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I crave good news

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Do you ever get so overwhelmed with everyone and their day to day crisis that you just crave good news? I love my church and my friends but everyone seems to have something horrible going on. Not made up drama. Serious issues like cancer, spouses leaving, financial ruin, wayward children.


I hurt for them. I want to be able to help but I am being to feel like I am in a funk.

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Here's my good news:


1. It is possible to buy a decent sandwich in the city.

2. I'm not quite out of chocolate yet.

3. Dh has just decided that each note played on his panpipes requires a different mouth shape. He now sounds significantly better, so I think he's onto something.

4. I expect to be able to finish my chapter of grammar without crying to Ester Maria for the 6th time.


Frivolous, but that's the best I can do for now.




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Here's some good news...


Our home owners insurance agreed to pay for the siding and roof that blew off our home in the high winds in February. The entire side of our house blew off plus about 20 roof shingles. The wind is horrid here...so bad some mornings I wake up thinking we must be in Oz after all that noise all night long. We've only lived here for a year and then they were giving us a really hard time and a lot of misinformation but it looks like we will finally have our home back together in a couple months.

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I have 4 weeks 2 days 11 hours and 21 minutes until I am done homeschooling other people's children. :D


Some of it has been awesome. Some of it has been downright brutal. All of it has been draining on my emotional energy for my family, so for that reason it is really GREAT news. :tongue_smilie:

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Spring is gorgeous here.


My dh's job is doing great.


I get along wonderfully with my MIL. She's a friend and not a MIL to me.


Homeschool is moving along well.


All the cars are working (and they all have over 100,000 miles.)


I love my house.


I love our pet mice.


There are no major problems right now. I have a little boy who has started throwing temper tantrums, but with help from the board, I feel better equipped to deal with them.

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The weather is gorgeous here.


My SIL is getting engaged tonight and we are having a surprise party at my house tonight to celebrate. She is a fabulous person and I could not be more excited for her!


My house is full of flowers that I get to deliver to her house later for the proposal :D

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I saw my doctor today for my autoimmune hepatitis and got some good news:



  • They've upped the cheap rx, with the goal of completely getting me off the $$ rx.
  • The scarring on my liver is a 3. Anything under 4, and the body has the ability to repair the damage.
  • My labs are all in the normal range.


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When my DH lost his job, he took a new one with a paycut because there's no way we could have made it with unemployment.


So, this new job? Is with a company that treats its employees with respect, he'll soon have options for overtime which will lessen the feel of the paycut, and allows him to have actual days off and time to spend with his family! :D


He's lost 25 pounds and gone off a med for anxiety in the last 6 weeks. He looks 5 years younger and he actually smiles again!

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here's my good news for today:


1~I am privileged to homeschool my 4 children...even on the days that they drive me slightly crazy, it is still a blessing to be home with them.


2~I am alive. Given recent tornadoes and other tragedies, I try to take the time each day to remember that "just living" is not to be taken for granted.


3~I am celebrating being cancer-free for 15 years this year. I would not have changed the diagnosis and the treatment, because it has made me who I am today.


4~I have a roof over my head, clothes on my body, food in my tummy, etc.


5~I have a God that loves me unconditionally, who died for me and shows me mercy and grace each and every day.

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3. Dh has just decided that each note played on his panpipes requires a different mouth shape. He now sounds significantly better, so I think he's onto something.



The good news is that Rosie's DH plays the panpipes and MINE does not!!! :lol:

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The weather is gorgeous here.


My SIL is getting engaged tonight and we are having a surprise party at my house tonight to celebrate. She is a fabulous person and I could not be more excited for her!


My house is full of flowers that I get to deliver to her house later for the proposal :D


That sounds fun. Definitely great news! :)


My good news is that DH got another consult job, which is extra money that is always needed. I want to buy one little fun thing before we spend the rest on bills and such. :)


I love reading everyone's good news. All of the bad stuff starts to hurt my heart after awhile. :(

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1. My dh has been back to work for 3 months! We are finally breathing again. We are able to say "sure" when the kids want a little something instead of having to tell them no.

2. I started walking on the treadmill at my kids' taekwondo studio while they are in class. I walk 5k a night (3 times a week) and I'm feeling so much better about my health and my body.

3. The new job is manual for my dh and he has lost 25 pounds! He looks awesome and healthy.

4. I have wonderful clients (I clean houses) who give me a little extra now and then and are always so appreciative of the job I do.

5. Next month, dh and I will be together 18 years. For some reason, that's a great milestone. Maybe because, as a couple, we're officially grownups. :lol:

6. I, too, still have chocolate in the house (and a Mike's in the fridge) and haven't touched either of them.....much. :lol:

We lived the last 18 months steeped in bad news. I feel like there is sunshine beaming in the front door and I'm glad I can share some of my good news with you.

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We're leaving for our first vacation in 5 years Friday morning :hurray: and I even have shorts that fit now because DH took me out shopping earlier this evening (apparently I am no longer as svelte as I was 6 years ago when I last bought shorts, but he said that I was too thin then anyway) and then he put the girls to bed so that I could pack without distraction (I hate packing, but packing is good because I can't leave unless I pack, I still have packing to do btw which I'm avoiding by coming here and posting about the packing, have I mentioned that I hate packing?).


Oh, and it's to Turks and Caicos to celebrate our 10th Anniversary. I'm so excited to see the Caribbean (it's the first time for both of us) and I can't believe how lucky I am to have had such a wonderful 10 years with my husband (whom I only occasionally want to throw headlong out of a moving vehicle). LOL


Here's to happy posts and the good moments in life that outweigh all of the bad!


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I'll play this game!

--my dd and dh are able to take their dream trip to NYC together this week and see a couple Broadway Shows.

--my kids are becoming wonderful people that I respect and enjoy.

--I am in love with my husband after 20 years.

--It was warm and sunny today.

--we live a life that we have chosen and believe in.

--I am excited about learning--all this teaching the kids makes me curious about the world.

--I have friends and many opportunities to do things that I enjoy!

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