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Harry Potter

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Was looking this morning to bump this as well, and didn't go far enough back.


No, I am still waiting as well. Maybe the Moderator over there is just swamped with requests? or ???


I hope it comes through soon, I'm anxious to start looking at it and get a good feel for what exactly the yahoo group has. Glad I'm not the only one, though, who's still waiting....


I am waiting as well. Hope it goes through soon. I was wanting to start this next week. My kids are going to love it!

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My son is on his first pass through Harry Potter now. He has been obsessively reading and rereading the Percy Jackson series for the last year, so I wanted to stretch out the Harry Potter experience a bit, and encourage other reading as well.


So, I've been making him read a "classic" in between each Harry Potter. He read Treasure Island after Sorcerer's Stone and Swiss Family Robinson after Chanmber of Secrets. :D Unfortunately my Prisoner of Azkaban was lent out and never returned, so until I get a chance to buy a replacement, he's on hold. I suggested he read Robinson Crusoe, but he says only one classic between each HP book, so I may have shot myself in the foot a bit there!


As far as rereading goes, I reread the entire series each time a new book came out, and then again each time a movie has come out. I need to get on the ball reading before HP7P2!!

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We did Hogwarts at Home for 2 or 3 summers quite a few years ago. The yahoogroups have an amazing amount of material. There must be 10+ separate groups just to hold all the material that people have made. DD would have been around 7 I think. She loved it and did her work eagerly. It does take some planning though just finding some of the activities you want to do. Some of them are easy to put together, but be prepared to do some shopping. I think most of the stuff there is elementary aged or at least that's all I was looking at then.


We both still have our wands we made.


Just also wanted to mention that quite a few years ago Scholastic had a summer kit club on Harry Potter science. You can sometimes pick them up on eBay. I found most of mine there. Some are way over priced, but they are pretty cool. If you can find them your dc will probably enjoy them.

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Originally Posted by 2cents

HP fans here too.

Check out the Yahoo Hogwarts programs. We did Hogwarts Summer School for the past 2 summers. We did potions, fairies classes, Honeydukes cooking, herbology, and others. We had great fun! I have some of the supporting material that I made/compiled on Homeschool Launch under Hogwarts Summer School. The last couple pages have tags for candy bags that I made. Hope this helps! Have fun!


Originally Posted by kwg

I just checked out your stuff on hs launch- amazing! You are good My son would love to do something with that stuff.

Great job! It looks professional.


Thanks! I used to do a lot of graphic/publishing work before homeschooling. It was fun! :)

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So, I've been making him read a "classic" in between each Harry Potter. He read Treasure Island after Sorcerer's Stone and Swiss Family Robinson after Chanmber of Secrets.




Did your 3rd grader read "Swiss Family Robinson" on his own? In original? I'm reading it to my boys aloud and it is hard for *me* to read it.

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Bumping because I'm curious if anyone who applied for membership to the Yahoo group has heard back since they sent their "intro"? I haven't.


Same here. I sent my intro but haven't heard anything since. I wonder if the mod is swamped. Looks like there are quite a few of us who joined.

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Did you guys get in? What are you thinking?


I haven't had time yet to go look at everything or unzip any files, but the "getting started" blurbs were interesting enough. Right now I'm feeling glad that I'm not planning to start right away, because it looks like I'll need lots of time to figure it all out and decide what we'll use/what we won't.


What are your thoughts?

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We're all a bit Harry Potter obsessed in my house. We're listening to the audiobooks again as a family. I prefer the British editions read by Stephen Fry. It's nice to have it in the original British English. The kids laugh when they put Harry's trunk in the boot of the car.

It does seem to just get better and better the more you read it.



DDs 15, 11, 10, 5

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I haven't had time yet to go look at everything or unzip any files, but the "getting started" blurbs were interesting enough. Right now I'm feeling glad that I'm not planning to start right away, because it looks like I'll need lots of time to figure it all out and decide what we'll use/what we won't.


What are your thoughts?



eek. :lol: It looks like something my son would enjoy. It is overwhelming. I am much more of a 'here is a cool book I found' than a project kind of a person so it is all overwhelming me. But he would love it! Maybe we will do one class later in the summer. I have a sneaking suspicion that he will want a Harry Potter bday party so I there might be some ideas there.

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We've all read them multiple times!


It's hard, you know... with all my kids in different houses (dd#1 Ravenclaw, dd#2 Hufflepuff, ds Gryffindor)... they hardly see each other anymore.


Just kidding! (but they wish......! My oldest dd even made scarves for the others as Christmas gifts!)


Anyhoo.... we've had a blast re-re-re-reading in time for the last movie with the help of these books:


Repotting Harry Potter:



Harry Potter's Bookshelf:



The Ultimate Harry Potter and Philosophy:


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eek. :lol: It looks like something my son would enjoy. It is overwhelming. I am much more of a 'here is a cool book I found' than a project kind of a person so it is all overwhelming me. But he would love it! Maybe we will do one class later in the summer. I have a sneaking suspicion that he will want a Harry Potter bday party so I there might be some ideas there.


yep, me too.


I'm planning to start when we have our summer down here, which is not until December. So, that should give me loads of time, right?? To figure it all out??


Also coincided with my middle son's 11th birthday. He's already asking about going to Hogwarts and to Ollivanders to buy a wand/see if a wand chooses him. He's convinced he'll discover his magical powers after his birthday.....so, rather than a dose of reality, I thought, "Why not play into his fantasy a bit...?"


Hopefully I've not bitten off more than I can chew.....:lol:

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