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The news

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I've always consumed a fair amount of news (say, one hour of NPR per day) and it never bothered me, but just recently, I'm starting to feel very stressed out by (1) increasing income inequality in this country and (2) the economic effects of climate change.


I would like to figure out how to not care so much.

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I was just talking to dh about this very thing the other day.


I did at one time. I would watch the news in the morning, afternoon and before bed. I listened to talk radio quite a bit as well as reading the newspaper online.


I don't anymore. I just am sick of it. It's all the same. (well, not really) It all seems the same. Different names, different faces but all the same stuff done by different people. A bank was robbed, someone was murdered, another child predator was caught.


I do think it's important to stay informed, and I don't mean to make less of any particular crime. I certainly feel for the victims or those effected in these situations, but after many years of hearing and reading about it, it just seems to be all the same.


I wouldn't say that it depresses me necessarily, but it just seems tiresome.


Now, I almost never watch the news or listen to talk radio. Generally, I scan the headlines when I get online or dh will tell me about something he heard. That seems to be enough for now.

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Do you read the news? I'm always so depressed at all the bad news. I don't usually go to news sites but today I did, and now I'm remembering why I don't go read them more often.


I dont watch or read news. Makes it hard though, b/c dh is Fox news junkie.

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We gave up watching TV news 3 years ago. We unloaded a lot of stress. We quit reading the news shortly after that and unloaded a lot more.

We do a pay some attention to national news concerning medical or upcoming elections. Otherwise, I don't pay attention to any. Some people may think that's being an irresponsible citizen. I say that I can't stand that much negativity. Plus, what I really need to know filter through most of my friends/family.

We were motivated to not watch/read the news because my dh was in construction and the news was so disheartening and terrifying to us. We lasted 2 years into the down swing before he was laid off. We would have stressed that entire time if we had continued to watch.

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I've never watched TV news, but as a journalist, I was quite a news hound. I had a job back in my early 20's though that required me to read every version of every Associated Press news story that came out, and it was during the mad cow scare. I haven't taken a newspaper since.

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Among the first things that I check (on the computer) in the morning and last things on the computer before bed.

My SIL does this. I check the news at least once a day. Even though dh works at a newspaper, he sometimes has no idea what's going on in the world but he likes to listen to NPR sometimes.


:001_huh:He isn't in the editorial dept.;)

I concern myself more with world happenings than local and state. The local is scary, state news I'll find out about eventually if it's important enough to me. I know there are people who pay absolutely no attention to the news, about anything! That's okay too.

Really, I can't stand the way it is sensationalized. The worst of the worst I can do without, and it is repeated over and over, so I don't listen or watch the same stuff, no.

I sleep just fine.:001_smile:

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Do you read the news? I'm always so depressed at all the bad news. I don't usually go to news sites but today I did, and now I'm remembering why I don't go read them more often.



Nope, for the same reasons. I know I should be more informed, but it seems like the same thing all the time and I just feel sick.

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