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How do you handle all the disturbing news you read?

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I hate being out of the loop, but I also get stressed out by knowing too much about what is going on in the world. I just want to live a simple, quiet life, KWIM? But, then I feel like I've put my head in the sand and try to get current on what's happening in the world. I read about murders, collapsing carnival rides, possible security breaches with passports, kidnappings, all of presidential candidates, government intrusion into personal DNA and medical records, and... I get stressed. How do you find a balance between keeping up with the world and keeping your stress level under control?

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I hate being out of the loop, but I also get stressed out by knowing too much about what is going on in the world. I just want to live a simple, quiet life, KWIM? But, then I feel like I've put my head in the sand and try to get current on what's happening in the world. I read about murders, collapsing carnival rides, possible security breaches with passports, kidnappings, all of presidential candidates, government intrusion into personal DNA and medical records, and... I get stressed. How do you find a balance between keeping up with the world and keeping your stress level under control?


I'm right there with you. I am an information junkie. When I worked, co-workers called me 'the curious cat' because I just HAD to know things. However, all the bad news can make my head spin. Sometimes I will force myself to avoid the news and even this board so that my brain can rest.


I don't want to be like a friend of mine though....I walked in from lunch one day and said, 'hey did you guys hear they caught the Uni-Bomber?' Friend says, 'who is that?'

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Yesterday morning, while making breakfast, I was listening to the news. I didn't realize how stressed it made me until I got on the boards and responded to a post in a less than gracious manner. THat's when I realized I must take a news break.


I think it comes from sensory overload. It's hard to even log onto your computer or surf through channels without hearing/seeing negative news.


So, I've decided to take a break from news sources. I did this about 18 months ago when I just avoided listening to the news for about 2 or 3 months. It was like a mind cleansing time.


I'm not suggesting that we live in a bubble, but a break now and then doesn't hurt.

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That seemed to help a bit. If there's something really going on, my husband will (usually) tell me about it when he comes home from work. Otherwise, I do not need to know about (and do not do well with knowing about) all the disasters in all parts of the world, all the rapes and murders in Philadelphia, all the house and warehouse fires in Trenton, all the gang arrests in Ewing (yipes!), all the squabbles of the school board members, etc. From global to local, it seems like it's all negative. Instead, we try to focus on the positive. Find positive news -- read about what people are doing to make a positive difference, and stick with that.

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I run around with my fingers in my ears singing, La la la la la la!


Not really. I only watch local news, which around here is pretty tame. Anything major that happens will be reported on it and I can avoid all the nitty gritty details of all the terrible things that happen in other places. It stresses me out to know of so much suffering and not be able to do a thing about it.

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My husband was in management in the home building industry. Both of us were loosing sleep over the news reporting that this builder was shutting its doors and the market is supposed to be bad for X months, years. Add that to all the murders and mayhem living in a metropolis, well, we couldn't sleep and we were nervous wrecks all the time.


So, here's our compromise. We use the weather channel to make sure we're dressing correctly for the day. I read Newsweek (and a few others) to keep on top of politics because this is an election year. I carefully avoid any stories pertaining to murders, etc. If something really important happens, my dh will let me know or I'll hear it at soccer practice or taekwondo.


I haven't missed it ONE BIT. I'm more relaxed and less sad. I've noticed my boys aren't thinking about some topics they used to see on the morning news anymore either. I don't know if I'll ever go back to watching the news. I don't think I live in a bubble. I've just weeded out the "junk" that affects me but that I have no control over, like babies drowning, and the like.


Just my 2 pennies worth.

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Not really. I only watch local news, which around here is pretty tame. Anything major that happens will be reported on it and I can avoid all the nitty gritty details of all the terrible things that happen in other places. It stresses me out to know of so much suffering and not be able to do a thing about it.


:iagree: We have our own trucking business and the rising fuel prices are about to send me over the edge!:confused: I can't handle more bad news on top of that.

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board because I'm not dealing with the issues well. It's really stressing me out and making me a grouch. It's addicting and not creating a peaceful home. I don't want to have my head in the sand, but I'm a much happier person if I don't know so much. I need some new perspective, kwim? So, I'll be on here less and on the computer less. Should be a good thing, I hope!

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Honestly, I stop listening as much. I still care deeply... but I have to just stop listening/watching. I am much more at ease and not as angry! I get news in bits and pieces and I try to keep up with major stuff but I check the news out more on a weekly basis than on a daily (or multi-daily) basis. kwim?

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We don't watch the news here. We do get the paper so I will see the front page if anything major happens. I find it too upsetting to see all the terrible things that happen. If I could *do* something, that would be different.


Try not to let the pain in the world rob the joy in your life. You will have enough bad times to deal with without living everyone else's grief. I get most of my news on the radio -- blessed short and without the visual details. I breathe a prayer and move on with my responsibilities.


I am speaking from experience on this. I was single when we had Desert Storm and I sat GLUED to the TV. I even kept it on while I slept because I was afraid I'd miss some breaking news.


9/11 paralyzed me for a couple of weeks. I am TOO sensitive and couldn't take care of my home/family or sleep because I was so worried.


:grouphug: Limit your exposure to what YOU can handle. Dr. Andrew Weil prescribes a "news fast" for his patients who are trying to overcome health problems aggravated by stress!

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I prefer the TV stations that do in depth reporting of a few stories rather than stations that spend one or two minutes on every tragedy and problem that's occured during the day. That is unless they can film someone crying as they tell their story.


The stations (these tend to be PBS) that do the in depth reporting may report on a tragedy and show pictures, but the reporter is screening, summerizing what's happening, giving background and, sometimes, analysing. If they interview someone, the person is typically not overly emotional or still trying to deal with the initial shock of a disaster. Often these news programs will also discuss possible solutions to problems from opposing view points. These news programs I find aren't looking to sensationalize the news for ratings and they often make me think about solutions to the problems instead of how horrible and scarry the world is.

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I know what you mean. I used to be so caught up in politics and see people just be all complacent about it and critize them that they were not "informed". But now I see there's nothing much I can do. And this election cycle is just plain depressing.


The daily bad news I never really got into on pupose. Only if I happened to hear it on the radio or while flipping the TV and saw something by accident. I have always tried to avoid this.


But then yeah you kind of feel like you're checking out and not informed and that its irresponsible to be uninformed. I always worry about if something is going on that I REALLY do need to know about and I miss it.


Also, there is just too much info. And it's instant. Word travels so fast. people can't process and digest anything. People can't stop and think critically about anything becasue there's just so much. I have my opinions on things (creation/evolution, global warming, political candidates, etc.)but to really be informed about all of this to have a meaningful discussion is really difficult. It's hard to remember all the stats and data and stuff. I read some of the posts here about politics and I just can't believe how much info people post and how thought out their view are. And it's on many different subjects, then there's our daily lives and homeschooling!


So something has to go. And for me it is this daily digestion of information and news. I want to be happy and peacful and focus on my family. I want to be present for them not busy gathering info so if I ever need to debate someone I'm well informed.


I used to think people who didn't talk about "important things" were shallow. But I am really having a different view on that now. I'm so tired of the heavy conversations. I just want to have some peace and enjoyment in my life.


I just pray, trust God and have faith that if I need to know anything God will bring it to my attention. And if I ever am in a heavy coverasation where I do need to speak up and be heard about an important issue that God will help me be articulate and have something useful to say.

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I learned to cut back - I never read newspapers, I never watch TV news. I get my news from the radio - no pictures to haunt me. I also check out specific stories in high quality magazines. I don't have the radio on all the time - hearing one story 20 times was like having the event happen 20 times.


I still fell well enough informed and I'm much better off for having the limits.

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