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What do you do to boost energy?

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I've been drinking an Emergen-C packet (high dose of Vit. C, B-6, B-12 and a few others) in the afternoon. I was doing it because the kids were sick and I wanted to boost my immune system. The extra energy was a much appreciated side effect. :D


Well that sounds good. Is it safe to drink for the energy? I'd think so, since it's vitamins. :auto:

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Regular exercise, healthy food, and 8 hours of sleep on a regular schedule.


I drink coffee in the morning, but only one cup and no other caffeine during the day - drinking it is actually counter-productive as you tend to crash afterward unless you continually drink it.

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Well that sounds good. Is it safe to drink for the energy? I'd think so, since it's vitamins. :auto:


Honestly, I don't think it's much different than a multivitamin, but more fun because it's a drink. :D I like the raspberry flavor. The package says you can take 2-4 packets a day as a supplement, but one is plenty for me.


Here is a link - you can buy it on Amazon (free shipping) and there are lots of reviews on their site as well. I have a lot of friends that swear by this stuff.

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If I feel sluggish, I go for an invigorating walk outside in the mountain air. If stuck indoors, I hop on the treadmill. I don't do this as regularly as I should right now, but if I'm feeling icky, it never fails to give me more energy back than I expend doing the exercise.


I also try to start the day with a fresh juice that I make with carrots, celery, and apples. A few days of this and I'm feeling so vibrant.

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3 regular meals a day

Morning exercise- I walk outside in the fresh air and sunshine.

Get your iron and thyroid checked.

Iron tablets- I am taking these regularly and they are seriously making a huge difference to my energy levels. I have thyroid issues too- discovering this has made a big difference- although i am not on medication for it. Taking iron is helping the thyroid. Also I am gluten free now- I think although I wasn't obviously symptomatic, gluten was affecting me (and the thyroid).

I have been low energy for years and it is really interesting and amazing to me to not feel tired most of the time.

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3 regular meals a day

Morning exercise- I walk outside in the fresh air and sunshine.

Get your iron and thyroid checked.

Iron tablets- I am taking these regularly and they are seriously making a huge difference to my energy levels. I have thyroid issues too- discovering this has made a big difference- although i am not on medication for it. Taking iron is helping the thyroid. Also I am gluten free now- I think although I wasn't obviously symptomatic, gluten was affecting me (and the thyroid).

I have been low energy for years and it is really interesting and amazing to me to not feel tired most of the time.


If I don't take a t LEAST three irons a week I feel like a wrung out dishrag and don't want to get out of bed.

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If I feel sluggish, I go for an invigorating walk outside in the mountain air. If stuck indoors, I hop on the treadmill. I don't do this as regularly as I should right now, but if I'm feeling icky, it never fails to give me more energy back than I expend doing the exercise.


I also try to start the day with a fresh juice that I make with carrots, celery, and apples. A few days of this and I'm feeling so vibrant.


Oh, mnt air sounds lovely. I've got 96 degree smoke & pollen filled TX air. And no treadmill. But I think I'd fall off of it anyway. I'm pretty tired, lol.


I don't know if I could do celery juice. Would celery, carrots, & apples, unjuiced work? When $ was less tight, I was making smoothies w/ spinach, etc. Sometimes that included carrot juice. But celery? Ick. I don't know. :D

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Peela, I think you've mentioned this before, but I've lost the info. What sort of iron do you take?



Nothing very exciting- at the moment i am taking the chemist stuff, along with triphala to keep me mobile :) It doenst bother my stomach, fortunately. I need to- my iron was very low and i am going back for blood tests in May. Low iron can really affect the thyroid. The doctor wanted to give me an iron transfusion- I declined but decided I had better take the serious stuff and see if I can get my levels up. I doubt they are exactly great yet but I do feel better.


Herbal iron...well, there is a limit to how much they are allowed to put in a herbal or natural iron product here and I have never found they raised my levels much at all, realistically. Which is why i have just lived with low iron my whole adult life. I need to seriously get my levels up so I am taking the serious stuff. It's called Ferrograd but I doubt you have the same over there. I probably have low stomach acid or lack enzymes or something, which stops me absorbing iron easily.

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I also try to start the day with a fresh juice that I make with carrots, celery, and apples. A few days of this and I'm feeling so vibrant.

I agree. When I'm good and motivated, we do this also. My poor dc, they have no choice in the matter. :lol:


Pray for the day to end so I can sleep!



Have a nap.


I take a long nap pretty much every day.


I don't know if I could do celery juice. Would celery, carrots, & apples, unjuiced work? When $ was less tight, I was making smoothies w/ spinach, etc. Sometimes that included carrot juice. But celery? Ick. I don't know.

It's an acquired taste. There are many juicing books with great recipes. But ideally, you don't want to make them too sweet. It's fine at first. But later on, it's better to have more veggies in the juice and less fruit. Juicing has so many benefits that raw veggies don't. Raw veggies are fabulous and more important. But juicing veggies has its special place also.


Nothing very exciting- at the moment i am taking the chemist stuff, along with triphala to keep me mobile :)

Thanks, Peela. Your comment about "nothing very exciting" made me giggle. :lol:

I often wonder if my iron levels are low. But each time I'm tested, I'm fine. I need to remember to eat liver more often. Liver is amazing for me. Whenever I have it for breakfast, I'm ready to zoom through the day. :D

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