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Book a Week in 2011 - Week eighteen

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Happy May! Today is the start of week 18 in our quest to read 52 books in 52 weeks. Welcome to everyone who is just joining in, welcome back to our regulars and to all who are following our progress. Mr. Linky is all set up on the 52 books blog to link to your reviews. The link is in my signature.

52 Books Blog - Q is for Queen. Since all eyes on England due to the royal wedding, a bit of trivia about the royal house.


Did you know May is Get Caught Reading Month, Better Hearing and Speech Month and Creative Beginnings Month. See this site to see what else is being celebrated this month.


What are you reading this week?




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This week I finished:


#30 - The Fortunate Calamity, by "Pansy" (Mrs. G.R. Alden). An old book (c1927), its' appeal was the author. Pansy was a pen name for Isabella Alden, who was the aunt of Grace Livingston Hill and who encouraged Grace in her writing. It was as expected - easy reading, uplifting.


#31 - Leaving a Trace: On Keeping a Journal, by Alexandra Johnson. The second subtitle is, "The Art of Transforming a Life into Stories." Quick reading. Some good ideas. Encouraging. The author intersperses quotes and stories from those both famous and not who have kept journals, and the ones who have parlayed them into something more.


Am currently reading:


#32 - Bryson City Secrets, by Walter Larimore, MD. This is the third (and I think final) in this non-fiction series, whose cover description is, "Even more tales of a small-town doctor in the Smokey Mountains." Along with the first two books, Bryson City Tales and Bryson City Seasons, he details his and his family's transition into his first medical practice in a small, rural area. Quick reading, filled with his adventures - and misadventures. Many of his stories incorporate his Christian faith.


Not sure what I'll read next, but my list of "wanna-reads" is growing, as is my desire to reread some books . . . So many books, so little time . . . :)

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This week I read "The Sandlewood Tree" by Elle Newmark. Fabulous historical fiction novel.


This looks really, really good. Adding it to my (ever-growing) list.


I read Harry, A History by Melissa Anelli, who runs one of the biggest HP fansites----The Leaky Cauldron.


Interesting look at the crazy phenomenal success of Harry Potter, as well as a look at the fans themselves. Who would've guessed Harry Potter would even inspire a new genre of music? Wizard Rock.

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Reading an extremely painful book, which I keep thinking that I should not be reading since I'm such a wimp. Very important nonetheless. The Holocaust, history of Israel, Anne Frank ... all of that fascinates me and gets me going. I just love, love, love Israel and cannot wait to re-visit there in a few months. :) Yet, this book is horribly sad. :( :( :(



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Reading an extremely painful book, which I keep thinking that I should not be reading since I'm such a wimp. Very important nonetheless. The Holocaust, history of Israel, Anne Frank ... all of that fascinates me and gets me going. I just love, love, love Israel and cannot wait to re-visit there in a few months. :) Yet, this book is horribly sad. :( :( :(




Wiesel is difficult to read, though he captures the heart ache and despair of the camps. My dh and I both were mesmerized by Wiesel, he kinda broke my heart.



Finished 2 GREAT books this week: Grooming the Next Generation for Success by Dani Johnson. LOVE what this woman has to say about parenting!

And I read, The Necklace. LOVED it!!


Can I throw a movie out there too? Against all odds: Israel Survivors. Good stuff.

Edited by laughing lioness
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Didn't read anything for the week ending last Sunday, but finished Under the Tuscan Sun by Frances Mayes yesterday. I enjoyed the parts about the house restoration and will be trying a few recipes, but I tended to get bogged down in the parts about being a tourist in Italy. Not sure what I'll pick up next--got several new titles from my Dad's wife over Easter.



2011 Reading List


24. Under the Tuscan Sun-Frances Mayes

23. Battle Hymn of the Tiger Mother-Amy Chua

22. These Three Remain-Pamela Aidan

21. Chocolat-Joanne Harris

20. Where the Red Fern Grows-Wilson Rawls

19. Duty and Desire-Pamela Aidan

18. An Assembly Such As This-Pamela Aidan

17. Left Neglected-Lisa Genova

16. Classics in the Classroom-Michael Clay Thompson

15. True You-Janet Jackson

14. The Samurai’s Garden-Gail Tsukiyama

13. Hotel on the Corner of Bitter and Sweet-Jamie Ford

12. God’s Middle Finger-Richard Grant

11. Kristin Lavransdatter-I: The Wreath-Sigrid Undset

10. The Housekeeper and the Professor-Yoko Ogawa

9. A Lucky Child-Thomas Buergenthal

8. Three Cups of Tea-Greg Mortenson

7. Run-Ann Patchett

6. The Red Queen-Philippa Gregory

5. Agnes Grey-Anne Bronte

4. The Daughter of Time-Josephine Tey

3. Mythology-Edith Hamilton

2. Phantom Toll Booth-Norton Juster

1. Her Fearful Symmetry-Audrey Niffenegger

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Wiesel is difficult to read, though he captures the heart ache and despair of the camps. My dh and I both were mesmerized by Wiesel, he kinda broke my heart.

Yes, this is not a book that I will easily forget.

Thanks for the movie suggestion. :) Will look into it.


And I read, The Necklace. LOVED it!!

This looks very good and I've added it to my wish list.

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I'm reading A Year of Wonders: A Novel of the Plague http://www.amazon.com/Year-Wonders-Plague-Geraldine-Brooks/dp/0142001430in between chapters of the other book. So far, so good, and I have two other books by her waiting. Her second novel is about the father from Little Women, and I'm looking forward to that one, but want to read her fiction in order (Geralding Brooks.)

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Ok, so I had "I Am Messenger" to read, but I tried several times and could not get into it SOOOOOO I felt immediate pressure, no really just desire, to find another book. I found this book and it fit with my theme of WWII books. It is called "The Guernsey Literary and Potato Peel Pie Society" by Mary Ann Shaffer. It was a "Librarian's Pick" and when I read the jacket, I thought "why not?"


It is wonderful. I have read "A Book Thief" and "Sarah's Key" in the last few weeks, and they all deal with WWII in different geographic locations and in a different, more creative, interesting way. This book follows that theme! It is heart warming and interesting, and I would recommend it to anyone. It is, also, a shorter read than "A Book Thief" so I was able to finish it after starting it mid-week.


Have a great week reading -


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Reading Remarkable Creatures due to someone on this list. :)

Added this to my wish list. Looks good. :)


Also reading Growing Up Global based on Rosie's rec.

My dh's cousin wrote this :D. She's the sweetest, nicest person. She blogs from time to time on Huffington Post.


Ok, so I had "I Am Messenger" to read, but I tried several times and could not get into

I didn't like this one much either. I finished it, but not that great of a book. Quite a let-down after Book Thief.


"The Guernsey Literary and Potato Peel Pie Society"

It is wonderful. I have read "A Book Thief" and "Sarah's Key" in the last few weeks

I really like the Guernsey book and The Book Thief. I'm sure I'll read Sarah's Key eventually. :)

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I read this! I found it fascinating.


I guess it was your post that interested me in the book. :001_smile:





My dh's cousin wrote this :D. She's the sweetest, nicest person. She blogs from time to time on Huffington Post.



Cool. So far most of her suggestions I already do. I'm loving her books suggestions. Many of them are on my wish list, and now I want to get them that much sooner.


Maybe I should read the Guernsey book then since I like Book Thief.

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My daughter and I are nearly finished with Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban- we're a tad bit behind. We hope to finish today.


Then we will be starting "The Safe Zone, A Kid's Guide To Personal Safety." My daughter is 10 1/2 and just starting to get more freedom this spring in regard to venturing off our block with some of the other neighborhood kids, so I think this is important (in conjunction with the Judo classes she takes and the conversations/roleplaying activities we sometimes do).


As for me, I've finished "Unwind" by Neal Shusterman, which I really liked, and I'm now reading the latest Black Dagger Brotherhood book by J.R. Ward- "Lover Unleashed." Ah, good old vampire erotica! :D

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[quote name=rhrice3;2681049. It is called "The Guernsey Literary and Potato Peel Pie Society" by Mary Ann Shaffer. It was a "Librarian's Pick" and when I read the jacket' date=' I thought "why not?"


It is wonderful. ReneeR


Maybe I should read the Guernsey book then since I like Book Thief.


It's a good book. My aunt has suggested it, but since she is someone whose taste I normally ignore, I didn't read it until someone on last year's book a week challenge recommended it.

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Maybe I should read the Guernsey book then since I like Book Thief.

IMHO, not nearly as good as The Book Thief, but still very good and worth reading.


Just finished The 5 People that you Meet in Heaven by Albom. Very tender towards the end. The last 2 "people" that the main character meets were really touching; I found myself getting choked up. A sweet, quick read, along the lines of "It's a Wonderful Life."

One of my favorites. I just love all of his books - Tuesdays with Morrie - every one of them. The movies are fabulous also. Very well done. My dh and I enjoyed them a lot.



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I'm reading The Secret Garden in parallel with my daughter. It is a great kids read for springtime.

I also started the Girl With The Dragon Tattoo. Someone gave me a copy and recommended it enthusiastically. I'm not very far into it yet.

It must be time to add in another short story to have finished something this week.

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This looks really, really good. Adding it to my (ever-growing) list.


I read Harry, A History by Melissa Anelli, who runs one of the biggest HP fansites----The Leaky Cauldron.


Interesting look at the crazy phenomenal success of Harry Potter, as well as a look at the fans themselves. Who would've guessed Harry Potter would even inspire a new genre of music? Wizard Rock.


Loved that one!! This is currently, our favorite wizard rock song...

It makes me cry and I think the chorus completely captures what I love about books in general and Harry in Particular.


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I am reading and enjoying The Three Musketeers, but it is taking a long time. In the mean time I'm keeping up with the kids SL books which helps me keep pace here.


1: Graceling

2: Voyage of the Dawn Treader

3. A Single Shard

4: The Fiery Cross

5: A Season of Gifts

6: Otto of the Silver Hand

7: A Proud Taste for Scarlet and Miniver

8: Harry Potter

9: Watership Down

10: Master Cornhill

11. A Breath of Snow and Ashes

12. Catherine Called Birdy

13. Shadow of the Bull

14. I Juan de Pareja

15. The Second Mrs. Giaconda

16. Leonardo DaVinci

17. Mary, Bloody Mary

18. Luther: Biography of a Reformer

19. To Kill a Mockingbird

20. The Shakespeare Stealer

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I have fallen behind these last few weeks. We had family living with us.....my SIL, her dh, and their 3 kids! Serious chaos! Anyway, this week I am reading Seeds of Vengeance by Sylvia Noble and Ashley Judd's memoir (which is surprisingly good).

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I finished The Wise Man's Fear by Patrick Rothfuss on Saturday. I am working on How Should We Then Live by Francis Schaeffer and Hood by Stephen Lawhead. I read Hood last year, but am reading it again as I'd like to read through the whole series this time.


The King Ravin Series is one of my all time favs. LOVE Lawhead.

I like How Shall We then Live. Have you seen the DVD's for them? I read Schaeffer's The God Who is There earlier this year. Fantastic and challenging!


Negin- thanks for the movie info. I didn't know that there was a flick of 5 people. Adding it to my library queue!


Picked up a couple Chiam Potok books today. Talked myself into reading him again after perusing "Father Abraham."

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The King Ravin Series is one of my all time favs. LOVE Lawhead.

I like How Shall We then Live. Have you seen the DVD's for them? I read Schaeffer's The God Who is There earlier this year. Fantastic and challenging!



Did not know these existed - will have to look into them! Thanks. :)

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I also started the Girl With The Dragon Tattoo. Someone gave me a copy and recommended it enthusiastically. I'm not very far into it yet.

Loved this series. :D

The first book is quite boring and confusing in the first 60-70 pages. Hang in there. It does get better!

They are quite graphic. But I tend to look beyond that and just focus on the story. Love the story. :)

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Ended up getting a prescription for my illness, stuck with the Heyer books. I think I'm Heyered out for a bit ... I think maybe 2 during any month or six is enough :) This was, however, the first that I would say, I didn't like it (for what it was ... I know this is not great literature, but pure mind candy)


My 2011 Reviews:


1. Her Daughter's Dream - Francine Rivers

2. Island of the World - Michael O'Brien (AMAZING!)

3. Mennonite in a Little Black Dress - Rhoda Janzen

4. Cinderella Ate My Daughter - Peggy Orenstein

5. Devil's Cub - Georgette Heyer

6. Keeping a Nature Journal - Clare Walker Leslie and Charles E Roth.

7. Politically Incorrect Guide to Western Civilization (Audio Book)- Anthony Esolen

8. Excellent Women - Barbara Pym

9. The Abyssinian - Jean-Christophe Rufin

10. In the Company of Others - Jan Karon

11. One Thousand Gifts - Ann Voskamp

12. Regency Buck - Georgette Heyer

13. Bath Tangle - Georgette Heyer

14. The Convenient Marriage by Georgette Heyer

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Finally, after 3 weeks, I've finished 3 of the books that I previously started.


24. Snowstruck: In the Grip of Avalanches (Fredston)

23. The Doctor Wore Petticoats (Enss)

22. Faith Behind the Fences (Taylor)

21. Nurse! Nurse! (Frazier)

20. Usborne True Sea Stories

19. Usborne True Stories: Crime and Detection

18. You Want Me to Declaw WHAT?! (Toia)

17. Before My Heart Stops (Cardall)

16. The Deadly Dinner Party (Edlow)

15. Across the Red Line (Karl)

14. All My Patients Have Tales (Wells)

13. Ten Days in a Madhouse (Bly)

12. Heaven is For Real (Burpo)

11. Silas Marner (Eliot)

10. Doctor of the Heart (Rosenfeld)

9. White Fang (London)

8. Ask The Animals (Coston)

7. Call of the Wild (London)

6. The 7 (Beck)

5. Rogue Wave (Moriison)

4. Mockingjay (Collins)

3. Catching Fire (Collins)

2. Hunger Games (Collins)

1. Tales of An African Vet (Aronson)

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Finally finished King's Speech. It was good and provided much more back story to the movie. It was a little slow in places, but I really enjoyed the history. I had no idea this had even happened. I'm glad for the movie.


I'm not sure where this puts me in the book count, but I think I'm still a little behind. Need to get those started books finished!

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I finished "Pride & Prejudice" this week! It was the last Austen novel we will read for our Jane Austen Lit Study with my dd and her friends. We read the six main novels plus "Lady Susan" over the past school year. It's been great fun! We actually chose the "Insight Edition" for this one and it had lots of little comments and notes in the sidebar. I can't believe I'm up to date with my reading.



18. "Pride and Prejudice" by Jane Austen

"The Silver Chair" by C.S. Lewis

"The Girl Who Chased the Moon" by Sarah Allen

"Pride and Prejudice and Zombies" by Jane Austen and Seth Grahame-Smith

"The Candlestone" by Bryan Davis

"Emma" by Jane Austen

"Turtle in Paradise" by Jennifer L. Holm

"It's a Jungle Out There!" by Ron Snell

"Percy Jackson and the Last Olympian" by Rick Riordan

"Remarkable Creatures" by Tracy Chevalier

"Stardust" by Neil Gaiman

"The Diamond Throne" by David Eddings

"Adam and His Kin" by Ruth Beechick

"Persuasion" by Jane Austen

"The Short Second Life of Bree Tanner" by Stephenie Meyer

"The Voyage of the Dawn Treader" by C.S. Lewis (carried over from 2010)

"Mansfield Park" by Jane Austen

"Enchantment" by Orson Scott Card

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