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Online Christian Sermons?

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There are a lot from an LDS Christian perspective on the church website in the archives of general conference. Click a year, then a month (it's held twice a year in April and October), and you'll see a list of titles and options for reading, listening or viewing. http://lds.org/general-conference/conferences?lang=eng


Additional talks are available at http://www.byub.org/talks/ from various BYU devotionals and events.

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I highly recommend Kay Arthur's Precepts for Life program. You can download it at no cost by following the link. A free program guide is also available for download. The most solid teaching on the Bible available.


No, I don't work there, just a former Precept Upon Precept leader & current student!

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My favorite apologetics website, bar none, is from Ravi Zacharias International Ministries (www.rzim.org). You can listen to his radio broadcasts there. Let My People Think is his weekly half-hour broadcast, and Just Thinking is a Monday-Friday 15-minute broadcast that features his itinerant team members as well.





For sermons, I love www.sermonaudio.com . You can search by speaker, topic, date, or Bible verse (on the left side of the page). My favorite preacher to listen to there is Leonard Ravenhill :)


Hope this helps!

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