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Can you help us and vote on an issue please?

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My 14 year old and I are running this race: http://www.warriordash.com/ with their karate club. I think there are about six of us running it.


My 13 year old (and 9 months) wants to run it. Tricky part is, you have to be 14. He would like to add three months to his age and run anyway. This is not a matter of whether he can finish - he could. It's the age thing.


He asked me to put up a poll here to see what other parents would say.


This was supposed to be a poll, but I can't figure it out right now and I need to get back to school!!


ETA: I am not saying what I believe yet.

Edited by Jennifer in MI
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Nope. I would contact race officials to see if they would allow him to run, since he's just a few month shy of the cutoff age. But I wouldn't let him lie to do it :001_smile:.


:iagree: I'm sure the company that puts on the race has an age cutoff as part of their insurance. It wouldn't be fair *to them* to bypass that by lying. It could get them in legal trouble if something happens. I know it might seem farfetched, but things *do* happen.

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Oh dear Jennifer, I couldn't do it as tempting as it might be. This is one of those teachable moments where our morals are defined by what we practice. IOW (in other words), if it would break entry rules to omit or change the truth, then I wouldn't do it.


Is there anyway you can approach the event people and explain the situation? Could he run along with them and pace himself? Probably doesn't make much sense. Trying to find another way.....is there?

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I ran the Warrior Dash last year with some friends and my son (just 13 at the time) wanted to do it. I refused. It really is an insurance issue for the Warrior Dash people. I'm sure some parents do lie to let their kids do it, but you can get hurt doing it and then you'd have to deal with that.


My son will be 6 weeks short of being able to do it this year and he'll have to wait another year to do it, or I'll sign him up for one after his birthday if there's one nearby. Otherwise, he waits until next year!

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If a person lies about this, what else are they going to lie about? I would (and have) been the mean mom, b/c I want my kids to have a precedent set for them that I was scrupulously honest, and thats what they should strive for as well.


At some point, all they may have is their word and their good name.


ETA: that doesn't mean that I wouldn't talk to both the race organizers and the team, to see how rigid the rules are. If they will allow the child to run, then he should go for it!

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Thank you!!! I said ABSOLUTELY NOT!!!!! My son was the one who was mad at ME because I wouldn't let him lie. He asked me to post here to see what you thought. I think seeing that I'm not the only "mean" mom has calmed him a little.


We did contact race officials. We'll see what they say! Thanks for that suggestion.

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