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What curriculum did you find to be the most fun...

Heather in VA

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Galloping the Globe for sure, but unfortunately, it's too young for your older kids. This year, we will be doing SL Core 5 (which is a country study), so I'm hoping to add in some hands on crafts, cooking, travel videos and field trips that will make it into an "older" GTG.


I'll be watching this thread, because it seems like there is less and less fun stuff available as the kids get older.



Edited by LisaTheresa
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This year, we will be doing SL Core 5 (which is a country study), so I'm hoping to add in some hands on, crafts, travel videos and field trips that will make it into an "older" GTG.



That's what I do to Sonlight, too. We made Incan quipu knots the other day to go along with Secret of the Andes. :D If I could take them to go see the Nazca Lines, I would.

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