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x-post..what's the story behind your username?

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Mine was created by a pirate name generator on Talk Like a Pirate Day. I'm a fairly straight-laced, people-pleasing, introvert masquerading as an extrovert, so I like to think of dirty ethel as my alter-ego. Sort of like Clark Kent to Superman :)!


There was an influx of Ellen's on the board (I know very few Ellen's IRL). I needed a new name.


Your name is the coolest!:001_smile:

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They really do. Plus, I happen to catch on C-Span or something some crusty congressman giving a list of fraud and abuses of the federal aid for Hurrican Katrina. He was going on how people used the money for plasma tvs, drugs, and Girls Gone Wild videos. It just struck me as funny to see this man say those words.

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"Asher" is the Hebrew for "the feeling of being blessed." Not simply, being blessed, but feeling blessed. I went to a Beth Moore conference w. my best friend this past summer and she spoke about "asher". It struck a definitive chord in me. :) I am blessed. Everything around me is a true blessing and I do feel that way, finally, after feeling the opposite for so long.

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Mine is my actual name. It's not pronounced Shannon or SHE-NAN. It's Shenan! As in Shenandoah. Which IS my REAL name. Shenan Doah is my first and middle name listed on my birth certificate. I do consider myself lucky, my sister ended up as a Cinnamon. :D

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I took mine from the term carschooling (which I don't do). If we're not homeschooling, we're gardenschooling. We have an old railroad line in our neighborhood that has been revamped as a community garden and nature trail, and we often grab our books and a blanket and go do school there. I also like to take a little schoolwork when we visit our local botanic gardens or nature centers, or a park down by the river. It just feels nice to be able to school outside and enjoy the weather. Makes me happy. :)


I'm also a poolschooler and a libraryschooler!

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During finals one semester, I went to visit a friend in another dorm. The women there were all calling each other "Ruth-atronic" or "Kate-atronic," as in "You are a machine" as in having the ability of a machine/computer to crank out the enormous amount of papers or studying that needed to be done. Lanatronic kind of stuck for a while, even after no one else was being called that, and it got shortened to Lanatron.


I really haven't been called that in a very long time, and on the old boards I was Lana in TX. When I registered over here, I wanted something a little more catchy, and LanaTron came to mind.


I am a machine. I can multitask with the best of them.

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IRL I go by my first and middle names, Lee Belle. I was named after my great grandmother and her id. twin. But there is already a Lee Belle on the board. I'd never met someone with my name before.


Remuda is a group of horses from which a cowboy chooses his mount. I have a group of horses. I choose my rides from them. Spanish word.

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