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If you were purchasing a carrot cake, would you expect it to have raisins?

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I would not expect it to have raisins mostly b/c the one I make does not have raisins or pineapple or nuts or seeds... however I WOULD double check the ingredients b/c I know some people make them with those extras.

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LOL, I'd expect it, but would never buy a carrot cake because I'm the only one in my family who would eat it! I'm working on a recipe for my bakery - and thanks to all these responses, I think I'll only add raisins if requested.


Ha, I don't think I've ever gotten so many responses to a post! :D

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I haven't read all the post, but in looking at carrot cake recipes w/ dd, it seems that there are two definite viewpoints. Carrots only, and throw it all in.


I personally am in the all in camp when I make it - raisins, pecans, coconut, and pineapple with cream cheese frosting. It I buy it I at least expect raisins and pecans.

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LOL, I'd expect it, but would never buy a carrot cake because I'm the only one in my family who would eat it! I'm working on a recipe for my bakery - and thanks to all these responses, I think I'll only add raisins if requested.


Ha, I don't think I've ever gotten so many responses to a post! :D

You'll have ingredient labels on your baked goods, right? Just thinking of the pineapple (don't know if you put that in). My sister's allergic to it, and I can only eat a couple of pieces of it before my throat starts to itch.

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