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*dons flame suit* So why shouldn't I?


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I switched my hatchlings from Math U See to Singpore a year ago. We love Singapore. But I'm hemorrhaging $$ and I really don't what to buy the next levels (for 4 kids) while I have all the years of MUS needed, on my shelves. I never disliked MUS, I just thought (for reasons unknown to my non mathy self) Singapore was a better curric.


Why shouldn't I use it? I'm looking though the pages of MUS, and seeing what we've done in Singapore. Not with such panache, but there.


So please, just remind me what is better about Singapore.

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I've never used MUS but, can you sell it to help with Singapore (if you really like Singapore and get lots and lots of reasons not to ditch it)?

Can you not consume the books and have the kiddos write their answers on regular paper so you can use them for the next kiddo? We did this with the Intensive Practice and Challenging Word Problem books although we did consume the workbook.

I hope you get some good responses. We enjoyed Singapore up through 6B. NEM wasn't a hit for us though and we switched over to Fred.

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I can't speak to Singapore since we've only used MUS. My son is about halfway through beta right now as a first grader. I thought about switching before 1st because it looked "boring," with just plain worksheets, so many numbers, no color, etc. But then I thought about it and realized he likes it. He's learning and retaining and just plain gets it. So, it works for him. It might have driven me a little batty as a math learner way back in the day, but it's working for him and that's what matters. So, my two cents on MUS.

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I've never used MUS but, can you sell it to help with Singapore (if you really like Singapore and get lots and lots of reasons not to ditch it)?

Can you not consume the books and have the kiddos write their answers on regular paper so you can use them for the next kiddo? We did this with the Intensive Practice and Challenging Word Problem books although we did consume the workbook.

I hope you get some good responses. We enjoyed Singapore up through 6B. NEM wasn't a hit for us though and we switched over to Fred.



I use everything in a non consumable way. I'm schooling 6 at time, it's the only way I can do it. I still have to buy the HIG, the new texts and wkbks, though. They're not to the point where they've cought up to where the first one started Singapore. I hate this. *grumble.*



I can't speak to Singapore since we've only used MUS. My son is about halfway through beta right now as a first grader. I thought about switching before 1st because it looked "boring," with just plain worksheets, so many numbers, no color, etc. But then I thought about it and realized he likes it. He's learning and retaining and just plain gets it. So, it works for him. It might have driven me a little batty as a math learner way back in the day, but it's working for him and that's what matters. So, my two cents on MUS.


Yeah, I know. My Dd 16 and I were talking about that yesterday, too. She loved MUS and was yammering at me for switching.

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We use MUS and I would not switch for anything. My kids are learning, they are retaining, and are understanding math in a ways I never thought possible. It is kind of boring, just numbers on a page, but it keeps them from being distracted by the pictures or whatever that might be on another type of worksheet.

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I guess you have to choose. No penalty either way, though :001_smile: If you like Singapore and want to stick with it, sell the MUS and use it to fund Singapore. If the kids liked MUS better, then you haven't wasted your time using singapore for a year. I am sure the kids still progressed in math, just go back to MUS and sell the singapore to fund another subject. I know it is hard especially when you have a lot kids and the choices seem overwhelming. Just determine to make a decision and try not to look back.



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If Singapore is working, why not sell the MUS?


:001_unsure: because then I wouldn't have it? I dunno. I get scared selling curic because most times I've sold it, I always end up rebuying it for some reason or another. And selling is a pain.


We use MUS and I would not switch for anything. My kids are learning, they are retaining, and are understanding math in a ways I never thought possible. It is kind of boring, just numbers on a page, but it keeps them from being distracted by the pictures or whatever that might be on another type of worksheet.


My worries are for the upper grades, in all honesty. I'm not one to buy into curric hype-really, I'm not. But I'm not mathy at *all*. So I can't help them more than the curric gives me, you know? Sometimes Singapore approaches something in a way that I just wouldn't see to do. MUS I totally get. It's all American math, you know? I could teach them the books myself with not a lot of problems, but Singapore has this whole learning curve to it-they think about math in a totally different way that I just don't see.


I'm arguing for just buying the durned books. I think that's my answer-but I'm arguing out of fear and that's not a good thing. :glare:


Bill, where are you? What are your two cents?

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Well, Singapore hurts my head. A lot. I needed the HIG for 1A/B and I could hear the people at the homeschool store snickering at me. OK, not really, but I was sure they would have been, had they not been so nice. :lol:


I *like* MUS. I was thinking about switching, because I didn't think it was working for my oldest, but then I realized that I've been a really rotten math teacher. :o She's had a tutor helping her lately, she's getting it now, and I think we can continue on with MUS. My younger dd wants to continue with MUS (I bought Saxon for her) so we will probably do that.


If you have MUS, and it would be cheaper for you, I say go for it. Singapore makes me want to beat my head against a wall because it would be more fun than trying to figure out what the heckito they are talking about. :lol:

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K...what SM would you need grade wise?


I LOVE MUS! If I have to pick only one, I would stick with MUS and add in critical thinking type math stuff. I am using games online to kind of do that.


My long term goal is to use MUS and SM, but due to money right now....not happening. :(


Maybe someone on here has used up workbooks they would send you free for postage? You could white out the answers. Thinking...

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I'm of the opinion that if money is tight, you go with what you already have unless it's really, really, really not working.


If you were starting from scratch, I'd personally say go for Singapore or Math Mammoth over MUS, but having MUS on hand changes the dynamic.

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We use MUS and I would not switch for anything. My kids are learning, they are retaining, and are understanding math in a ways I never thought possible. It is kind of boring, just numbers on a page, but it keeps them from being distracted by the pictures or whatever that might be on another type of worksheet.



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We started out with Singapore when we first took ds out of school, took a side trip through Teaching Textbooks, and have now landed in MUS. Of the three MUS is by far my favorite both because my kids are learning better and because I find it vastly more Mom friendly than Singapore (for MY non-mathy self). I continually find myself wishing someone had explained it to ME that way back when I was in school because then it would have made sense and I might not have grown so non-mathy.


I don't know about the ins and outs of math education theory and which program comes out on top in a debate amongst people who do. What I DO know is that my kids are learning math with MUS, and doing it cheerfully (most of the time), and neither of those things was true with Singapore, so in my opinion that makes MUS the better program for us.


Also, as a confirmed old cheapskate I say if you have it and it works, use it.

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You are right. I'm going to stick with MUS. If the budget loosens up I may add in Singapore later, but for now, I'm not breaking the bank for this. Not when I have a lot of math on hand.



This is what I would do if I were you. I don't think you can go wrong with either of these math programs...they are just different. One thought though; could you just add in Singapore's Challenging Word Problems? MUS is lacking in word problems imo.

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I LOVE Singapore. It's the first real curriculum I used, when I stray it's always the one that welcomes me back with open arms and it's responsible for the math skills of my two kids AND me. I LOVE, LOVE, LOVE it.


That said, you said MUS worked, you've got it on hand and $$ is a factor. I'd go with the MUS. It's an excellent program too from all I've heard. Singapore is wonderful but it's not worth the money if it's going to cause you anxiety and stress.


I think sometimes in our rush to find the best curriculum we forget that what we really need is the curriculum that gets the job done. Sounds like MUS has done that for you.

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If this were an English program, I could assess so easily and see the pitfalls ahead of us and know how to deal.


With math, I am completely and totally ignorant. That's where the stress comes in. It's a hold my nose and jump situation. All of my curric mistakes have been on math. :glare: But yes, MUS has been there since the beginning.


This is what I would do if I were you. I don't think you can go wrong with either of these math programs...they are just different. One thought though; could you just add in Singapore's Challenging Word Problems? MUS is lacking in word problems imo.


Yes, this I can do. Thank you for the idea!

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We used Singapore until this year.


I found it to be pretty inexpensive as we only purchased the workbooks ($22 per kid per year) and nothing else.


Now my older two use TT.....THAT is expensive! :tongue_smilie:



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We used Singapore until this year.


I found it to be pretty inexpensive as we only purchased the workbooks ($22 per kid per year) and nothing else.


Now my older two use TT.....THAT is expensive! :tongue_smilie:




Yeah, I have TT, too (not the ones I need, though, pre alg/alg). And Video Text. Saxon, MUS and Singapore.....There is no way I could do Singapore with just the workbooks, though, I am not that gal.



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I just ordered Algebra but it won't be here until late August.




Yeah, I have TT, too (not the ones I need, though, pre alg/alg). And Video Text. Saxon, MUS and Singapore.....There is no way I could do Singapore with just the workbooks, though, I am not that gal.



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Yeah, I have TT, too (not the ones I need, though, pre alg/alg). And Video Text. Saxon, MUS and Singapore.....There is no way I could do Singapore with just the workbooks, though, I am not that gal.




My vote is to use the program that gives you the help you need to teach it well, and it sounds like MUS was that for you. If something works...no need to change just for possibly greener grass, and having something already on my shelf is definitely a motivator for me!

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