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"Beach book" recommendations?

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OK, I'm not really going to the beach, but I'm feeling the need for a lighter read. Something fun, frivolous, smart, and not related to childrearing/homeschooling/special nutrition/etc -- not a classic but not down to the formula romance level, KWIM?



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OK, I'm not really going to the beach, but I'm feeling the need for a lighter read. Something fun, frivolous, smart, and not related to childrearing/homeschooling/special nutrition/etc -- not a classic but not down to the formula romance level, KWIM?


Number 1 Ladies' Detective Agency, or Portuguese Irregular Verbs series by McCall-Smith.

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How about reading the kid's fiction you never got to as a child?

Have you read


A Little Princess

Secret Garden


Dark Is Rising series

Black Beauty

All the Roald Dahl books

Winnie The Pooh

The Little House books


If you have, maybe some Susan Howatch, Stephen King, or nonfiction/autobiography stuff like Traveling Mercies and Bird by Bird.

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Mary Higgins Clark for light mysteries that are easy to pick up after being disturbed by kids...for the millionth time!


After seeing it recommended here, I read "I Capture the Castle" by Dodie Smith. I enjoyed it's quirky characters. :)


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The Girl Who Chased the Moon by Sarah Addison Allen



I was going to suggest her. She writes southern, magical realism. The southern means its full of southern touches like sweet tea, mint, and family feuds that last generations. The magical realism means that the stories are mostly realistic, with magical touches. Maybe a man that cannot break an oath to not talk to someone, even 20 years later. There are usually romantic plots, but there are also other plots running with them. And she uses very rich, descriptive language. She WRITES like a southern person talks.


There is also Garden Spells, The Peach Tree, and The Sugar Queen. I've read her latest and have searched in vain for someone who writes like her, so that's why I sound like a groupie. :)

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This may not be your standard fare - young adult, but these are GREAT! I had so much fun reading them this winter. Not for kids though:)


The President's daughter series by Ellen Emerson White:

The President's Daughter (1984)

White House Autumn (1985)

Long Live the Queen (1989) (Winner: ALA Best Book for Young Adults)

Long May She Reign (2007)

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Here's a recent thread where I asked the same question. :001_smile: Some great suggestions.




So far, I've read the No 1 Ladies Detective Agency and The Girl Who Chased the Moon and they were very fun reads.


I have a ton more on my night stand, up next is either Good Omens or The Sweetness at the Bottom of the Pie.

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Number 1 Ladies' Detective Agency, or Portuguese Irregular Verbs series by McCall-Smith.


Or his Isabel Dalhousie series! She's a philosopher, and references to great thinkers and poets are sprinkled throughout, so the reader can feel rather smart about their beach book, lol. They are somewhat like a mystery series, it's just that the mysteries aren't usually crime-related.

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The Spellman series by Lisa Lutz always makes me laugh.


I also like most of Nevada Barr's Anna Pigeon books. (Although that could just have something to do with this fantasy I had back in my late teens of becoming a park ranger.) :001_smile:

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Originally Posted by PiCO viewpost.gif

Number 1 Ladies' Detective Agency, or Portuguese Irregular Verbs series by McCall-Smith.


Or his Isabel Dalhousie series! She's a philosopher, and references to great thinkers and poets are sprinkled throughout, so the reader can feel rather smart about their beach book, lol. They are somewhat like a mystery series, it's just that the mysteries aren't usually crime-related.




One that hasn't been mentioned is the Mitford series by Jan Karon.

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The Guernsey Literary and Potato Peel Pie Society



My best friend recommended this to me. She read it an vacation, so did her mom. They both thought it was hilarious. I bought it as an airplane book as a result. I cried through the whole thing. It was a great book, but I wouldn't recommend it to most of my friends as light beach reading. It's a wartime book, and that really impacted the lens through which I viewed it.

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My best friend recommended this to me. She read it an vacation, so did her mom. They both thought it was hilarious. I bought it as an airplane book as a result. I cried through the whole thing. It was a great book, but I wouldn't recommend it to most of my friends as light beach reading. It's a wartime book, and that really impacted the lens through which I viewed it.



Yes! Yk, I also cried through the whole first season of Glee. When my sister and I would talk about it, she would say, "We are obviously not watching the same program." :001_huh:

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The Help

The Guernsey Literary and Potato Peel Pie Society

mysteries by Josephine Tey or Ellis Peters


I loved The Help and The Guernsey Literary and Potato Peel Pie. Which Josephine Tey and Ellis Peters books would you recommend starting out with?


Also, kind of along the same lines...but not ;) "La's Orchestra Saves The World: A Novel" by Alexander McCall Smith

This is on my wish list. :)


Harry Potter!!!

they do get heavier as you progress through the series ...but never hard to get through.



My best friend recommended this to me. She read it an vacation, so did her mom. They both thought it was hilarious. I bought it as an airplane book as a result. I cried through the whole thing. It was a great book, but I wouldn't recommend it to most of my friends as light beach reading. It's a wartime book, and that really impacted the lens through which I viewed it.


How could anyone think it was hilarious? :001_huh: That's a bit weird to me. Oh well ... to each her own.


lighter read

Something fun


smart, and not related to childrearing/homeschooling/special nutrition/etc -- not a classic but not down to the formula romance level,



Some of my favorites, other than those already mentioned, that may be suitable.

The House of Spirits by Isabel Allende and anything else by her, but this is her best. I LOVE, LOVE, LOVE Allende - not exactly fun and frivolous, but great books

The Geography of Bliss – non-fiction, very insightful, humorous

Food Rules – one of my favorite health books


The Five People You Meet in Heaven - if you're in the mood for a very, sweet and easy read - as are all of his books - Tuesdays with Morrie - and pretty much any other Mitch Albom book – we even got the DVDs of three of his books and really liked them

Can't Wait to Get to Heaven by Fannie Flagg and most of her books - very sweet and light - and quite funny - fabulous

Funny in Farsi - if you need a nice laugh as well as her other book Laughing without an Accent

Books by Maeve Binchy – light, fluffy, but also very accurate about human interactions and relationships

Dave Barry’s Only Travel Guide You’ll Ever Need – funny, funny, funny


Also, really like the No. 1. Ladies Detective Agency books as others have mentioned already.

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