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Please help== Who can help this family?? PLEASE READ

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Ok, my aunt's sister's husband (you with me?) Is 36 and is dying of cancer. He has leukemia. It seems the only thing stopping him from getting help at places like the Cancer Treatment Centers of America is his insurance. (He was told by 1 doctor there is nothing more that can be done, he is trying desperately to get a 2nd opinion) He is only 36. They have 4 kids, 7,9,11,13 (or14?) anyways... They are getting desperate. Does ANYBODY know what this family can do before Heather (34) looses her husband and their kids loose their dad? Insurance can really dictate when you die? I don't know what insurance they have but I am guessing medicaid because he has been so sick for so long and she can only get a job at pizza hut that will work with their appointment dates and treatment schedules (well, until they stopped)


Does anybody know of anywhere this family can turn to? I can not imagine dh being in this situation and everybody telling me sorry, you have the wrong insurance, guess you are going to die. (Not exact words, but thats what is going to happen)

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Ok, my aunt's sister's husband (you with me?) Is 36 and is dying of cancer. He has leukemia. It seems the only thing stopping him from getting help at places like the Cancer Treatment Centers of America is his insurance. (He was told by 1 doctor there is nothing more that can be done, he is trying desperately to get a 2nd opinion) He is only 36. They have 4 kids, 7,9,11,13 (or14?) anyways... They are getting desperate. Does ANYBODY know what this family can do before Heather (34) looses her husband and their kids loose their dad? Insurance can really dictate when you die? I don't know what insurance they have but I am guessing medicaid because he has been so sick for so long and she can only get a job at pizza hut that will work with their appointment dates and treatment schedules (well, until they stopped)


Does anybody know of anywhere this family can turn to? I can not imagine dh being in this situation and everybody telling me sorry, you have the wrong insurance, guess you are going to die. (Not exact words, but thats what is going to happen)


I'm sorry I can't help but I live in Canada, and am assuming you live in the USA. I hope someone here can find you the answers you want.



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I'm sorry I can't help but I live in Canada, and am assuming you live in the USA. I hope someone here can find you the answers you want.





Yes, they live in Michigan, I live in Wyoming. Its so sad that all these drs only think about money and not saving somebodys life. How is it insurance co's can get prcedures so deeply discounted but nobody can help this family?? So frustrating :crying:

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It says here http://www.cancercenter.com/about-us/become-a-patient.cfm that you can call and speak to a specialist to see if they can help you. They also have a very long list of accepted insurance's. I'd strongly urge your Aunt's sister to call them. It also says that they can work with your insurance company to get coverage.


The situation your family is facing is so sad. We will remember all of you in our prayer's. Keep us updated.


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If they are on Medicaid, they are likely encountering resistance to CTCA because they are out of state. I have known others that wanted to seek care for their children in another state for other reasons and Medicaid would not cover it.


I googled Cancer treatment Michigan and got several hits including one for Great Lakes Cancer Institute. Perhaps that might be a place to start.

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Are any of the states nearby commonwealths? Could you come to VA? The public hospitals here have to treat you. VCU/MCV for instance, HAS to treat you.


Granted, they're not the greatest places (we've had our big big issues), but I've known others for whom they were a God send.

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I'm not sure if any of these would be close enough... but I really am sold on the metronomic chemotherapy. My mom and dad have met people who came because their last DR said to go home and get their things in order, because death was close. (And they are still alive!!! :)) There are numbers on the site to call and talk about possible care.




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This is a hard question to ask, but have the doctors said there is no more they can do because no matter what they do now remission is unlikely?


I'm sorry your family is facing such difficulty :grouphug:



They just said traditional treatment is not working anymore (chemo and radiation) but I know there is so much more out there than just chemo and radiation. They said it would be wise to explore other options.

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Yes, they live in Michigan, I live in Wyoming. Its so sad that all these drs only think about money and not saving somebodys life. How is it insurance co's can get prcedures so deeply discounted but nobody can help this family?? So frustrating :crying:


The closest Cancer Treatment Center of America is in Illinois - are they in a position to pay out-of-pocket for a consult? That may be their best option at the moment since their insurance sounds like it is out-of-state and not going to work in IL. Perhaps your family can pool resources to at least get a consult to have an evaluation and treatment options laid out and then tackle the next step once you have that information?

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The closest Cancer Treatment Center of America is in Illinois - are they in a position to pay out-of-pocket for a consult? That may be their best option at the moment since their insurance sounds like it is out-of-state and not going to work in IL. Perhaps your family can pool resources to at least get a consult to have an evaluation and treatment options laid out and then tackle the next step once you have that information?



No but my family is more than willing to help as are some others we know. We will get them there and see what they say. Thanks

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I am so sorry that your family is going through all of this. Even with great insurance a lot isn't covered, because much of what the Center does is either experimental or whole body care. Not that there is anything wrong with that of course. But most insurance pays for 'accepted care' only. If I were in your Aunt's position I would look into teaching hospitals in her State. They often have the most options.


My father has Stage 4 liver cancer and was scheduled for a liver transplant when they discovered it was impossible. He is also not a candidate for radiation or chemotherapy and I understand how frustrating it can be when there aren't really any other medical options left.

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I'm so sorry...Insurance (no matter which) will typically only pay for traditionally proven methods. My MIL's husband had to pay for anything "alternative" out of pocket for his cancer.


However, his alternative provider was able to partner with his traditional doctor to get SOME of the procedures paid for, like when tests were needed he got as many of them as he could through the traditional provider so that insurance would pay. If they do find a provider to work with, make sure to ask about that.

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IME, doctors don't just say chemo/radiation isn't working for you anymore. No one wants to "give up" on a patient. :(


I am going to add a bit more, not in any way to be insensitive to what is going on or to assign a $ amount to a life....but as a word of caution. A lot of experimental places will offer what amount to a "miracle" cure. Before doing something experimental, ask lots of questions about success rates of very similar cases. I know lots of families (at least a dozen, personally) who spent $$$,$$$ in trying to find something that would work to save their loved one. The cure didn't work, and their loved one died. They went on to lose houses, cars, retirement savings, everything due to having racked up the medical bills......to only later on find out that the offerer of a cure had really never cured/cured only a very small percentage of people with that particular type of cancer & set of complications. Don't get me wrong--I would give up everything to have my daughter back in a HEARTBEAT--but there are purveyors of snake oil out there by the bucketful.


:iagree: If he doesn't get accepted for treatment/trials by a respected institution, he should be very cautious indeed about going anywhere else. If they don't do studies that are accepted by the research/medical community, don't go there. In addition to the money factor, certain unproven treatments can prevent a peaceful death.


re consults with a cancer center: sometimes, you can just send in your records and such; this costs less than going in person, and they will let you know if they need to see you in person.

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