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I am miserable! Female Content.

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Okay so the last few weeks have been just a bit stressful!!!



Now I am suffering from some very uncomfortable female problems :glare:. I haven't had a yeast infection in 10 yrs, but now I have a very uncomfortable one :001_unsure:. Add to that multiple canker soars/stress ulcers in my mouth, and I feel like I am falling apart.


For the canker sores I have tried: salt water and green tea.

For the yeast infection: I have been drinking a ton of water, eating a ton of yogurt and topical yogurt (sorry if tmi), but it's not getting better. In fact I am more miserable. I just sent dh to the store to get me an over the counter medicine.


Since the Hive is so knowledgable, I wanted to ask if there is something else I can do?


...this is my 1st ever "female content" post and I am totally humiliated, but extremely uncomfortable. :crying:


Now to :leaving:

Edited by simka2
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It sounds like you need the OTC meds for the yeast infection.


For the canker sores, I use Zilactin (your dh can pick that up too :001_smile:). It makes a hard crust over the sore while it's healing, so it's not uncomfortable to eat, takes the pain away, etc.


I'm sorry you're miserable!

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It sounds like your gut needs healing. :grouphug: Get your hands on a VERY GOOD probiotic. That is good to take on a daily basis.


Try to stay away from refined carbs. That will help tremendously.


Also, make sure the yogurt is PLAIN and unsweetened. You can always mix in unsweetened fruit sauce (apple, pear, plum, etc.).


When you are stressed, do you tend to eat sweets or refined carbs? i know I do... and then my gut pays for it... along with my skin.

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Alum is in the spice aisle & I think is used for pickling things. It works on canker sores.


Run a q-tip under some water, then dip that in the alum, the apply to the sore. It will hurt like fire & taste like a pickle--completely unpleasant. It's best to do this before bed. Generally, they'll be gone the next morning; worst case scenario, you repeat that night, & they're gone w/in 2 days.

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Maybe a bath with some ac vinegar for some immediate relief? Or you could try an ac vinegar compress? Just guessing here, but it sounds like it might temp soothe until the meds can kick in. I have also heard that tea tree oil is good for this, but I'd be hesitant to use it on such a delicate area.

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Wow, you are under a lot of stress. I have to be at the breaking point to have all that happen (and, yup, I've BTDT).


For me the single dose infection doses never work-well, they DO but they're not effective at calming the wretched situation down NOW so I can think. Get the 7 day treatment and get some probiotics in the fridge section of the natural food store. The yogurt works well at the fist niggling feeling that, perhaps, you may have a situation on your hands, but at full blown WITH canker sores and all that? You're asking it to bring you back from a negative 10, you know?


Get the meds, eat the yogurt, take the probiotics and REST. And, I believe Vit B complex and C is good, too for the sores.



:grouphug::grouphug::grouphug: You poor thing!

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I am so sorry! :grouphug:


Best ever OTC med for that is Yeast Arrest by Vitanica. It is natural but works.


:iagree:100%. This is seriously the best. product. ever. My naturopath friend recommended it for a persistent yeast problem I had for about 3 months due to massive, multiple courses of antibiotics. It completely knocked it out.

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Okay so the last few weeks have been just a bit stressful!!!



Now I am suffering from some very uncomfortable female problems :glare:. I haven't had a yeast infection in 10 yrs, but now I have a very uncomfortable one :001_unsure:.


...this is my 1st ever "female content" post and I am totally humiliated, but extremely uncomfortable. :crying:


Now to :leaving:

:grouphug: I could have written this today. In fact, I searched the boards and I almost did post, but just resorted to running to Walgreens and picking up some Monistat. It has been years since I have had one of these...so many, that I can't remember the last time. *sigh* I'm on edge and uncomfortable and tomorrow's my birthday.


I think mine is more caused by the constant stream of coke, sweet tea, and sweettart jellybeans (which I don't normally eat/drink) that I have consumed in the past two months on top of a busy, stressful schedule which has had me not taking my probiotics regularly.:(


I'm taking my probiotics again and beginning Monistat tonight. Drinking lots of water and cutting back on my sweets.


I know you have had a horribly stressful couple of weeks. I hope you feel better soon. More :grouphug: cause I feel for you tonight!

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Hmmm.....are you sure it's a yeast infection? I had one once that I swore was a yeast infection (though I'd never had one, it fit the symptoms I saw women complaining about on the television commercials-- itching and burning, etc.) OTC remedies did nothing, so I finally broke down and called the Dr. Turns out it wasn't a yeast infection at all, it was a bacterial infection. Antibiotics cured it quickly.


Just throwin' that out there. I hope you find relief soon! :grouphug::grouphug:



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Hmmm.....are you sure it's a yeast infection? I had one once that I swore was a yeast infection (though I'd never had one, it fit the symptoms I saw women complaining about on the television commercials-- itching and burning, etc.) OTC remedies did nothing, so I finally broke down and called the Dr. Turns out it wasn't a yeast infection at all, it was a bacterial infection. Antibiotics cured it quickly.


Just throwin' that out there. I hope you find relief soon! :grouphug::grouphug:




I have this thought in the back of mind:glare:. I'm hoping not, but I guess I will know in a couple days. :tongue_smilie:

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:grouphug: I could have written this today. In fact, I searched the boards and I almost did post, but just resorted to running to Walgreens and picking up some Monistat. It has been years since I have had one of these...so many, that I can't remember the last time. *sigh* I'm on edge and uncomfortable and tomorrow's my birthday.


I think mine is more caused by the constant stream of coke, sweet tea, and sweettart jellybeans (which I don't normally eat/drink) that I have consumed in the past two months on top of a busy, stressful schedule which has had me not taking my probiotics regularly.:(


I'm taking my probiotics again and beginning Monistat tonight. Drinking lots of water and cutting back on my sweets.


I know you have had a horribly stressful couple of weeks. I hope you feel better soon. More :grouphug: cause I feel for you tonight!


Stress and Easter candy!!!! That has to be it!


Thanks for the :grouphug:. I hope you have a wonderful, pain free, Birthday!!! :party:

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That's so weird. I just had my first one in years myself. I did a one day Monistat with no noticable results. My dr. called in a prescription for Diflucan and I took it last Friday and I am just now starting to feel better. I take a pro-biotic daily and the only difference in my life recently was one crazy newly-wed kind of weekend. I think we broke something. I guess my parts are just getting too old for that kind of use. ;) Anyhow, dr. says if any symptoms continue then I need to come in so he can identify the problem. I think that I will just increase pro-biotics and liquids for a bit and ration everything else.

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What everyone has already said and maybe this:


Limit intake of sugar and refined carbohydrates

More probiotics - a dose of 1 to 16 billion CFUs should help. You can also get additional probiotics from food – yogurt, kefir, tempeh

Pau D’Arco – 500 mg each day in capsule form. DO NOT TAKE IF PREGNANT!

Garlic – 4 raw chopped cloves – expose to air for few minutes first – or take 300 mg of garlic supplement a day (but make sure it contains allicin).

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I have also heard that tea tree oil is good for this, but I'd be hesitant to use it on such a delicate area.


I have used it successfully, including, umm, internally (lol - and I don't mean drinking it) - a couple of drops in the correct dispensing bottle ...


I really sympathise - I suffered terribly in the past when I first went on the Pill. I remember lying in bed crying it was so itchy and painful.

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