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Is this where we say hi and introduce ourselves?

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I hope so, since I'm going to do it anyway. :D


I'm Erin, and I'm new. I am just starting my homeschool research in earnest. My husband and I have discussed homeschooling off and on since we were dating, but hadn't fully committed, until recently. My DH's job is moving us from Houston to New Orleans (next week!), a town with some of the worst schools in the country. And since I refuse to cough up private school tuition for kindergarten, this move makes homeschooling an easy choice.


I have three kiddos. All three have birthdays next month--my oldest DS will be four, and my twins (boy/girl) will be three. With the three of them SO close in age, we plan to school them together as one "class".


Pre-kids, I spent 7 years teaching either 3rd or 4th grade at a classical and christian school, so I'm very comfortable with the classical model and want much of that for my own kids' education. Personally, I also have strong Charlotte Mason bent. Putting that together, while working with the distinct personalities of my three munchkins is what has me reading about curriculum and thinking about the future. For now, we're reading lots of books and doing a lot of play-doh, and mommy's just enjoying her research on the side!


I'm sure I'll be popping up with questions from time to time, but I'm mostly lurking and learning now. Just thought I should take the time to say hello. :seeya:

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So glad you are here. This board is a major part of my support system. We are very close to NO and also lived in Houston a few years ago.


How funny! Where are you? Our house will be in Kenner, but my husband will be working in New Orleans, downtown.

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Welcome! This is a great place. It's so refreshing to hear a future homeschooler say she's doing research! I don't know how many times I've had people come up to me 1 week before school starts in the fall and ask, "What curriculum do you use? We're thinking about homeschooling so and so this year.":glare:


Anyway, happy homeschooling!:001_smile:

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Welcome! This is a great place. It's so refreshing to hear a future homeschooler say she's doing research! I don't know how many times I've had people come up to me 1 week before school starts in the fall and ask, "What curriculum do you use? We're thinking about homeschooling so and so this year.":glare:


oh my gosh! I cannot imagine! I am sort of a research intensive person. I have been known to obsess. :lol:

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