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PUNKS these days!!!!!!!!!

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I was bringing dd11 to the YMCA for her synchro swim practice. We drove past the 5 story parking garage when all of a sudden there was a LOUD bang on the roof of my car. I slammed on the brakes and a crowd gathered. I asked if anyone saw what happened and four people said, "Yes!" The woman in the car behind me pulled over and stayed with me, the three other (two women and one man) also stayed with me until the police arrived.


A PUNK was on the roof of the parking garage THROWING BEER BOTTLES ONTO CARS BELOW. I was the fortunate one he nailed. :glare: My BRAND NEW CAR!!!:rant: Well, sucks to be that kid because the four people who stayed with me can identify him. He's at the Y all the time and they know him. The police came and took a report, took pictures. They told me if I want to press charges I'll have to testify in court. I WILL.


The YMCA staff were beyond wonderful, coming down to meet me (I don't know who called them. This didn't happen on their property!) and they cleaned all the glass off my car. Thankfully it was raining! If it wasn't I likely would have had the moon roof open and then all that glass would have ended up IN MY FACE.


My brand knew car is dented and scratched. Better the car than me, I guess!



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That's horrible! I'm so glad it hit your roof and not your windshield.


:iagree: When we lived in Germany some teenagers threw rocks off a pedestrian bridge onto the cars on the highway below and killed 2 people. They were imprisoned for 2 counts of murder and 3 counts of attempted murder. They were 14, 17 and 18. They were extremely lucky they were prosecuted under German authority which treated them all as juveniles.

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I hear ya! I was hit by a brick from a couple of punks who stood on a cliff about 5 stories high. Dented the roof something fierce. You have more restraint than me because I chased the buggers down and caught one by the scruff of the neck and walked his sorry arse home and borrowed his mother's phone to call the police. Your punk sounds old enough to have been carrying a weapon, but my punks were younger and couldn't run fast enough. I'm glad those people stayed with you. :grouphug:

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One of my old coworkers received a call at work one day. His aunt had been hit by a jar of ACID that some kids had thrown off of a bridge. It had gone through the windshield and hit her square in the face. There are very steep penalties for that sort of behavior around here now. I'm so glad you are okay, and I hope the judge gives those kids what they deserve!

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I hope when the police said that you would have to go to court if you press charges, that they said it in an informative/factual way and not in a way meant to discourage you.


They said that this was a criminal mischief offense and that if I wanted to press charges I'd have to go to court. I don't THINK they were discouraging me but also don't care either way. This kid needs to have consequences for what he did.


I do feel fortunate because I know people have been killed by boulders going through the windshield. There was a rash of those incidences out here some time ago. Thankfully it hit right at the top of my roof. A couple of inches lower and it would have gone through the windsheild and into the car.


ACID? People are SICK!!!


One of the men who witnessed everything made sure I was ok and then ran to the top of the building to get the kid. He was nowhere to be found.


If it would be allowed, I'd do the caning myself. ;)

Edited by Denisemomof4
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Really??? Really???? Your life needs to be more dramatic!!!! LOL Please press charges. These kids need to know the this isn't acceptable!!!!


Rather than being cute, this is something that can hospitalize, disfigure and even kill someone in the cars. When I was growing up, there was a rash of such incidents off of overpasses. I remember one victim was a 7 yo girl who had her face savagely cut when the windshield broke at highway speeds and then the rock continued into the car.


Definitely go to court on this guy.

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:iagree: When we lived in Germany some teenagers threw rocks off a pedestrian bridge onto the cars on the highway below and killed 2 people. They were imprisoned for 2 counts of murder and 3 counts of attempted murder. They were 14, 17 and 18. They were extremely lucky they were prosecuted under German authority which treated them all as juveniles.


I remember that! We were there then too. STUPID!!!! I always wondered what happened.

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