool temp Sprite), but they haven't worked. Soft serve ice cream works....I know what DH is picking me up for dinner.


An IV would be great for zofran, maybe Wed when DH doesn't have to work. He can't miss work and, right now, we have one car.


Sea bands...I know people are well meaning, which is why I withdraw so much during pregnancy. They get so confused when I tell them what doesn't work. They get concerned, they wonder if my midwife actually knows what she's talking about, they wonder about the effects on my baby, they wonder about my health, they wonder why I might be able to eat and do something one day and be unable to keep water down the next and if it's in my head and they do it out loud. To me. :001_huh:


Bah. Thanks again!

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You have my complete sympathy. HG is the reason why we have stopped at two. I have no desire to ever be pregnant again.


For me, when I got to the point that I couldn't even keep down water, my OB sent me to the hospital for IV fluids and zofran via IV. It is all that worked for me. The last time, I was there for 2 nights. Hopefully, you find something that helps soon.

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I hear you. Everyone thought that I was just crazy. The only one that understood was DH and the doctor.


I remember craving something so badly, eating it till I couldn't stand myself ... with a trashcan beside me so that I cold vomit! I knew I would! LOL That is a serious craving. :D I lived with that trashcan for such a long time - room to room to room - so that I could pretend to function.

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I went through this for 3 pregnancies. So depressed at one point on the 2nd that I thought I really wanted to die. People just do not get it that haven't been there.


Oh man, the saltines:D I just about hit someone after getting that advice/sympathy for the umteenth time. "oh, I was really sick too, I just ate a lot of saltines and it really helped." Um, no you were not really sick, then.:glare:


and don't get me started on ginger. couldn't eat it for 13yrs after my first pregnancy in which i threw up ginger capsules for a couple of days straight:glare:


so lots of hugs from me.

different foods worked at different times for me. it was always such a guessing game of what would stay down and what wouldn't.


I will just gently check and see if you have tried the unisom/B12 combo? I do not want to give unwanted advice, and I know it doesn't help some people who are severely ill, but it was a miracle cure for me and I so wish someone had told me about it for my first 3. I actually was able to get through 2 more pregnancies with almost no vomiting.

And nevermind if you've been that route already:D


Anyway regardless, I'm so sorry you are going through this. Just focus on making it through each day:grouphug:



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I went through this for 3 pregnancies. So depressed at one point on the 2nd that I thought I really wanted to die. People just do not get it that haven't been there.


Oh man, the saltines:D I just about hit someone after getting that advice/sympathy for the umteenth time. "oh, I was really sick too, I just ate a lot of saltines and it really helped." Um, no you were not really sick, then.:glare:


and don't get me started on ginger. couldn't eat it for 13yrs after my first pregnancy in which i threw up ginger capsules for a couple of days straight:glare:


so lots of hugs from me.

different foods worked at different times for me. it was always such a guessing game of what would stay down and what wouldn't.


I will just gently check and see if you have tried the unisom/B12 combo? I do not want to give unwanted advice, and I know it doesn't help some people who are severely ill, but it was a miracle cure for me and I so wish someone had told me about it for my first 3. I actually was able to get through 2 more pregnancies with almost no vomiting.

And nevermind if you've been that route already:D


Anyway regardless, I'm so sorry you are going through this. Just focus on making it through each day:grouphug:




:lol: Right? Right!


Or, have you tried eating before you get out of bed? I did that once....


The b12/unisom together is the one thing I haven't tried. I've done phenergan and B12 and zofran and B12, and B12 by itself and the B12 never helped at all, so I'm wary, but curious. Next trip to the store, I guess it can't hurt to try!

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I am so sorry! Just reading this thread makes me feel ill. The B12 never helped me either, but I did do the unisom along with the zofran last time, and I thought that it was better.


I also felt better when I was at least a lurker on the HG forums. Even if you don't think you are sick enough to post, at least those women can relate better than your saltine friends.


If you are not keeping water down, it may be time for the IV. You will feel so much better, even if it is temporary.


The longer I think about this the sicker I feel. I am really sorry for you now.


ETA: This is why I am just starting to homeschool. How do you homeschool, when you can't even get out of bed for months on end?

Edited by matilda
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Unisom sometimes does help (if nothing else, like nasty phenagren, it helps you sleep through it). Oh, and brushing teeth (yes, I know, even rinsing with water will make you vomit), I found that baking soda was less likely to gag me than toothpaste. Toothpaste always left a nasty film that gagged me. Baking soda actually made my mouth feel clean.

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Been there the last 2 times. Forget the crackers and ginger. I had to have zofran through the IV for 2 days last time to get over the hump. I was sick for 20 weeks. The only thing besides reminding yourself that it will end eventually is to eat whatever you have a taste for. I wish I had found a magical cure all.

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Thank you. The hugs and prayers mean a lot!


Yes, "getting" a baby would be wonderful. I'm over being pregnant and DH is WAY over it. HG both times.


I've been trying the weird things(cheerios w/ milk and sugar and somewhat flat/cool temp Sprite), but they haven't worked. Soft serve ice cream works....I know what DH is picking me up for dinner.


An IV would be great for zofran, maybe Wed when DH doesn't have to work. He can't miss work and, right now, we have one car.


Sea bands...I know people are well meaning, which is why I withdraw so much during pregnancy. They get so confused when I tell them what doesn't work. They get concerned, they wonder if my midwife actually knows what she's talking about, they wonder about the effects on my baby, they wonder about my health, they wonder why I might be able to eat and do something one day and be unable to keep water down the next and if it's in my head and they do it out loud. To me. :001_huh:


Bah. Thanks again!


:grouphug: My 15 month old's pregnancy was like this. I ended up in the hospital over a dozen times, a few of those I had to stay a few days. I ended up with a PICC line and when we thought I was better, got rid of it. WORST choice. I should have kept it. IV meds were much, much better for me. Could you possibly try transdermal Zofran (lotion)? Reglan sometimes helped me more than Zofran. At my worst, I was on both every three hours by PICC. Just eat what you can, when you can... whatever sounds good.


I know it doesn't help now... but I've blocked out most of his pregnancy and I was instantly head over heels for him. I threw up the day after I had him (BOY THAT SCARED ME!) and then it was all over.


We did get surgically fixed due to this and other medical needs. I have one other bio child (mild hyperemesis with her, never went in for fluids) and two by adoption. :)


I could possibly live through it again if I didn't have kids to take care of. It was awful for them. Fortunately, apparently, they've blocked most of it out too!!



eta: unisom did help me some towards the end. I could NOT pair it with B6. I took folic acid but no prenatals. I was sick up until 38.5 weeks when my Dr. took mercy on me and induced me (not really, I was induced for another reason but he did give me three extra days ;) ). Once I was off my IV (stupid, stupid, stupid, if you get one, KEEP IT!!), I found that switching up meds once in awhile helped more than not...

Edited by littleWMN
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It is Vit. B6/unisom that you take. Not vit. B12. Sorry about the misinformation.

Also, I tried B vitamins alone and they never helped in the slightest.


And make sure you get the correct unisom. The make a newer one now that doesn't have the correct medication. Look on active ingredients, you are looking for Doxylamine.

take one half tab (about 10mg) of the unisom and 10 mg. B6 morning and night.



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:grouphug: I can so relate! I've been through this 3 times (my first pregnancy was normal).


Saltines....oh man! Apparently everyone my husband met (I didn't meet anyone, I was home in bed) had been 'very ill' during pregnancy or had a wive who was 'very ill' during pregnancy...but they just ate some saltines before getting up and everything was fine. Those stories drove me crazy, especially as my husband isn't very understanding of illnesses to begin with...and this just reinforced his 'you are just imagining this' attitude.


Remember to count down the weeks/days and imagine the baby you are going to hold.

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I can not tell you what having you all chime in saying you've been there, it sucks, and here's a hug has meant to me today. I've been so depressed, because there's days and days where I'm not able to be much a mom to my little guy...I've felt so guilty. In addition to all the other fun stuff.


:grouphug: Thank you all. It's been a tremendous blessing.


As for an IV, yes IV zofran plus fluids has worked wonders before, but I'm not quite to the point where I need fluids and my Dr's office doesn't do IVs, so I'd need to head to the ER. If things get worse I won't hesitate, but it's not there right now.


On the plus side, I found a popsicle(lemon) and kept it down and because of that was able to take a small sip of water plus zofran. I'm praying that stays down. I feel awful, but if it starts working...well that would be good. :)

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I forgot to add that I ended up on two rounds of steroids. The first one helped a lot (and got me off that stupid PICC I should have kept). The second one... not so much.


Don't wait too long for fluids. In my experience, getting dehydrated made me spiral downhill that much faster.


I'd pick up some ketone sticks if you can. My Dr. didn't know why I did that but I read it on the HG board and sure enough, every time I was horrible my ketones were very high (or low, or whatever, I can't remember how it works... told you I had blocked it out! I'd forgotten I was on steroids until just now...).

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It is Vit. B6/unisom that you take. Not vit. B12. Sorry about the misinformation.

Also, I tried B vitamins alone and they never helped in the slightest.


And make sure you get the correct unisom. The make a newer one now that doesn't have the correct medication. Look on active ingredients, you are looking for Doxylamine.

take one half tab (about 10mg) of the unisom and 10 mg. B6 morning and night.




You're right!! B12 are the shots in the bum or something :blush5:. I remembered the half Unisom right, at least. Eeep. Sorry!

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:grouphug: I'm on HG pregnancy #3 right now and it's horrible. I so feel for you! At least zofran has a generic this time around. The last 2 times I had to take phenergan.


I'll second what everyone else said about all the advice. With #1 I went to the CNM in my doctor's practice to see about medication. She still handed me the standard saltines and ginger list when I told her I couldn't even keep water down for 10 hours at a time :glare:. At least the ER was happy to give me a prescription. With #2 a man from church tried to comfort me by saying it would all be over by the 2nd trimester. Nice try, buddy! The scene from Mean Girls where Lohan's character is imagining the kids at the mall being like the animals at the water hole about to get attacked by the lion flashed threw my mind, with me as the lion!


I agree with the other poster who said that if you can really say that crackers helped you then you weren't that sick!!!!!!! I'm very grateful for my supportive friends. I hope to be able to see them before the pregnancy is over. DH got his referral to the urologist today :D.

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I'm so sorry. I'm currently pg with a Hyperemesis pregnancy too so I know how much it sucks. We'd decided we were done because I couldn't handle another HG pregnancy, but someone else had different ideas and here we are.


I've tried Phenegren, Zofran, Reglan, and Tigan. None of them helped AT ALL. Compazine has been the thing that's saved me and makes it so I can keep my head above the water most of the time. My best suggestion is to try some other meds. If you have a doctor who doesn't have experience or won't try other meds, SWITCH! My first OB refused to prescribe anything but Phenegren and Zofran. I lost 54 pounds while I was pregnant with DD. The OB I had for DS said, "Well, I've read about this in books before..." She just had no experience. Now I'm with a high-risk OB who has treated HG in many many women.


Feel free to email me if you want an ear. No one I know IRL understands what HG is either...

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