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Chronic Fatigue Syndrome and Fibro...what needs do you have?

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A friend of mine is quickly deteriorating from fibro myalgia and chronic fatigue syndrome. Her doctor basically told her that she's dying...as in, her body is shutting down. She and I talked at length tonight with plans to talk some more tomorrow. She knows she has needs but her brain is in such a fog that she has a hard time even thinking about what those needs are, let alone figuring out how to ask for help.


What I know:


She lives alone (early 50's)

She cannot work

Doctors don't seem to know how to help her

She's losing weight and doesn't have it to lose

She's depressed and has cut herself off from most people because of her lack of strength and embarrassment over her medical health.


I don't know all she's tried in the way of meds or what her food related issues are. I'm afraid that she IS going to die of this if she doesn't get help both practically with day to day *stuff*, and if her doctors can't find some remedy.


Practically and medically speaking, please tell me what has helped you.

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Cut and pasted from another thread on fibromyalgia:


Here's the problem with fibromyalgia. It's not in-and-of-itself a disease - it's a collection of symptoms. Those symptoms can have different causes. That doesn't mean that different people don't share many of those causes and can't have the same treatments but one treatment won't fix everyone.


I have chosen to treat my fibromyalgia naturally after having gone the MD route and had some massive problems as a result (like heart problems brought on by the medicines). What has worked for me has been identifying some of the things that cause my particular symptoms.


Vitamin D deficiency- this was a biggie for me. My levels are within normal but I still take 5000 iu a day to keep it that way.


Parasites - yes, parasites. Who knows where I got them. Treatment for this (a mix of prescription and herbal medicines) made a huge difference for me.


Allergy/intolerances - Right now, I don't show any intolerances (as I've treated some of the other underlying issues). But 18 years ago (yes, I've had it over 20 years) I benefited from going on a diet that had no wheat, corn, soy, sugar, dairy or eggs. I did an elimination diet as well as blood tests to identify those intolerances.


Adrenal problems - This is a secondary condition - ie. my adrenal glands are stressed because issues in my body are stressing it. I'm still working this out but have benefited from keeping my blood sugar steady by eating 5 small (300 calorie) meals a day.


I still have problems and am going to a specialist - an MD/naturopathic doctor in St. Louis who specializes in difficult chronic illness. I still have some significant immune system issues, fatigue and muscle issues that I have no advice on because I haven't figured them out yet.


Thyroid - I had my thyroid tested and have hypothyroidism. I take a prescribed natural thyroid pill.


As far as supplements go, I take: Cal-Mag for my muscles (sometimes I take only Magnesium or have epsom salt baths because this seems to be a biggie for me with my muscle problems. I take fish oil, tumeric, Quercetin for inflammation. I take vitamin D. I take 5-HTP and melatonin for sleep issues (it works for me with no hallucinations or problems - do your own research to decide for yourself). I take high doses of probiotics. I often take oil of oregano, for immune problems and infections. I take selenium for my thyroid.


I have to have some light exercise every day. It is often excruciating to do so but I make myself because if I don't it is even more excruciating because my muscles will lock up.

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:grouphug: I'm glad you're loving your friend. It sounds like she desperately needs someone.


I'm wondering if she's been testing for any underlying issues?


What helped me the most was actually correcting some underlying issues. For me:


1. I had a severe vitamin D deficiency. This test would be 25(OH)D blood test. She would want a level 50 and above. I'd put money on her being low unless she's already had a low level corrected. This won't cause the condition but it will aggravate it--often causing fatigue, pain, fog, sleep issues, etc.


2. I actually had mild sleep apnea and disordered day breathing and swallow as well. I was often coming out of deep sleep to open the airway even when I wasn't actually having apnea episodes--there is a name for that--upper airway resistance syndrome. Not all sleep labs test for it. A significant portion of people with these issues will have it if the don't have apnea itself. With treatment I am, for the first time in my life, needing a normal amount of sleep to wake refreshed. I never got enough sleep and I could easily sleep 10, 12, 14 hours if allowed without relieving my fatigue. I wake up in 8 hours now. It amazes me. Treating the daytime disordered breathing and swallow has helped a great deal with my health and pain but I was lucky to have a sleep medicine dentist who addresses that issue. Here are some of the stories of his patients. I use an oral device.


3. I actually had an unknown adult onset underlying metabolic condition. Here is a more detailed post I made about that type of testing/treatment. Treating it helped me immensely. I think everyone with these issues needs metabolics tested as it likely contributes with a significant percentage studies make me suspect.


Those were my underlying issues. There are many. There may be some relief if hers are identified. If you know her symptoms I might be able to suggest underlying stuff to look at.


I'm wondering if your friend may need some help with depression (medication type help to start perhaps). She may well need practical help with home maintenance and errands. I'd be her medical advocate if you can and she's open to investigating if there are any issues that could be addressed.

Edited by sbgrace
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I have had CFS, Fibro, and Ulcerative Colitis and have recovered to the point of being symptom free for years from all of them after having electrodermal scan which showed many of the same problems that Jean has in her post.


Here are a couple of things she didn't mention: I was deficient in potassium (which my heart needed to function, so I had tachycardia as a result) due to digestion problems. I was deficient in chromium vanadium which my pancreas needed to function. Medical doctors didn't know what to do for these problems. They had suggested no treatment at all.


I was on $1000 per month of prescriptions and had tried physical therapy. They all seemed to work at first and ultimately make me worse. I started with suggestions from the book From Fatigued to Fantastic and was off of all prescription meds except thyroid within a year. 2 rounds of detox and supplementation from the Natural doctor added another 40% to my health.


The main thing I needed when I was really sick was a friend to make me feel validated and valued. I needed less friends who thought I was lazy.


It sounds like she could use help going to the doctor and asking for what she needs.

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I wanted to mention that when I was really bad I couldn't exercise at all. The PT ordered me not to climb stairs as it would leave permanent tears in my muscles. All exercise made me worse. It can and will do that depending on what is wrong... so I wouldn't necessarily encourage it.


I know of studies that have shown ppl with CFS showing the opposite effects from exercise than a normal person... decreased brain activity, decreased body temperature, etc.


Oh and if your friend is a Christian she may benefit from reading about God's love and the free gift of salvation... an emphasis on works certainly makes my depression worse.

Edited by Lovedtodeath
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Thank you, ladies. I'm storing all this information away for her. She's frustrated by mainstream medical doctors who seem to push this or that medication that doesn't help. However, when she brought this up recently to a nurse friend, she was pummelled for thinking that anyone else might be able to help. :glare:

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Thank you, ladies. I'm storing all this information away for her. She's frustrated by mainstream medical doctors who seem to push this or that medication that doesn't help. However, when she brought this up recently to a nurse friend, she was pummelled for thinking that anyone else might be able to help. :glare:

As I shared with someone going through this recently, an MD is trained to treat acute illness. For the most part, they will give prescription medicines that are designed to disrupt the disease process. But with chronic illness you are often left with only symptoms and in the case of fibromyalgia no specific known disease process to treat. So MDs can only treat the symptoms.


Naturopathic doctors are trained to treat a patient holistically. They look for the causes behind the symptoms and try to treat those. Naturopathic doctors can vary but in my opinion, the best are the ones who use both modern scientific diagnostic techniques (bloodtests etc.) along with supplements, herbsl, lifestyle, homeopathic and other remedies.


I go to an MD for acute illness - an infection that is not getting better, a heart condition etc. I go to a naturopathic doctor (ND) for chronic illness.

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Thank you, ladies. I'm storing all this information away for her. She's frustrated by mainstream medical doctors who seem to push this or that medication that doesn't help. However, when she brought this up recently to a nurse friend, she was pummelled for thinking that anyone else might be able to help. :glare:


I keep finding myself recommending it, but I am happy to be redundant because I think people are absolutely starved for information and compassion in this area, and are generally dismissed by doctors. I know I was. From Fatigued to Fantastic (J. Teitelbaum) is a great book. He also gives resources to find a doctor in your area who deals with CFS/FM with his protocols.


After finally finding a doc - and suffering all sorts of condescension and bad medicine on the way - it seems all I needed was a little thyroid (I also support natural thyroid - your body produces multiple versions, replacing one is not the answer) and adrenal support to live a normally productive life.


My experience also supports the comments about exercise. I power lift and had a log of my max weights going down instead of up with training. It was one more seemingly crazy thing in the whole string.


I sincerely hope your friend finds the help she needs soon. The futile search can be so defeating. (my husband took the lead for me when I got to the defeated place. You are an awesome friend for doing it for her.)

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I keep finding myself recommending it, but I am happy to be redundant because I think people are absolutely starved for information and compassion in this area, and are generally dismissed by doctors. I know I was. From Fatigued to Fantastic (J. Teitelbaum) is a great book. He also gives resources to find a doctor in your area who deals with CFS/FM with his protocols.


After finally finding a doc - and suffering all sorts of condescension and bad medicine on the way - it seems all I needed was a little thyroid (I also support natural thyroid - your body produces multiple versions, replacing one is not the answer) and adrenal support to live a normally productive life.


My experience also supports the comments about exercise. I power lift and had a log of my max weights going down instead of up with training. It was one more seemingly crazy thing in the whole string.


I sincerely hope your friend finds the help she needs soon. The futile search can be so defeating. (my husband took the lead for me when I got to the defeated place. You are an awesome friend for doing it for her.)

:iagree::iagree:Those made the biggest difference.

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I'm not the OP but thank you for the book recommendation! I haven't been diagnosed with CF or Fibro but the docs don't know what is wrong with me besides my hashimoto's. I think they think I am making all of these symptoms up and I am beginning to feel crazy. I know I need to take charge of my health but I had no idea where to start. Thank you!

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I'm not the OP but thank you for the book recommendation! I haven't been diagnosed with CF or Fibro but the docs don't know what is wrong with me besides my hashimoto's. I think they think I am making all of these symptoms up and I am beginning to feel crazy. I know I need to take charge of my health but I had no idea where to start. Thank you!


all I needed was a little thyroid ...and adrenal support to live a normally productive life.


For more information on which hormones to work on see Drrind.com, low metabolic energy.

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In addition to those already mentioned, thyroid, high dose antidepressants (particularly to increase dopamine), vitamins, I do best with 90 minutes of deep tissue massage every 2 weeks on a strict routine. You cannot start with that, it is something that is built over time, I have been having deep tissue work for 15 years but I swear it is a key component for me. This last year my insurance started covering my visits, it's cheaper than the other prescription meds the MD's want to prescribe and I have bad side effects from those I have tried.

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Cut and pasted from another thread on fibromyalgia:


Here's the problem with fibromyalgia. It's not in-and-of-itself a disease - it's a collection of symptoms. Those symptoms can have different causes. That doesn't mean that different people don't share many of those causes and can't have the same treatments but one treatment won't fix everyone.


I have chosen to treat my fibromyalgia naturally after having gone the MD route and had some massive problems as a result (like heart problems brought on by the medicines). What has worked for me has been identifying some of the things that cause my particular symptoms.


Vitamin D deficiency- this was a biggie for me. My levels are within normal but I still take 5000 iu a day to keep it that way.


Parasites - yes, parasites. Who knows where I got them. Treatment for this (a mix of prescription and herbal medicines) made a huge difference for me.


Allergy/intolerances - Right now, I don't show any intolerances (as I've treated some of the other underlying issues). But 18 years ago (yes, I've had it over 20 years) I benefited from going on a diet that had no wheat, corn, soy, sugar, dairy or eggs. I did an elimination diet as well as blood tests to identify those intolerances.


Adrenal problems - This is a secondary condition - ie. my adrenal glands are stressed because issues in my body are stressing it. I'm still working this out but have benefited from keeping my blood sugar steady by eating 5 small (300 calorie) meals a day.


I still have problems and am going to a specialist - an MD/naturopathic doctor in St. Louis who specializes in difficult chronic illness. I still have some significant immune system issues, fatigue and muscle issues that I have no advice on because I haven't figured them out yet.


Thyroid - I had my thyroid tested and have hypothyroidism. I take a prescribed natural thyroid pill.


As far as supplements go, I take: Cal-Mag for my muscles (sometimes I take only Magnesium or have epsom salt baths because this seems to be a biggie for me with my muscle problems. I take fish oil, tumeric, Quercetin for inflammation. I take vitamin D. I take 5-HTP and melatonin for sleep issues (it works for me with no hallucinations or problems - do your own research to decide for yourself). I take high doses of probiotics. I often take oil of oregano, for immune problems and infections. I take selenium for my thyroid.


I have to have some light exercise every day. It is often excruciating to do so but I make myself because if I don't it is even more excruciating because my muscles will lock up.


Everything she said. I've read several articles that some doctors believe that fibromyalgia is actually thyroid related. Some people are unable to process T3 in their bodies.

Also some people will have 'normal' thyroid tests come back and still by hypothyroid. Meaning they have She could possibly be hyper if she's losing weight too.

I wouldn't be surprised in the least if she has a thyroid problem. Because that's exactly what her symptoms sound like to me. She ust maybe in the group of undiagnosed patients..

Here is a funny , yet serious , little tidbit I'd like to share from the Stop the Thyroid Madness Board.


The Undiagnosed Club


Membership quota: a global mass of medically-duped individuals


Dues: increasing symptoms of hypothyroidism paid in full


Length of membership: a few years leading into decades for some


Mottos: “Your TSH is normal. It’s not your thyroid.†“You need to eat less, exercise more.†“Everyone needs to nap†“You need to see a therapist.†“Your problems are due to being a mom/stress/genetics/your job.†“Here’s a script for your anti-depressant/statin/blood pressure med/psychotropic.†“Your hair loss is due to being a mom/stress/genetics.†“It’s just Chronic Fatigue Syndrome/fibromyalgia†“I don’t know what’s wrong with you.â€

Sound at all familiar?

Enlightened thyroid patients all over the world report going years while coping with the pesky flies of hypothyroid symptoms, sans a diagnosis. And it’s all because of the inane and lousy TSH lab test (below left) with its dubious “normal†range, or the doctor’s failure to notice clinical presentation of the cluster of hypothyroid symptoms rather than simply an ink spot on a piece of paper which can mean squat.

As years go by without a diagnosis, the adrenals can take the hit trying to keep you afloat, resulting in high or low cortisol symptoms including anxiety, fear, difficulty coping, sleep problems, not waking up refreshed and other symptoms of an adrenal beating. ( http://www.stopthethyroidmadness.com )


At her age I wouldn't be surprised if it had anything to do with hormones to say the least.

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I am not a sufferer of either of these, but I have a dear friend who was misdiagnosed w/CFS - for 18yrs. It turned out she had/has Lymes disease. She was in CA where not much was known by mainstream drs. . . . I hope your friend hasn't been misdiagnosed. Since my friend's experience, I've been suspicious of CFS dx.

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I don't know how to use the multi-quote function so here is what I have after reading and talking with her again today:


Lovedtodeath, she's a believer and is having trouble with the "God loves me" part. She closed herself off from people over the last year as her health and job fizzled. Has not been able to fellowship much, and frankly, only a small handful of those in our church have reached out to her.


She does have a thyroid issue. Was on one med, then another, then a bio-med-something or other which is equal to but not chemical nor synthetic...:confused:


She's on a rotation diet. Feels weird telling people for fear of condemnation.


I will ask her about Lyme disease.


She was VERY encouraged to hear that I posted this thread and for your comments. She's felt chastised for her choice to see a non-traditional doctor more recently. It helped her relax a little to know that most, if not all of you, found help outside traditional western medicine. So, thank you ladies. I knew I could count on you! :grouphug:

Edited by Alenee
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In addition to those already mentioned, thyroid, high dose antidepressants (particularly to increase dopamine), vitamins, I do best with 90 minutes of deep tissue massage every 2 weeks on a strict routine. You cannot start with that, it is something that is built over time, I have been having deep tissue work for 15 years but I swear it is a key component for me. This last year my insurance started covering my visits, it's cheaper than the other prescription meds the MD's want to prescribe and I have bad side effects from those I have tried.
I wanted to mention what ended up working for me on these issues. I also wanted to add that From Fatigued to Fantastic really addresses all of this. It is a great place to start.


Anti-depressant: For an anti-depressant I use raw cacao powder. It provides seratonin and dopamine. My ND was unaware of it but I brought it to her for testing and it tested good for me. I started at 2 T. per day and now I am on 1.5 t.


Deep tissue massage: I was able to stop going to the massage therapist after I did Yamuna Body Rolling for a while.


I just watched this last week. Many people have been misdiagnosed with FM, MS, and many other diagnoses when in reality they had Lyme Disease. Just thought I would mention this.

I think that CFS and Fibro are a collection of symptoms all causes of these symptoms (like Lyme's Disease and Hypothyroidism) should be ruled out. After years of suffering and condemnation (lazy or hypochondriac, or both, take your pick) I found out that nearly all of my symptoms were listed as symptoms of hypothyroidism and my doctor who had me on pain meds and anti-depressants had never even checked for it!

Edited by Lovedtodeath
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I don't know how to use the multi-quote function so here is what I have after reading and talking with her again today:


Lovedtodeath, she's a believer and is having trouble with the "God loves me" part. She closed herself off from people over the last year as her health and job fizzled. Has not been able to fellowship much, and frankly, only a small handful of those in our church have reached out to her.

That has been a major struggle for me. When I was at my worst I had a personal Bible study with two women and they were the most condemning of all. I should have studied with someone else. Ugh! I have been encouraged by scriptures about God's love for us.


She does have a thyroid issue. Was on one med, then another, then a bio-med-something or other which is equal to but not chemical nor synthetic...:confused:


She's on a rotation diet. Feels weird telling people for fear of condemnation.


I will ask her about Lyme disease.

Many times people cannot treat their thyroid issues due to other issues causing problems with the treatment. Adrenal fatigue and heart problems are the main things that have to be addressed before thyroid supplements can be tolerated.


She was VERY encouraged to hear that I posted this thread and for your comments. She's felt chastised for her choice to see a non-traditional doctor more recently. It helped her relax a little to know that most, if not all of you, found help outside traditional western medicine. So, thank you ladies. I knew I could count on you! :grouphug:

I am glad to hear it.
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since we have a great priest over the house of God, let us approach with true hearts in the full assurance of faith, having had our hearts sprinkled from a wicked conscience and our bodies bathed with clean water.


Remember when Moses would plead for the people of Israel? We have the greater Moses pleading for us. We can be assured that God will not turn away.


Hebrews 10:19 Therefore, brothers, since we have boldness for the way of entry into the holy place by the blood of Jesus, 20 which he inaugurated for us as a new and living way through the curtain, that is, his flesh, 21 and since we have a great priest over the house of God, 22 let us approach with true hearts in the full assurance of faith, having had our hearts sprinkled from a wicked conscience and our bodies bathed with clean water. 23 Let us hold fast the public declaration of our hope without wavering, for he is faithful that promised.

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Deep tissue massage: I was able to stop going to the massage therapist after I did Yamuna Body Rolling for a while.



This is new to me, I will not stop seeing the massage therapist, I have been there when I couldn't afford it, but what exactly is Yamuna Body Rolling?

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This is new to me, I will not stop seeing the massage therapist, I have been there when I couldn't afford it, but what exactly is Yamuna Body Rolling?


Just to point out just how individual the causes of these same symptoms might be, I cannot tolerate any kind of massage. I cannot seem to get rid of lactic acid and other toxins easily and massage or anything that releases toxins causes me to have intense pain and fatigue for days.

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I just watched this last week. Many people have been misdiagnosed with FM, MS, and many other diagnoses when in reality they had Lyme Disease. Just thought I would mention this.


I have been diagnosed with CF/FM and have been getting progressively worse over the past five years. I have this movie on my netflix list and I really have mixed feelings about it. On the one hand, it would be great to think that there may be a cure or treatment that could help. On the other, I would hate to think that I have been suffering for five years due to a bad diagnosis. Another worry is false hope. I do intend to watch this and I will report back.

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I'm not the OP but thank you for the book recommendation! I haven't been diagnosed with CF or Fibro but the docs don't know what is wrong with me besides my hashimoto's. I think they think I am making all of these symptoms up and I am beginning to feel crazy. I know I need to take charge of my health but I had no idea where to start. Thank you!

Also recommended: "Your Symptoms are REAL" (Natelson)' date=' "The Thyroid Solution" (Arem).



Everything she said. I've read several articles that some doctors believe that fibromyalgia is actually thyroid related. Some people are unable to process T3 in their bodies.

Also some people will have 'normal' thyroid tests come back and still by hypothyroid. Meaning they have She could possibly be hyper if she's losing weight too.

I wouldn't be surprised in the least if she has a thyroid problem. Because that's exactly what her symptoms sound like to me. She ust maybe in the group of undiagnosed patients..

Here is a funny , yet serious , little tidbit I'd like to share from the Stop the Thyroid Madness Board.


The Undiagnosed Club


Membership quota: a global mass of medically-duped individuals


Dues: increasing symptoms of hypothyroidism paid in full


Length of membership: a few years leading into decades for some


Mottos: “Your TSH is normal. It’s not your thyroid.†“You need to eat less, exercise more.†“Everyone needs to nap†“You need to see a therapist.†“Your problems are due to being a mom/stress/genetics/your job.†“Here’s a script for your anti-depressant/statin/blood pressure med/psychotropic.†“Your hair loss is due to being a mom/stress/genetics.†“It’s just Chronic Fatigue Syndrome/fibromyalgia†“I don’t know what’s wrong with you.â€

Sound at all familiar?

Enlightened thyroid patients all over the world report going years while coping with the pesky flies of hypothyroid symptoms, sans a diagnosis. And it’s all because of the inane and lousy TSH lab test (below left) with its dubious “normal†range, or the doctor’s failure to notice clinical presentation of the cluster of hypothyroid symptoms rather than simply an ink spot on a piece of paper which can mean squat.

As years go by without a diagnosis, the adrenals can take the hit trying to keep you afloat, resulting in high or low cortisol symptoms including anxiety, fear, difficulty coping, sleep problems, not waking up refreshed and other symptoms of an adrenal beating. ( www.stopthethyroidmadness.com )


At her age I wouldn't be surprised if it had anything to do with hormones to say the least.

I love that site. I think it is important to point out (particularly to people who keep being told they're "normal") that hypothyroidism was treated with USP compounds for over a century before the TSH test was developed.


Read that out loud.




Now let us add that our super sensitive, 3rd generation TSH assay is catching more people with thyroid issues than the one before, and those before that. Each of which was the definitive bottom line.


It makes me angry that doctors are no longer practicing the art of medicine, but have become technicians, and then pretend we are the crazy ones.




She was VERY encouraged to hear that I posted this thread and for your comments. She's felt chastised for her choice to see a non-traditional doctor more recently. It helped her relax a little to know that most, if not all of you, found help outside traditional western medicine. So, thank you ladies. I knew I could count on you! :grouphug:


If it makes her feel better - and I know I'm not alone in this - Dr. Weiss was the absolute last step in medical doctors before I was going to start treating myself. It just so happened he was on board with my assessment.

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My mother has these and is chronically ill and honestly, the doctors have done nothing for her. She got put on steroids and the side effects were worse than the condition, but then she couldn't get off them for many, many months. That has happened 3 times now. She has thyroid issues, is pre-diabetic, has chronic pain and exhaustion, and constantly changing symptoms.

It has been 20 years in her case too, and it seems to be progressively getting worse overall. The specialists all want to look at parts of her- no one wants to look at her as a whole.

She tries this and that- often something will help for a while, and she will get better, then it will stop. The only things that have ever helped are natural supplements.


Your friend needs to stop putting her faith in doctors and get on the internet and research and take 100% responsibility for herself. There are many people who have cured themselves or relieved symptoms. There is no one cause or one cure- it seems to be very individual so she needs to be willing to experiment with herself with diets and treatments and alternative approaches.


I would look into raw food as a cure, myself, because there are so many testimonials in the raw food community of complete cures from incurable conditions. If she hasn't looked at any alternative treatments and not been that way inclined- she will probably need to start with cleansing, detoxifying. With going off gluten and anything else she might be allergic to. Trying the GAPS diet is another approach.


There is a lot of hope- she is in a way lucky if she hasn't tried the alternative path yet because in no way has she exhausted all hope. There is a lot of research into these conditions but no single cure so no pharmaceutical company can deliver a cure in the form of a pill- hence, the research is often not "official". It does often take a grim diagnosis by a doctor to get people to let go of hope for some miracle from mainstream medicine, and onto the vast amount of resources available in alternative medicine. To be willing to "try anything". I would get her onto the internet to research- most people who take this path end up becoming experts themselves- far more than doctors.

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I'm not the OP but thank you for the book recommendation! I haven't been diagnosed with CF or Fibro but the docs don't know what is wrong with me besides my hashimoto's. I think they think I am making all of these symptoms up and I am beginning to feel crazy. I know I need to take charge of my health but I had no idea where to start. Thank you!




I know the feeling. I was beginning to think I was crazy too. Really, Hashimoto's is a big deal. Most dove just throw a pill at it and tell you you will be fine. Nope. Didn't work out that way for me. Hashimoto's is auto- immune....and when it is done with your thyroid...it moves on to other organs. Pain, chronic fatigue, fuzzy brain etc. Are hashimoto's symptoms. Hashimoto's and fiber go hand in hand. They are great chums....and welcome chronic fatigue too.


Do a google search on hashimoto's/fibromyalgia....and bring the results to your doctor. If your dr. Is not willing to help, find a new doctor.


Prayers and good thoughts coming your way,


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Yamuna Body rolling was invented by a massage therapist. It starts by stimulating the bone and working out the rest of the muscle from there. After using it as a massage technique she figured out how to do it with a ball... so that you can massage yourself. She also still does the massage on her clients with and without the balls. She has a facebook page with some links and there are some on youtube.

Now let us add that our super sensitive, 3rd generation TSH assay is catching more people with thyroid issues than the one before, and those before that. Each of which was the definitive bottom line.


It makes me angry that doctors are no longer practicing the art of medicine, but have become technicians, and then pretend we are the crazy ones.

All of my thyroid tests were "normal"... my doc treated me anyway because of my suggestion from the book From Fatigued to Fantastic. Then after treating my adrenals I got pregnant and my TSH jumped to 16! Obviously something was wrong all along.

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I know the feeling. I was beginning to think I was crazy too. Really, Hashimoto's is a big deal. Most dove just throw a pill at it and tell you you will be fine. Nope. Didn't work out that way for me. Hashimoto's is auto- immune....and when it is done with your thyroid...it moves on to other organs. Pain, chronic fatigue, fuzzy brain etc. Are hashimoto's symptoms. Hashimoto's and fiber go hand in hand. They are great chums....and welcome chronic fatigue too.


Do a google search on hashimoto's/fibromyalgia....and bring the results to your doctor. If your dr. Is not willing to help, find a new doctor.


Prayers and good thoughts coming your way,



Oh no :( I was hoping a looonnng summer vacation in the sunshine would help me! I feel like I'm only half living sometimes. I'm only 29! :( Thank you for the encouragement.



Also recommended: "Your Symptoms are REAL" (Natelson), "The Thyroid Solution" (Arem).



Thank you! Adding them to the list...

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