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Indoor exercise for kids?

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My son has major allergies and allergy induced asthma and we're headed into his peak season. During the really high grass/ragweed allergy days he's really better off inside. We've had an unusual and long string of wet weather and my kids are nuts and now I'm thinking about summer allergy season for him.


Any ideas for getting exercise/the wiggles out of a 7 year old boy who can't go outside every day?

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How bad are the allergies? Can you give him medication that doesn't make him drowsy? If so, I think I'd prefer to medicate and send him out and be active!!!


If not, do you have a basement? In the winter here in MI, my kids bring in their scooters and other outdoor toys to use in the basement.


Do you have a pool nearby? We take ours swimming at least once/week during the winter.


Gym? We have a local gym with two basketball courts. We can rent them for $25/hour (I know - awesome heh). Friends of our kids will rent the gym and send out emails to join them there.


Karate classes?

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Our library has all different exercise videos, for kids and adults. My daughter enjoys picking out a different one to do each time- some regular exercise, some yoga, some dance, etc.


She also likes putting on music and just dancing around or playing freeze dance or some such.


She likes if I get out a stopwatch and see how many of different types of exercises she can do in X amount of time.


ETA: Oh, and as others have already mentioned, we do also have a Wii and Wii Fit.

Edited by NanceXToo
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We have an ellipse. My kids get on it all the time.


I feel his pain. None of the non drowsy stuff touches my allergies.


Can I ask - what have you tried? I have massive allergies this year for the first time ever. I haven't tried anything yet. My ds takes Benadryl - 1/2 dose does not make him drowsy.


I see ads for Allegra and Zyrtec and wonder about their effectiveness!

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My dd8 love running on the treadmill. :)


There are also some great wii fit games that are actually great exercise. Our current favorite is http://www.amazon.com/Active-Life-Explorer-Mat-Nintendo-Wii/dp/B003LDKH2E/ref=pd_sim_vg_2 It's actually a great work out, and can be played solo, in pairs, or 4 at a TIME (not taking turns, but all exercising the entire time.)



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We have a jogging trampoline that we pull out in the middle of winter.


Do you have an air conditioner? I have terrible allergies, yes, that nasty ragweed will be my undoing, and air conditioners have helped me a great deal. I know some people worry about molds but it hasn't been a problem for me. Molds and mildews are my worst allergy and I don't have any problem with our wall unit air conditioner.


I was just thinking that something like a kinect along with an air conditioner would be wonderful.


Swimming lessons...do the chlorine fumes bother? Might be a good choice if now.


Gah! I grew up like this and it brings back some hard memories. I am not kidding when I say that the 'new' allergy meds changed my life. I am not a big outdoors person to this day, I spend most of summer indoors, but I am so much happier now. I can go for a hike with my kids and it's not a crisis.

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Wii Fit is working here. I require them to stand up to play, which almost always leads to a lot of wiggles. A few times they have done a workout video (P90) with me. I'd love to find a shorter Tae Bo type video for them as well.

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We do the indoor trampoline (found one used for $5 last year), running up and down the stairs, jumping jacks, jumprope, push-ups, sit-ups, and silly dancing for our indoor exercise.


Ds needs a 15 minute break after math in the mornings and I make him choose something that will make him break a sweat -- he needs to release some energy after thinking so hard for 45 -60 minutes. ;)


We have a Wii (with WiiFit) and an Xbox Kinect, but I don't count those as exercise because they don't work up a sweat as fast as the other options.

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Since it's been pouring down rain 90% of the time around here, we've developed a new indoor game. Dodgeball, but with kitchen towels. One of us sits on the couch and balls up kitchen towels, while the others run back and forth. Couch person throws the towels and tries to hit the runners. Three hits and you become the next thrower. It's keeping us amused and the towels don't cause any damage.

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