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I ordered HCG!!!

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Glad you're not hungry!


This is good! You quickly found what some call your happy spot. During my first couple of weeks on this diet I had to adjust my dosage. Too much and I was hungry, and then too little I was hungry. I finally found my exact happy spot- but it did take some tweaking. :D

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My Dr told me to eat high-fat but not necessarily high-carb foods.


I had lasagna, pizza (extra cheese!) and I ate peanut butter-- I did eat some 'healthy stuff too'--- but I used an oil based salad dressing....



I lost 12 pounds my first 12 days!


OK, that makes sense. Pizza and lasagna are high fat, but also high carb...so not optimal, but permissable. I LOVE pizza. LOVE IT. So, I will have to load up on thin crust pizza. ;)


I think that while I am waiting for my pellets to arrive, I will plan my load days. I wonder if I can eat pizza each day? :lol: And burritoes with extra cheese, sour cream and guacamole. Pistachios. Pecans. Milk chocolate. Fried chicken. BACON. Oh my!


Yeah, baby...loading's gonna be way too much fun! :lol:

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OK, that makes sense. Pizza and lasagna are high fat, but also high carb...so not optimal, but permissable. I LOVE pizza. LOVE IT. So, I will have to load up on thin crust pizza. ;)


I think that while I am waiting for my pellets to arrive, I will plan my load days. I wonder if I can eat pizza each day? :lol: And burritoes with extra cheese, sour cream and guacamole. Pistachios. Pecans. Milk chocolate. Fried chicken. BACON. Oh my!


Yeah, baby...loading's gonna be way too much fun! :lol:



:lol: I didn't do a good job loading. Didn't gain a pound. I ate normal, which is very healthy. I should have had a party and taken advantage of it.

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Ordered some pellets for me and 22 yo son. Can you tell me what kind of foods are best for the loading days? Are we talking lots of fats like cheese (lasagna?)and things like that? Or is it just nuts and oils? A little confused. :confused:


Lots of high-fat food

You have to load/gorge the first two days of hCG administration. Otherwise, you risk serious hunger problems during the first week of VLCD.

Eat LOTS of FAT, rather than lots of sugar, though.

Don’t worry. The load weight will come off very quickly, usually within 48 hours.

While you can eat sugar, it doesn't do anything for the diet, and may just add pounds that will take longer to get off.

Also, make sure to eat the foods that you think you’ll miss.

The problem comes when you eat a lot of "junk" and sugar that this fills you up- then you are too full to eat enough fat. That will result in you feeling awful for at least a few days, and as long as a week. Eating the fats has a purpose- eating junk and sugar will do nothing but pack on additional pounds. And the more you gain with loading, the more you have to lose.

Load is not as much about quantity as it is about quality. It's the fats that help to get you through the first few days of the VCLD as the hcg works it's way into your body.


Some have made the mistake of not eating a lot of fats on these 2 days, but instead they’ve eaten a lot of sugar and starch. Big mistake! Eat FAT on your loading days to avoid the experience that they have the first time, which seems like a brush with starvation at first. High-fat foods to eat while loading:





Cheesecake – preferably without the crust


Coconut oil

Cream cheese

Full Fat Ice Cream

Heavy cream

Italian sausage





Olive oil

Peanut butter




Sour cream

Tuna fish

Whipping cream


Don’t concentrate on salads or mashed potatoes – because they’re just carbs and add volume


You really need the fatty foods now.

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Despite all the negative comments I really want to give it a try. I've just been scared that I won't be able to handle that small amount of food everyday and the discipline in preparing the food that comes along with it.

My thoughts: I was scared also. But you won't lose anything by trying :grouphug:, other than the relatively small cost of the pellets or drops.

Preparing the food is relatively easy.

Veggies - I usually have sliced cucumbers - I never measure my veggies or weigh them. Most don't.

Lunch - I either have cottage cheese (1/2 cup) OR 3.5 ounces of shrimp

Dinner - 3.5 ounces of chicken

That's as far as the prep part goes. For me, as far as prep, it's been the easiest diet so far.

Discipline - hard at first, but once you see the weight come off, most feel very motivated.


I want to reply to more, but am pressed for time ... will come back to this thread later.

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I am such a rogue person!

I am eating from the foods list they suggest.

I am not limiting the veggies and I have slightly increased the lean protein.

I am still limiting the fruit to 1-2 per day. I wanted to try this first. If it doesn't work at some point or if I stall, I will follow protocol more closely.


You're doing great :D and your approach is a very good one.

I never measure or weigh my veggies either. Again, most don't.


Meant to say....

I am not attempting to convince anyone to try this. I am way too new at this to know how I will feel about it in the future. I am just updating because I was asked about progress :001_smile:


Same here.

Although it may sound like I have been trying to convince others to do this. That's not my intent. My only reason for sharing is to say what finally worked for me. That's how I heard about it here on these boards and on another one. I'm so grateful that I heard about it. Finally, something that works for me.

But again, everybody is different.


So, would this diet work for someone who wanted to lose around 30 pounds or so?

Yes. :)


Just wanted to say that I'm so happy to read about how well everyone is doing.

:grouphug: :party: :grouphug:

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  • 2 weeks later...

For anyone wondering about prep... yes it is easy. I made it easier by prepping a couple of weeks worth of foods at a time, so all I had to do was thaw/reheat/cook in the crock pot.


My favorite recipes were:


French Onion Soup (I did add shredded/cubed beef to that)


Spaghetti-less Meat Sauce (I counted tomatoes as my fruit, though)


Grilled Chicken with plain mustard (either hot or as a "salad."


Asian hamburger mix using some of the Bragg's Aminos, and ate that in lettuce leaves (Romaine)


Chili (either with the ground chicken or ground beef)


Lettuce Tacos (spiced extra-lean hamburger with salsa... not 100% protocol, because I mixed some veggies, but did well with those)


Flounder made with Veggie broth in a foil pouch (along with onions, garlic, and various spices/lemon depending upon my mood).


I did eat eggs 1-2x a week. I bought the "just whites" in the carton, so I didn't have to waste yolks.


There are lots of recipes on the forum. I still have yet to try the teriyaki - but I will definitely try it on R2.


I had enough variety so I didn't get compeltely bored. But, not so much that I felt I had to cook every. single. day.

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What is the modified 800 calorie program?




There are different versions of the hCG diet out there that vary greatly from the Pounds and Inches protocol. the 800 calorie is one of those. You could probably google hCG diet "800 calorie" and get something :D

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What is the modified 800 calorie program?


Lisa's right. You can do a google search or ask on the hcg forums.

I have heard about this and know someone who tried and did well with this approach. But I myself know very little about it. This option may be more do-able for some.

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  • 1 month later...

I wanted to bump this thread up and see how everyone is doing. I just ordered my HCG from Alldaychemist.com and hope to start the diet in 2 weeks. I have read Pounds and Inches twice and I am mentally ready. I have a friend that has been using hcg and is doing very well on it so I am going to give it a try.

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:D Sorry.


I do think it is fine for men to take Hcg from what I have been reading.


I do realize some men struggle with weight. My husband can drop pounds by skipping dessert a couple of days.....:glare:




Can't say I expected the blatant sexist responses.
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injectable..No problems... from 225 to 175...I think that is what the final numbers were...anyway...he was obese his whole life. He is grateful for the protocol and experience.

He had a difficult time pushing the baby out but (haha - just kidding)...Good luck!!

Can't say I expected the blatant sexist responses.
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Can't say I expected the blatant sexist responses.


Oh, honey, it's not sexism, it's jealousy.


Literally, my dh can drop his spare 10# by deciding to skip Mountain Dew for a month. Whereas, I had to take up running, totally change my daily diet, etc etc. It is just good natured jealousy. We love you men, and we wish we had your muscle mass! :)

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I wanted to bump this thread up and see how everyone is doing. I just ordered my HCG from Alldaychemist.com and hope to start the diet in 2 weeks. I have read Pounds and Inches twice and I am mentally ready. I have a friend that has been using hcg and is doing very well on it so I am going to give it a try.

Good for you. Sounds like you have a plan and are being organized. Best of luck!


Would this work for a male who wants to lose only 10-15 pounds?

Yes. :)

I know of many men who are on it.


I thought men only had to announce they were going on a diet to lose weight.


True that.


No kidding. Or eat only half of their 10 pound baked potato per night.



My husband can drop pounds by skipping dessert a couple of days....

Mine wears the exact same pant size as in high school :glare:. No fair!


I could be wrong but I believe the hcg diet is for those that need to lose 25 lbs or more.

Not necessarily. Not always. Maybe for Rx, but not necessarily for hhcg.


Not sure how I missed this thread. :)

I'm on day 20 and have lost 12.6lbs.

You're doing GREAT! :grouphug:


Oh, honey, it's not sexism, it's jealousy.

Literally, my dh can drop his spare 10# by deciding to skip Mountain Dew for a month. Whereas, I had to take up running, totally change my daily diet, etc etc. It is just good natured jealousy. We love you men, and we wish we had your muscle mass! :)


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Oh, honey, it's not sexism, it's jealousy.


Literally, my dh can drop his spare 10# by deciding to skip Mountain Dew for a month. Whereas, I had to take up running, totally change my daily diet, etc etc. It is just good natured jealousy. We love you men, and we wish we had your muscle mass! :)

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500 calories a day is (if I recall correctly) the minimum a person can take in and not be at a starvation level. I have typically always felt better when I eat less -- no acid reflux, more energy, better mood.


1200 calories a day for women, and 1500 calories a day for men, is generally considered the minimum needed for basic body and brain function. This is the amount people who practice calorie restriction for longevity/health stick to. 500/ calories a day amounts to a partial fast, and fasting can be done with relative safety for most people for about 40 days (?IIRC). Dr. Joel Fuhrman has a book written about medical/ health fasting (he is also the author of Eat to Live).


Hunger usually fades after a few days on a fast, so I'm skeptical about whether the low dose of hcg is really doing anything beyond placebo. The real "strength"of the diet is that it is essentially a partial fast which, for short periods, can have health benefits (and weight loss). Dr. Fuhrman does not recommend fasting without medical supervision. He also does not recommend doing it frequently or for long periods.

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Hunger usually fades after a few days on a fast, so I'm skeptical about whether the low dose of hcg is really doing anything beyond placebo.


:iagree: Another possible effect of the hcg might be diuretic, hence the apparent large losses in the first few days.


I tried the hcg diet for a week and a half. I'm not particularly overweight, but couldn't shift 10 lbs I'd put on following 4 pregnancies, so I thought it might help. My usual diet is quite high in fruit and vegetables, and I actually noticed a drop in weight during the two 'loading' days, which emphasise lots of high quality fats - I assume this was a result of less fibre in my system and a diuretic effect. After a week on 500 calories I was left feeling very ill, and still haven't completely recovered. The apparent 5 lb I 'lost' during that time returned within 24 hours of eating normally (not at all excessively).


I'm sure this diet may well be wonderful for people who are very overweight/obese, but my own experience of it has left me feeling that it is unhealthy at best, dangerous at worst. I also think it encourages starve/binge behaviours, which are never healthy, physically or psychologically.



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I start the hcg diet tomorrow. Wish me luck!


Best of luck. :grouphug:


After a week on 500 calories I was left feeling very ill, and still haven't completely recovered.

I'm sure this diet may well be wonderful for people who are very overweight/obese, but my own experience of it has left me feeling that it is unhealthy at best, dangerous at worst. I also think it encourages starve/binge behaviours, which are never healthy, physically or psychologically.


Cassy, I'm sorry your experience wasn't a good one. :confused: I'm sorry you don't feel well and haven't fully recovered. Hope you do so soon.

This goes to show that there isn't a perfect diet for everyone, sort of like everything in life, I guess - homeschool curriculum - you name it.

When I started my first round, I wasn't very overweight or even obese. I lost weight very successfully, felt better than I had in a very long time, looked great, and more than anything, it really boosted future weight loss efforts.

Even though I am struggling on this round due to so many external circumstances and distractions, I still feel so much better and look better than I have in a very long time. The compliments I receive are motivating, although that is certainly not the reason I like to lose weight. I do it for health reasons.

To me, when it comes to weight loss, it's all so individual and one has to just figure out what works at different times in one's life. Hcg has worked for me since January. I love it. Maybe in a year or 5 years or whatever, I might find that it no longer works for me and something else does. Our bodies are constantly changing.

Some swear by the "No S" diet. It didn't do much for me. Not that I stuck with it for very long. But the loss was so slow, if anything ... rather discouraging or maybe I was just impatient. I have a friend who actually gained 10 pounds on the No S diet.

When it comes to the dangerous aspect, I respectfully disagree, from personal experience and pretty much from everyone else's experience that I know.

If hcg is done right, most (not all), but most, feel great. There are a few days initially, where one feels weak or headach-y, but that could be due to not loading correctly or properly, incorrect dosage, the body detoxing (natural and good process), insufficient water, etc. Again, for the most part ...

Finally, when it comes to the binge/starve behaviors ... not necessarily true if one sticks to protocol. Any diet works if one sticks to protocol. If one cheats, it stops working. I think that binge/starve behaviors are more mental and psychological. That could happen with any plan and not just hcg.

Again, sorry to hear that your experience was not a good one. I hope you find a plan that's right for you. We're all learning and trying our best to find what works for us. :grouphug:

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Thank you for your concern, I too hope that my health recovers soon. I won't be looking for another plan, at the worst point of my experience with hcg I decided that my 10 lbs were not really so much of a problem to endure such extremes of deprivation :tongue_smilie:. I've decided to love my squishy tummy (DS4 tells me he loves it anyway). I'm tall, used to be 'skinny' and now I'll accept, even embrace, 'curvy'.


I'm surprised that if you weren't 'very overweight' at the beginning of a 40 day round of hcg you now need to be on a second round.


As for the psychological aspect of binge/starve attitudes towards eating, I think that anyone who has a weight problem severe enough to spend long periods on the hcg diet probably has some sort of psychological/emotional issues with food in the first place, issues which could well be exacerbated to serious levels with such an extreme regimen.


Best wishes



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my 10 lbs were not really so much of a problem to endure such extremes of deprivation. I've decided to love my squishy tummy (DS4 tells me he loves it anyway). I'm tall, used to be 'skinny' and now I'll accept, even embrace, 'curvy'.

I'm surprised that if you weren't 'very overweight' at the beginning of a 40 day round of hcg you now need to be on a second round.

As for the psychological aspect of binge/starve attitudes towards eating, I think that anyone who has a weight problem severe enough to spend long periods on the hcg diet probably has some sort of psychological/emotional issues with food in the first place, issues which could well be exacerbated to serious levels with such an extreme regimen.

Best wishes


Cassy, I don't know the extent of your health problem, but I feel that with time and back to healthy habits, you will feel better soon. :grouphug:


You're so right. 10 pounds is certainly NOT a problem. :) It's really nothing. Just a number. And yes, curvy beats skinny any day. :D I will also always have a squishy tummy. Always have. Always will. ;)


According to the BMI charts (those charts I hate so much), I was in the "overweight" category when I started my first round. I got to the "desirable" - but that didn't last long, since I ran out of hhcg drops AND a ton of not so pleasant things occurred - family health problems, stressors, etc.


Now, I'm in the "marginally overweight" category. I'm also, according to the charts, several pounds off the "desirable" range. I don't particularly care and am not excessively concerned - a few pounds here and there makes little difference, if at all. My personal goal is to have my waist measurement be under 33 inches for maximum health - heart health, blood pressure, etc. More info on that if anyone is interested. Waist measurement is much more important than the number on the scale, although, they are both related.


You could be correct about the psychological aspect. I'm certainly no psychologist. I think this may apply to most diets, particularly more extreme ones - hcg, Dukan, you name it ...


I didn't diet for years and was always anti-diet. The poster girl for speaking against diets, yet I was 40 pounds heavier than I am now. Not good at all.


For me, it has simply been a plan that finally, FINALLY, worked ... after years of struggling with things that barely worked or produced little/no results.


I can't imagine doing hcg forever. I see it as something to go on from time to time, maybe once a year, maybe less ...

Hcg is not designed for long-term - 26 or 43 days.

Then P3 and P4 ... but you know all that already.


Again, take care of your health :grouphug:. That's what's most important. Not a few extra pounds and curves. My dh nor I don't even want me to be skinny and emaciated. I'll never be that way anyway. ;)

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I was wondering a few things about your personal experience with HCG. You don't have to type anything about the original protocol or anything about Dr. Simeons because i'm really already familiar with that...but was just wondering about You :)


1. What resource/company/type of Hcg. are you using?


2. Do you eat foods only from the original protocol diet...or are you eating other foods, and just staying at 500 calories?


3. Are you exercising while on Hcg?


Thanks so much. I am always sooo blessed by all your advice and resources you mention.


Cassy, I don't know the extent of your health problem, but I feel that with time and back to healthy habits, you will feel better soon. :grouphug:


You're so right. 10 pounds is certainly NOT a problem. :) It's really nothing. Just a number. And yes, curvy beats skinny any day. :D I will also always have a squishy tummy. Always have. Always will. ;)


According to the BMI charts (those charts I hate so much), I was in the "overweight" category when I started my first round. I got to the "desirable" - but that didn't last long, since I ran out of hhcg drops AND a ton of not so pleasant things occurred - family health problems, stressors, etc.


Now, I'm in the "marginally overweight" category. I'm also, according to the charts, several pounds off the "desirable" range. I don't particularly care and am not excessively concerned - a few pounds here and there makes little difference, if at all. My personal goal is to have my waist measurement be under 33 inches for maximum health - heart health, blood pressure, etc. More info on that if anyone is interested. Waist measurement is much more important than the number on the scale, although, they are both related.


You could be correct about the psychological aspect. I'm certainly no psychologist. I think this may apply to most diets, particularly more extreme ones - hcg, Dukan, you name it ...


I didn't diet for years and was always anti-diet. The poster girl for speaking against diets, yet I was 40 pounds heavier than I am now. Not good at all.


For me, it has simply been a plan that finally, FINALLY, worked ... after years of struggling with things that barely worked or produced little/no results.


I can't imagine doing hcg forever. I see it as something to go on from time to time, maybe once a year, maybe less ...

Hcg is not designed for long-term - 26 or 43 days.

Then P3 and P4 ... but you know all that already.


Again, take care of your health :grouphug:. That's what's most important. Not a few extra pounds and curves. My dh nor I don't even want me to be skinny and emaciated. I'll never be that way anyway. ;)

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Just so we are clear, my complaint was about people buying into homeopathic hcg, because it is a fraud. There is no such thing as homeopathic hcg. The drops some people are taking do not contain hcg. Hcg cannot be preserved with alcohol or taken orally because it is a protein and either method would destroy it.


Well, you can tell that to my body and my dh's body because they do work and they are legit. I lost 26 pounds and he has lost 34.

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1. What resource/company/type of Hcg. are you using?

Lacy, on my first round, when I was either MUCH more disciplined or the drops were just more effective than the pellets I'm using now, I got my drops from this company. Yes, they're more expensive than some others, but dh and I thought it preferable to pay a bit more. Many get other brands are have equally great results.

With this round, I'm using pellets from here. And either they're not as effective OR I've have so many difficult things going on lately ... this round is just more difficult.


2. Do you eat foods only from the original protocol diet...or are you eating other foods, and just staying at 500 calories?


Yes, the former. It's absolutely essential to stick to protocol if you want to get the desired results.


3. Are you exercising while on Hcg?

With hcg, you’re not meant to exercise intensely. It will cause water gain and possibly an increase in appetite.

Light weights, 2-4 mile walks, yoga, etc. are fine for many people - but the intense stuff (elliptical, treadmill, long exercise sessions, running, heavier weights) – these are all most definitely out.

I have a friend and know some on the hcg forums who normally do the intense stuff like P90X. That just can't happen on hcg. They can start to do that on P3, building up gradually, of course.

I have found that when I focus on only doing stretching and some gentle stability ball stuff (ab work, etc.), my losses have been much better and quicker than when I do other stuff such as light weights. When I started using weights and a few very easy Denise Austin DVDs, my weight stalled for those exact same 10 days that I did them. Even though the workouts were relatively easy and short. I'm pretty sure that it was from the exercise, because that was all that had changed.

I would never swim during hcg. Swimming, as much as I love it, increases appetite for lots of people, including me.

The rule is to just listen to your body- if you have the energy to do it, it's okay.

Sometimes you just need to experiment a bit and see what works.


Thanks so much. I am always sooo blessed by all your advice and resources you mention.

Thank you for your very kind words. :grouphug:


I lost 26 pounds and he has lost 34.

Kate, wow! You and your dh have done great! :D :hurray:

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Thanks! We are just into Phase 3 and trying to stabilize. It is pretty exciting! :001_smile:

Kate, good for you both :D.

I haven't yet been able to do P3 successfully due to many things going on. I've still lost lots of weight and am very close to my goal/ideal weight. I hope to start another round within the next year and hope to follow it more according to protocol. I would love to do P3 properly and to really and truly find out which foods I'm sensitive to, specifically, which ones cause me to gain, etc. I'm so curious about that.

So happy for you and your dh! :grouphug:

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  • 2 weeks later...

I'm on day 7 of P2 and I have lost 13 lbs already. I honestly do not think anyone with less than 25 lbs to lose should do this diet. It's meant for those who have a lot of weight to lose.


I can tell you with 100% certainty that homeopathic hCG WORKS, and works well.

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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 2 weeks later...
Guest alldaychemist
I wanted to bump this thread up and see how everyone is doing. I just ordered my HCG from Alldaychemist.com and hope to start the diet in 2 weeks. I have read Pounds and Inches twice and I am mentally ready. I have a friend that has been using hcg and is doing very well on it so I am going to give it a try.

Thank you for your support. Please feel free to contact us in case of any doubt or query. Thanks ADC Team

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I'm on it right now. In 10 days, I've dropped 9.5 pounds. I went off for a few days (bad, bad me!), but I didn't gain anything back. I started back today. I use the 500 cal plan. It's almost 8pm here and I haven't eaten all the food I'm supposed to today and I'm not even hungry. I know I need to eat it though so I'm not down too few calories.

BTW, I made a delicious dinner tonight, if you're interested:


Chicken Parm


Note: I don't use any measurements for the spices, just to taste.


100g Chicken breast (flattened)

1 melba toast (finely crushed)

1 tomato

Basil (fresh leaves work best)

Italian seasoning

Onion powder

Garlic powder (or fresh garlic)

Salt and pepper


Mix melba toast with Italian seasoning, salt, pepper, onion and garlic powder and coat chicken with it. In a small skillet, cook chicken on low until done.

In a blender (I have a Magic Bullet, which is great for this diet!), whirl up tomato, basil, onion powder, garlic powder, salt, pepper and Italian seasoning until smooth.

Remove chicken from the pan and pour tomato sauce in for just a few minutes to heat and then pour over chicken.


This was sooooo good.


Good luck with your diet! Post back and let us know how it's going!

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Just so we are clear, my complaint was about people buying into homeopathic hcg, because it is a fraud. There is no such thing as homeopathic hcg. The drops some people are taking do not contain hcg. Hcg cannot be preserved with alcohol or taken orally because it is a protein and either method would destroy it.


While I'm not in favor of this type of dieting, I did want to argue this point. If you take the product sublingually, it is going to be absorbed into the tissues of the mouth and tongue, and not digested (destroyed).

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I'm taking a break from it for a few months, but I do love this diet since it's been the only thing that has worked for me, really worked for me, in a very, very long time. Not every diet or eating plan will work for all. But this is what worked for me. :)

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