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So bummed! Firefly related

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Okay, I know I'm a few years behind the times; we just started Netflix so I'm catching up.


DH and I finished watching Firefly. What a great show!! How in the world was that not continued?!? I'm so bummed that it is over.

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I know, right! :glare:


This is a great tragedy and mourned by sci-fi fans all around.


You didn't say if you have seen Serenity, watch it if you haven't already. I saw the movie first and then the series. Still my favorite movie of all time. Heart wrenching though.


And of course, in the interest of Joss Whedon and Nathan Fillion fans, don't forget Dr. Horrible's Sing A Long Blog.

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There is a Hollywood rule that all thoughtful shows must be canceled. I loved Firefly too. Sob. But you can do the Star Trek fan thing and memorize all the episodes, quote dialogue, and pretend you live in space. There are two books about the series available on Amazon...

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What are your favorite underappreciate TV gems?


I watched Due South after the series was over and LOVED it. I ended up buying all the seasons on DVD.


Then to follow up my Paul Gross appreciation I bought the three seasons of Slings and Arrows. One of my top TV series ever. I don't know if it originally aired on a premium station or if Canadian sensors are that much different than U.S. but there is some strong language.


I recommend both series highly.


Anyone else have a favorite they would like to mention?

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What are your favorite underappreciate TV gems?


I watched Due South after the series was over and LOVED it. I ended up buying all the seasons on DVD.


Then to follow up my Paul Gross appreciation I bought the three seasons of Slings and Arrows. One of my top TV series ever. I don't know if it originally aired on a premium station or if Canadian sensors are that much different than U.S. but there is some strong language.


I recommend both series highly.


Anyone else have a favorite they would like to mention?


My husband thinks Slings and Arrows is the best TV show ever. I'm not sure I disagree.

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With the season finale of Castle (Nathan Fillion stars) this week, I've dragged out my Firefly DVDs for a fun spring treat. I truly prefer Capt. Mal to Rick Castle...


We love FF. Sigh.


The movie was fun, but I prefer the series.

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If you want more sci-fi....Have you watched the Stargate SG1 series? My favorite TV show of ALL time.


If you haven't, be aware the first episode has a nude scene. None of the rest of the ten seasons did.


I love me some Jack O'Neill...Sam Carter...Daniel Jackson....and Teal'c.

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If you want more sci-fi....Have you watched the Stargate SG1 series? My favorite TV show of ALL time.


If you haven't, be aware the first episode has a nude scene. None of the rest of the ten seasons did.


I love me some Jack O'Neill...Sam Carter...Daniel Jackson....and Teal'c.


My dd (now 19) watched this series together for years. Sort of a mom and daughter appointment thing.


Don't forget Jonas Quinn (Daniel's replacement in Season 5) he never got enough appreciation.


I loved the spin-off, Atlantis, too. Love, love, love Rodney McKay. :D

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I LOVE good TV show recommendations. I am going to put Firefly in my queue right now.


A great show that got cancelled after only a few seasons was Pushing Daisies. We love that show. My daughters, husband, and I all enjoyed watching it together.




Elise in NC

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Don't forget Jonas Quinn (Daniel's replacement in Season 5) he never got enough appreciation.


I loved the spin-off, Atlantis, too. Love, love, love Rodney McKay. :D


:iagree:Jonas was smarter, but not as hot as Daniel :001_smile: McKay is awesome-I loved him in "The Tao of Rodney." And in the Teal'c vs. Ronan fight, I think Teal'c would have won.



Firefly rocked, should never have been canceled.


ETA: I hated Stargate Universe and stopped watching it.

Edited by theYoungerMrsWarde
forgot the word "fight"
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With the season finale of Castle (Nathan Fillion stars) this week, I've dragged out my Firefly DVDs for a fun spring treat. I truly prefer Capt. Mal to Rick Castle...


We love FF. Sigh.


The movie was fun, but I prefer the series.

One of my sons may or may not be named after Captain Mal (MAY). I like the line from Serenity, "That's not your way." "I have a way now? Is that better than a plan?" Because yes, Captain Mal does have a way, and I like it.


I LOVE good TV show recommendations. I am going to put Firefly in my queue right now.


A great show that got cancelled after only a few seasons was Pushing Daisies. We love that show. My daughters, husband, and I all enjoyed watching it together.




Elise in NC

WE LOVE PUSHING DAISIES!!!!! I got the kids' nicknames from there. Pigby got Pigby because when he hugged, he'd give these little wimpy hugs, so I'd say, "Squeeze Pigby" Kristen Chenoweth-style. And then Digby got Digby because Pigby and Digby go together. Then when baby girl came along, I wanted to name her Charlotte irl, because "wouldn't it be awesome to have a girl named Chuck?!" DH didn't agree so we named her something else. Then when I put them on my signature, I said, "Well fudge on that, I'm gonna have a girl called Chuck anyway!" And thus she became Chuck.
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:iagree:Jonas was smarter, but not as hot as Daniel :001_smile: McKay is awesome-I loved him in "The Tao of Rodney." And in the Teal'c vs. Ronan, I think Teal'c would have won.



Firefly rocked, should never have been canceled.


ETA: I hated Stargate Universe and stopped watching it.


Loved SG1 and Atlantis, could not get into Universe. (meh).


Did you see that the star that played Ronan will be the new Conan?

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I have absolutely nothing to add to the discussion. Just saying that Firefly rocked. Slings and Arrows is one of the best TV shows EVER. And Paul Gross is unexpectedly sexy in it.


Paul Gross is v. sexy! Have you seen Men with Brooms and Wilby Wonderful. Both are Canadian movies starring Paul Gross, I recommend both of them (not PG rated)

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My husband thinks Slings and Arrows is the best TV show ever. I'm not sure I disagree.

I put off watching it for years because I was sure it would disappoint after all the raves it received from friends. Silly me... it's delightful (and full of familiar faces if you grew up watching Canadian TV).

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I LOVE good TV show recommendations. I am going to put Firefly in my queue right now.


A great show that got cancelled after only a few seasons was Pushing Daisies. We love that show. My daughters, husband, and I all enjoyed watching it together.




Elise in NC


Okay, a little o/t, but the band that sings the song for Pushing Up Daisies is Seabird and I LOVE THEM!! I'm seeing them tomorrow night in concert! I loved FF too, the good ones always get cancelled. I don't even bother watching a new show anymore. I wait for it to make a season or two before I start so that I don't get caught up and then disappointed if it doesn't make the cut.

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I watched Firefly and the movie. Now, I have no clue why it was cancelled. Given what passes for entertainment, I can't figure out why it was cancelled. But, I didn't like it that much either.


Now, Dr Horrible is my Fave Rave.


Gosh, I wish my kids were old enough to see it. But there is that one line... and I would have to hear it all bloody day.


DH did dress up as Captain Hammer one year.


Captain Hammer corporate TOOL

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We love sci fi. Firefly is awesome! I like all of the Stargates, even Universe. We are big Star trek fans (we have a ferret named Ferengi and describe our family as being Klingon-ish :D) We just recently got into Eureka and love it as well. We watch all our series through netflix and can't wait for the next season of V to come out.


Now the part that will get me shot...I could never get into Dr. Who or Torchwood. :leaving:

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Okay, I know I'm a few years behind the times; we just started Netflix so I'm catching up.


DH and I finished watching Firefly. What a great show!! How in the world was that not continued?!? I'm so bummed that it is over.


We felt the same way when we finally watched it.

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Firefly is my favorite show ever. I saw Serenity first. My wife even likes it a lot, and she hates sci-fi. I am a HUGE Star Wars fan (like, I went to a convention dressed as a Jedi, and I have participated in a lightsaber choreography contest-its on my youtube channel by the way :P), but my wife can't stand it. The thing she liked about Firefly was no aliens.


The reason it was canceled was due to ratings. The geniuses at Fox aired it out of order and kept changing the time slot. They canceled it before even the whole season aired (several episodes never did). Hard to keep an audience that way. It gained a huge audience after it went to DVD, which is where the movie comes from.

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I watched Firefly and the movie. Now, I have no clue why it was cancelled. Given what passes for entertainment, I can't figure out why it was cancelled. But, I didn't like it that much either.


Now, Dr Horrible is my Fave Rave.


Gosh, I wish my kids were old enough to see it. But there is that one line... and I would have to hear it all bloody day.


DH did dress up as Captain Hammer one year.


Captain Hammer corporate TOOL



I LOVE DR. HORRIBLE!!! I have it on my iphone and now my ipad just so I can watch it whenever I want to. Joss Wheden is such a creative genius. And did anyone catch that he was one of the screen writers for Toy Story?

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I feel your pain, lol.

It is unfathomable to me still.

It started when they put it on at 10pm and got worse when they aired Bushwacked first instead of the pilot.

You would think though, after the stellar runs Joss had with BTVS and Buffy that they would have given him more time.


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