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First snow days.....now heat days

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I am in New Jersey (hitting 99 degrees today) and schools had early dismissal yesterday and now again today.


I know that the public schools have very little classrooms with air conditioning.


It just seems weird to me. I don't remember having "heat" days when I was a kid in school.


Do your schools have "heat" days?

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We didn't have heat or snow days.


I think here, there have been heat days, primarily in Baltimore City schools where there are a number of older buildings that would be stifling in the city heat. Where I am (eastern shore), I don't recall heat days... Though I am admittedly not paying much attention.

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I remember when I was a child in primary school, there was a week of extremely hot weather, around 40 -45oC ( 113o F) with a strong wind . It was so hot the teachers had all the students in the breezeway and were hosing us down while they waited for our parents to pick us up. It was pre air conditioners anywhere. I remember the paint on the walls in the hallway of our house blistered. We had terrible bushfires state wide that year ( Ash Wednesday)

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As a kid we had heat days and snow days.


Now, the only schools which close around here are the ones that aren't air conditioned. In the next county over, where I work that means about 4 schools are closing at 1pm. I attended this county school system growing up (20-30 years ago) and more schools weren't a/c so we had some number of heat days.


Otherwise, the county that I'm living in hasn't had any schools closed due to the heat. The buildings are newer and have a/c that is working.

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none of the schools here have heat days but then I am on one of NJ's barrier islands so there is usually some kiind of breeze. The schools just put fans in the windows and have lots of cold drinks for kids and teachers.


We only have snow days because 70% of the students live off the island (we are a receiving district) and when the ice builds up the buses can't go over the bridges. Wait, they only delay school for 2 hours on snow days, not the entire day. Just long enough for the ice to melt on the bridges.


When I was in school, WAY back then in Texas, school ended by Memorial Day and didn't start until after Labor Day so no closing for heat.

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No, we don't. That's a totally normal temperature here. Sure there would be "heat wave, stay inside" announcements on the news, but there wouldn't be any more complaining than usual from the general populace. Recess, sports games, etc would happen as scheduled.


No snow days, either, because it doesn't snow! It's snowed twice in my lifetime, and of course it melted immediately.


The school does plan for having a few hurricane days per year.

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I am in New Jersey (hitting 99 degrees today) and schools had early dismissal yesterday and now again today.


I know that the public schools have very little classrooms with air conditioning.


It just seems weird to me. I don't remember having "heat" days when I was a kid in school.


Do your schools have "heat" days?


Here in NJ (central), also. Our public schools had early dismissal yesterday, and will again today.


My 75 year old mother and I were sitting out in the heat yesterday, watching the girls splash and play in their little pool. My mom mentioned the early dismissal... (pause)... and then we both cracked up laughing.


When my mom was in school, she says that there was much more snow, the summers were just as hot, no one had air conditioning, and there were not any "snow" days or "heat" days.


I do remember snow days, but no heat days. I do remember that when I was in high school (and I'm 44), we were not allowed to wear shorts to school, but at the end of the year they relaxed that dress code to allow modest shorts.


I hear from my nephews (13 and 15) that kids these days wear pajamas to school? :confused: And I'm not talking about homeschoolers! :lol:

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I remember in high school in SC having heat days and getting out early a couple of days. The school building was one that was built before AC, but I don't think they were in session in August back then!


(We had AC but when it went out for about a week, they let us out a couple of days when it got above 90 in the classrooms.)

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We rarely had heat days, but then again most people didn't have home air conditioning so people were more accustomed to the heat. Didn't make a whole lot of difference whether one was hot at home or hot at school. We used to go to the movies to cool down.


The AC on my van went out and the part is on national backorder. It was 98 here yesterday and I'm at that stage in life where I'm sweating inside at 72 degrees.


It isn't pretty, and there's no word when the part may be supplied again.

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We use to have school closed due to:


Flooding: Once the road was so flooded we had to canoe to neighbors - we lived in the suburbs and had side by side houses.


Cold: From wikipedia for my home town ... The coldest since then was −45 °C (−49 °F) on February 18, 1966 and the coldest temperature during the last 25 years (1984) was −41.7 °C (−43 °F) on February 5, 2007. I use to have to wear ski googles to school and sometimes had to worry about exposed skin turning to frostbite in minutes


Snow: There are pictures of us having to use our upstairs windows instead of the front door, since the snow had blown up in such a way it totally covered our front door. Sometimes people wouldn't be able to see there cars in the morning and would have to dig them out just to get inside them.


Humidex: Occasionally, humidex readings exceed 40. 40 minutes away from my home town is a town that had a record breaking humidex recording, "the record humidex in Canada occurred on July 25, 2007, when ______ hit 53.0". To give you an idea at 54 heat stroke is imminent. I admit that happened in July when school was out for the summer. But just giving you a idea that my home town sometimes had hot weather. :)


Now for those curious, I grew up in.... Winnipeg Manitoba.



Edited by Julie Smith
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Our K-8 school is closing early today but my dd has school all day since the high school has AC. I don't think it's just the heat, although the heat index is over 100. We are also having Code Orange air quality warnings, which can be dangerous for anyone with asthma. I graduated in 1987 and I don't remember closing for heat but I also don't remember having so many air quality warnings and I don't remember there being so many kids with asthma and severe allergy issues.

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