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If my husband wanted a Truck for pleasure: Not for traveling to work...

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What'cha think you'd say? Truck for pleasure... to go camping... etc... BTW, we have one broken car we have to sell for scrap, one CRX that is going to just putter die... and then he'll be stuck driving the Truck... (about 30 minutes or so each way)


I have a Van.... But, we had 4 kids when we purchased it... they were little enough to have to be in the back when I bought it...


My thought was that it'd be best to purchase a car that would be big enough for the 5 of us who live at home, decent gas mileage, with air conditioning... so he'd be comfy driving to work. (BTW, if he gets a job farther away, for some weird reason... he could be looking at over an hrs drive. Course, he loves his job right now... so hopefully he'll have it forever :))


And, he's a great provider.. great dad... Just with gas prices... it seems a luxury to buy a truck...



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I guess it depends on how you and your dh prefer to spend your money.


For us, we buy vehicles for practical reasons (dependable, good gas mileage, good value to us for the money, work for our situation), not for pleasure.

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I nixed a truck earlier this year. It was actually a very good deal, too; I just didn't think we needed to spend $12,000 right then. Dh wanted it for hauling which we now do with my Rav-4, so it wasn't just because he wanted it. Or maybe that's how he was justifying it. :D Either way, he didn't get it.

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Used truck prices are incredibly low right now. I'd look at Ford F-150, 250 or 350 and would consider diesel for better fuel mileage - can be around 20 mpg highway. If he gets a crew cab, the five of you will fit very comfortably. The GMC Sierra and Chevy Silverado are also very nice in the same configuration. If you get one about 4 or 5 years old, you can get a great deal. Have a reputable mechanic check it out thoroughly to avoid any surprises. :)

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We bought a motorhome a year ago, but we both have cars already- all 2nd hand. We use the motorhome regularly for short trips where we want to stay over, for camping etc- not so much with the kids though since they are older now. But we do use it a lot and find it is worth it for our lifestyle.

Petrol is probably only going up. Right now, we find it useful and affordable to use the motorhome but who knows in the future. A diesel one would have been nice- wouldn't a truck be diesel run anyway? If its diesel run it would be equivalent to a car most likely i running cost- depending on its size.

When I was last in the U.S. age 13 in 1984, I was amazed at the huge cars every drove over there- part of the culture I guess. Parking lots fascinated me. Maybe it has changed....but then, petrol is still cheaper there too.

Its really a personal thing- whether you can afford it, whether its practical for your family.

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I always approach things in my usual optimistic way :tongue_smilie:.

Figure out the worst case scenario. So, he'll have to drive to work and back and how much is it going to run you a month? Are you comfortable with it? Are you comfortable with the purchase price?

If you have any doubts, wait a little until the picture becomes clearer.

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We have a 12 year old Ford F-150 that we love. It only has just over 89,000 miles on it, because we use it for commuting the short distance to our business.


It is so handy to have a truck. I don't think it would be *just* for pleasure. You'll be amazed the things you'll be able to haul :001_smile:.

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My dh works his tail off for us. I never disagree with what he wants to buy. He's the one who knows how much work he put into that money. :001_smile: I'm not sure if you're saying he's asking for your opinion, or if you are going to deny it? I would nicely tell him you have reservations and what they are, but I can't imagine telling a growwn man he can't buy what kind of vehicle he wants.

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My dh works his tail off for us. I never disagree with what he wants to buy. ..... but I can't imagine telling a growwn man he can't buy what kind of vehicle he wants.


Maybe this is the difference? :) It's a loan for us ... It's how hard he WILL work for it :)


I think if he gets it ...I'll smile and go charge new flooring for the house ... I look at our floors.... wood... and we were going to get new ones when we ripped up the nasty carpet... 8 years ago ;)


It's all about priorities... and I know he wants his truck :)


I've got a really cool looking Visa just dying to buy me this really cool flooring I found :)



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I would say a lot depends on your finances. Can you AFFORD the truck? How does the insurance on the truck compare to that of a car?


A few years ago DH bought a used Cadillac. It was not the vehicle I would have purchased but he loves it and he works hard for us (and we could afford it). On the other hand, I have my horse and a horse trailer which are important to ME but not so much to him.


Where we live a truck or a bigger 4 wheel drive comes in very handy.

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DH felt the same way. And we actually kind of needed one because we own some acreage. I said absolutely not as long as work was 40+ min away. Especially with gas prices. He has a jetta that gets 30 mpg and a truck isn't going to come close. Well this past year he finally got a transfer to work that's only 10 min away. But I still wouldn't let him get one as long as we were going to have to get a loan. Then in January his friend got a new truck and sold DH his old truck. It's a 97 and doesn't look good, but it runs well, has ac, is 4 door, and we were able to pay cash for it. He sold it to use for about 1/3 of what he could have gotten for it. So waiting worked well for us.

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YOu need to discuss and try to get on the same page. I am so thankful DH and I are both on the same page with finances. There are minor disagreements, but the big things are always agreed on or not purchased.


A truck for ME would be a huge deal and I would not want him to get one. When our van died, dh wanted a truck, I wanted a van....our compromise was our SUV....he got his towing capacity and I got my seating capacity.


We would not do that today.....we both want something far more economical gas wise.



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You and I have very different marriages. DH and I went into marriage as an agreement/partnership. The truth is, I could go back to my career and earn a decent living. He is the one who wanted me to stay home.


When we both worked we still always consulted each other on large purcahses because it effects the entire family financially. I would find it disrespectful and selfish for him to go and get something that big unless we had so much cash on hand that I wouldn't notice the dent and it wouldn't effect us. But, we don't! We have designated accounts that he and I set up together.....kids' college funds, emergency savings, and we have just started a car replacement fund.....which will be used to purchase a car when necessary and that we will choose together.




My dh works his tail off for us. I never disagree with what he wants to buy. He's the one who knows how much work he put into that money. :001_smile: I'm not sure if you're saying he's asking for your opinion, or if you are going to deny it? I would nicely tell him you have reservations and what they are, but I can't imagine telling a growwn man he can't buy what kind of vehicle he wants.
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My dh works his tail off for us. I never disagree with what he wants to buy. He's the one who knows how much work he put into that money. :001_smile: I'm not sure if you're saying he's asking for your opinion, or if you are going to deny it? I would nicely tell him you have reservations and what they are, but I can't imagine telling a growwn man he can't buy what kind of vehicle he wants.



See, as the (female) breadwinner in my family, buying something just for me or just because I want it doesn't occur to me. I also work my tail off for my paycheck. I see this attitude expressed frequently here (and I don't mean to pick on you at all; I'm just musing here). Buying a vehicle is a big financial decision for most couples. I would never come home and announce to dh that I want a specific car and expect him to merely voice his concerns and then leave the decision to me solely because I work and he doesn't.


My dh and I are partners. We discuss big purchases because of the effect on the family. If we can't come to an agreement we're both happy with the decision is tabled.


I think it would be interesting to see if there are many differences in attitudes toward money between men who are the providers and women who are the providers. I suspect many variables play into attitudes and there probably isn't a simple correlation.

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