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Uh Oh...

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I'm looking into hypnotherapy to help me deal with RSD. One certified hypnotherapist in my area keeps coming up, so I put a call in.


Here's the problem...her name is ringing a distant bell...Wolf dated a hypnotherapist before we met. I get the sinking feeling that its the same person. There's just not that many in the area, kwim?


Am I a complete twit for NOT being comfortable with her if it does indeed turn out that she's his ex? Just gives me the heebie jeebies.


Yes, I want to explore this method of pain management, but not with someone my husband used to suck face with. Hopefully its a different person.

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Whew. Not his ex. :D


Oh good. Now you can go ahead with the treatment! Is your hair better now? I remembered you were distressed with all the things going on. Praying the treatment takes care as much as possible of all the discomfort for you.

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No, my hair is still awful. I haven't gone completely bald, and think it may even be starting to grow in a wee bit...heaven only knows how many years it will take so that I don't look like a new military recruit though. :glare:


Mine is just thinning for no good reason at all - that I know of, at least. Have you tried Vitamin B and something with Biotin in it? I think I will try it.

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