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We've been outed...

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My DS5 graduated from pre-K tonight. They asked us where he was going to school. I said we were homeschooling, but not to announce it. I have been trying to be lowkey about it. Anyway, they announced it at the ceremony. I was horrified for about 5 seconds and then I just felt a rush of relief. Now the secret is out! I had told a couple of close friends, but no one else. Now everyone knows and I didn't have to tell them face to face so I can hopefully avoid some awkward conversations. I am so relieved that it is out there! I'm so excited to homeschool!!!! We are starting in two weeks!!!! :D

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See, now you can be a good example to others. :D


I got invited back to my daughter's nursery school for their "kindergarten night," when parents talk about their experience with private schools, charters, etc. It was fun, and it got some people thinking.

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You'd be surprised at how many people consider homeschooling right away out of preschool.


Out of dd's preschool of 20 kids, two other moms from a random park outing confessed considering homeschooling. (The local Kindergarten has just announced as many as 30 kindergartners in each class this fall).


And I learned that I picked the wrong preschool for dd; apparently all of the homeschooling families sent their preschoolers to Prairie Flower Preschool in town.


*just kidding: our preschool is perfect for us!*

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I was dreading this as well and I was a teacher that still works with teachers and my DH is a school admin so, we tried to keep it secret. Well, it got out pretty quickly and everyone was really supportive. I now am going through a series of conversations with some of my teacher friends who are looking into homeschooling. In fact, I have another "session" with an English teacher who is considering it this Thursday :001_smile:

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All of my dd's preschool teachers said...."but she's so social! You'll crush her spirit!" :glare: And...they know we already homeschool ds, so it's not like it's a huge surprise! I was really upset b/c I've been there for SO long and sat on the board for them for several years. It is so disappointing coming from our church.

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All of my dd's preschool teachers said...."but she's so social! You'll crush her spirit!" :glare: And...they know we already homeschool ds, so it's not like it's a huge surprise! I was really upset b/c I've been there for SO long and sat on the board for them for several years. It is so disappointing coming from our church.


Try not to take it personally. It is ignorance (In my mind, ignorance is when someone just really doesn't know any better vs stupidity when they should know better ;)). They are not trying to be unkind, they just dont' get it. I cannot tell you all the comments I have received in the last 6 years that I just had to let go. (Who has the comment in their siggy line about how she's a duck and it just all rolls off? :D) It's hard sometimes, but I keep reminding myself, "Love thinks the best. Love thinks the best. Love thinks the best." It is especially tricky b/c my oldest is an Aspie and quite quirky. People make comments about how he is like that b/c we homeschool. They don't understand that it's the other way around. We homeschool in large part because he is like that (and we happen to love it and don't want ps to crush that in him!). Even my neighbor across the street who used to try to discourage me from homeschooling every single year has since asked me to homeschool her 5 daughters! :)


Hope that encourages you a bit. :)

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All of my dd's preschool teachers said...."but she's so social! You'll crush her spirit!" :glare: And...they know we already homeschool ds, so it's not like it's a huge surprise! I was really upset b/c I've been there for SO long and sat on the board for them for several years. It is so disappointing coming from our church.


School crushed the social spirits in my kids quicker than anything i could have done at home. I don't want to totally knock school, because it works for many, and some children are happier there than at home. But it's not always the case, and not across the board by any means.


Now that we are homeschooling, i'm LOVING watching the social personalities come out in my kids again, in a very healthy way.

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Thanks for your support, ladies. It is actually really nice to just have things out there for everyone to know. I got a few weird looks when I picked up DS from school though. Maybe I was just imagining it and was super sensitive.


All I know is that this is where God has led my family and I know in my heart that this is the right decision. Anyone who doesn't get it will either come around once they see that my DS isn't turned into a freak or will just have to bite their tongue around me! Somehow it seems more real when it is all out in the open!

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Thanks for your support, ladies. It is actually really nice to just have things out there for everyone to know. I got a few weird looks when I picked up DS from school though. Maybe I was just imagining it and was super sensitive.


Embrace it:






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When I let dd's 4th grade teacher know that we were going to start homeschooling the following year because we were looking ahead and didn't want her in our local middle school, she said that we were doing the right thing, that the middle school was awful, and the high school even worse!

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My dd's pre-K teacher for next year taught all four of my boys. When she found out I was homeschooling my 8 year old this year, she was thrilled. Her grandchildren are being homeschooled and she started talking to me about curriculum. She was the one who tried to talk me out of sending my now 19 year old highly gifted son to public school years ago and I wish I had listened to her.

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When late dh and I first pulled my step dd out of school after 1st and told my then inlaws, I though MIL would have a heart attack. A few years later I remember her crying when my nieces were doing standardized testing and knew their exact reading level. She asked me what step dd's reading level was and I told her that I did not know specifically, but was quite confident in her abilities since she was reading the books in the SL core on her own......I was too busy with babies. Yes, MIL cried about this.


Almost 11 years later, she has seen the fruit of hsing. She has a life-long friend that was a ps teacher and just retired because of the state of the school system. She finally threw in the towel. I have heard MIL make a few comments about the ps and I think there is a small part of her that is happy we hs. At the same time, she thinks I am making my dc into social freaks and I KNOW I could do nothing that would make her any happier than if I put my kids in ps.


I don't care one bit. It does not affect me. I rarely get a negative response to hsing, but when I do, I really don't care. You will get there some day, too.

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