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I have pericarditis again

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I've had bronchitis for a month now. I was on antibiotics for 10 days and the infection I have has cleared up. But the inflammation has not cleared up and has been threatening to move down in my chest. Last night on our family walk it became crystal clear to me that I have pericarditis again (inflammation around the lining of my heart). Dh stopped at a drugstore and got me anti-inflammatories. I'm taking the highest amount you can take without ODing (this is a Dr. recommended treatment). I have a prescription already for steroids that I'm hoping not to take because I don't tend to respond to it anyway and I'm having yeast problems to begin with.


The good news:


I know that I'm not having a heart attack (the chest pain feels much the same, or so I've been told).


I'm catching it early this time because I know what it is. I'm not as sick as I was last time.


The bad news:


It's pretty painful.


The anti-inflammatories are very rough on my gut. My gut is already in bad shape.


I get very short of breath and my pulse and blood pressure go shooting up.


My MIL is in the hospital for the 3rd time in 1 month. This is pretty hard on my dh to have to worry about me too.


Prayers are appreciated.

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