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I ordered HCG!!!

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Now, I don't spend money like that so I am not sure whether to be excited or cry :glare: I am so hoping this works for me...nothing else seems to work. So...here we go. Any tips are welcome!

Thanks for all the help making this decision!!!!!!!! Ya'll are great!



BTW, love your avatar. :D


This WILL work. Before it gets to you, read, read, read, and be organized.


This thread (I posted several times) should help you. Let me know if you have more questions. Search here and read up on that thread. Also, I highly recommend the hcg forums that I posted and that are here. I spent months reading. I know you don't want or can spend that much time. You don't have to. But this should give you a good start. Most who fail on those, I strongly believe, have not read enough and make some mistakes - not loading properly, exercising strenuously, and not following the protocol.

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First round, lost 26 pounds in just over a month.

Then life threw me some rather bad curve balls and I regained a little bit back. But nothing major - nothing that most people would notice - but I do, if you KWIM.

Started 2nd round today. :) Feel very motivated. So far, so good.

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Remember to not compare your loss to others'. My weight loss (and most people experience this) stalled for about 10 days in the middle. It would not budge. This is very normal. Do not be discouraged. If you stick to protocol, you WILL lose.

Happy reading and researching. :)

Visit the homeopathic section on those forums also. But the tips I have should help you also. :grouphug:

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I did it a couple of years ago and was very pleased -- it DOES work. I am ready to start again -- would you mind telling me (you can PM) where you ordered it from.....I do not want to go back to the doc I used the first time -- he was great, but using him doubled the cost of everything.


Thanks -- and good luck -- if I had to give advice, I would say start drinking water the minute you wake up, it will take you a week or so to fall into a good comfortable routine -- once I did, I did the same thing every day -- I don't do well with change. I would have half grapefruit in the a.m., and the salad and protein for lunch and dinner. After dinner, I would have a baked apple with cinnamon.


I lost 27 lbs the first month.

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BTW, love your avatar. :D


This WILL work. Before it gets to you, read, read, read, and be organized.


This thread (I posted several times) should help you. Let me know if you have more questions. Search here and read up on that thread. Also, I highly recommend the hcg forums that I posted and that are here. I spent months reading. I know you don't want or can spend that much time. You don't have to. But this should give you a good start. Most who fail on those, I strongly believe, have not read enough and make some mistakes - not loading properly, exercising strenuously, and not following the protocol.



THANK YOU!!!! I read your thread -- my experience and what I would tell folks is just what you wrote -- thanks. I am ready to do another round. When I first heard about it, I was skeptical too, but, I lost 27 lbs the first month and 10 lbs the 2nd month. I am going to do round 3 now -- NOTHING worked like hcg, and I was not hungry.

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I'm down more than 5 pounds AND I'm not hungry!


I made a nice chicken and celery soup last night and had the rest for lunch today (weighing it was a PAIN)... my oldest dd was bumbed that I would not share!


Tonight I grilled chicken for the family-- but I grilled a TINY 3.5 oz top sirloin steak--and paired that with a big salad.


I made a 'chili' this weekend-- and will definitely make that again.


So far my diet has not been bland!


I'm doing a 40 day homeopathic round.


I'll be traveling to Kenya and Uganda in June and I want to be comfortable in the narrow airline seats!

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I ordered from www.hcg1234.com


I ordered from them for a few reasons, one being their product is made in the USA. I can't find where some others are made and I am funny about stuff like that (this is not a big deal to most people). I also did some research on the hcg forum and I noticed that it was one that people were using and actually losing with. I know there are some fraud companies out there and I wanted to avoid them. There are other good companies that some others have used here, but I can't remember the names at the moment. I would only use a company that you know someone else used and it worked, kwim?


The diet instructions are laid out here





The forum is here




Negin has alot more info than anyone. Look at her posts, she has a lot of good info.


Wish me luck!!! I am antsy to get the drop in now :tongue_smilie:

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Thanks for starting that thread yesterday! I ordered some drops too (I ordered from Intermountain). I had seen the hHCG mentioned at LowCarbFriends but I hadn't really given it any thought until I saw it mentioned here.


The timing of this is good for me. We are leaving Memorial Weekend to visit family. So, before that I will be able to do a short round and do my 3 weeks of Phase 3 before we leave.


I have not eaten any flour or sugar for over 3 months so I'm super nervous about loading and even about the little breadstick.


I did download, print and read Simeon's book yesterday, I'm ready to go!

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The HCG kit I purchased (40 day HC3) had a booklet with a list of accepted foods-- I get 2 fruits, 2 veggies, 2 proteins and 1 small starch per day. I have to weigh everything!


When you are doing the 500 cal part you are not supposed to mix veggies (or you are extremely limited on the mixing).


This morning I made some more 'chili'-- this time 3 servings. I took out 3 of my ground beef portions (When I purchase a package of meat I immediately portion it out to 3.5 oz servings then wrap in waxed paper and freeze in a freezer container).


I used 1tsp coconut oil (allowed in small amounts daily) and browned my ground beef--they I poured boiling water over the meat and drained to remove excess fat. Next I browned 1 cup of onions. I also added 1tbs minced garlic (does not count!). I combined this mixture with one small can of organic tomato sauce--and a can of water.

To spice things up I added Italian seasoning, garlic salt, ground pepper and some red pepper flakes... When I was satisfied with the flavor I put it all in a measuring cup--it came out to exactly 2 cups. This was 3 total servings-- so I put 2/3 of a cup into 3 small containers with lids and popped them in the fridge. I'll have one for lunch today and possibly one for dinner tomorrow... I may freeze the third for next week.


This counts as on protein and 1 veggie (yes I did mix the onion and tomato but it worked out fine for me- I was down another 1.5 pounds this morning!!!


Just look at the recipes--and look at your permitted food and then experiment!

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The HCG kit I purchased (40 day HC3) had a booklet with a list of accepted foods-- I get 2 fruits, 2 veggies, 2 proteins and 1 small starch per day. I have to weigh everything!


When you are doing the 500 cal part you are not supposed to mix veggies (or you are extremely limited on the mixing).


This morning I made some more 'chili'-- this time 3 servings. I took out 3 of my ground beef portions (When I purchase a package of meat I immediately portion it out to 3.5 oz servings then wrap in waxed paper and freeze in a freezer container).


I used 1tsp coconut oil (allowed in small amounts daily) and browned my ground beef--they I poured boiling water over the meat and drained to remove excess fat. Next I browned 1 cup of onions. I also added 1tbs minced garlic (does not count!). I combined this mixture with one small can of organic tomato sauce--and a can of water.

To spice things up I added Italian seasoning, garlic salt, ground pepper and some red pepper flakes... When I was satisfied with the flavor I put it all in a measuring cup--it came out to exactly 2 cups. This was 3 total servings-- so I put 2/3 of a cup into 3 small containers with lids and popped them in the fridge. I'll have one for lunch today and possibly one for dinner tomorrow... I may freeze the third for next week.


This counts as on protein and 1 veggie (yes I did mix the onion and tomato but it worked out fine for me- I was down another 1.5 pounds this morning!!!


Just look at the recipes--and look at your permitted food and then experiment!



Thanks for your thoughts and experiences. Where did you find the recipes? Also, do you feel like you are losing fat or do you think you are also losing quite a bit in muscle? Can you tell in your clothes or only the scale? Just curious :001_smile:

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Where do you find info about what/how to eat while you're taking HCG?

This thread and my posts here has lots of info. Many other threads do also.


The timing of this is good for me. We are leaving Memorial Weekend to visit family. So, before that I will be able to do a short round and do my 3 weeks of Phase 3 before we leave.

I have not eaten any flour or sugar for over 3 months so I'm super nervous about loading and even about the little breadstick.

I did download, print and read Simeon's book yesterday, I'm ready to go!

Good for you for being organized and timing it well. This diet is very mental and timing, preparation, and organization are key.

Loading is actually mostly about fats. Healthy fats. Look at my post - specifically post #24 on the above linked thread. Loading, trust me, is key to success. Load, load, load. Nuts, healthy oils, you name it, plus foods that you think you may miss.

Great job on reading up Dr. S's book. :)


Thanks for your thoughts and experiences. Where did you find the recipes? Can you tell in your clothes or only the scale? Just curious :001_smile:

Those forums that I visit also have recipes and a fabulous support system.

Initially, I can only tell on the scale. After that, clothes and scale.

I'm never very good or accurate in knowing whether I lose any muscle. But I can tell you that almost all of it is fat.

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Most definitely. I am now a "roomy" size 10 (by roomy, I mean things fit perfectly, not tight, no pulling, no muffin top). I had to buy some new bras (and undies... because saggy women's briefs are pretty darn ugly all bunched in the jeans).


I am down 3 sizes (and I don't own any 16's... just wore sweats as much as possible before this started). My 14's won't stay up. My 12's need a belt cinched tight around the waist.


I can tell I still have a ways to go, but yeah, it's pretty darn noticeable. Although, no one has said boo (other than my mother and husband).


I'll be finishing up this round in about 2 weeks (or when I hit about 150). My goal is to maintain my new weight throughout the summer, and then do my final round this fall (Sept/Oct).

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I've definitely noticed the 20 lbs I've lost in my clothes. I went from a 16 to a 12 and from an extra large/large to medium top.


I lost 20 lbs in 30 days but now I've stayed at 157 for a week or so. I still feel like I am losing inches in my clothes. I'm not as discouraged as I thought I would be by coming to a stall. One reason is that I see a change in my body that keeps me going. The other reason I believe it works and I am pretty confident I'll push through this and continue to lose. I just want to get to 150. I plan to stick with it until I get there.

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I was questioning whether I had made a good decision ordering, but ya'll have made me feel so much better about this huge journey I am planning to start :001_smile: Thank you so very much!!! Now I am antsy to get my drops in :tongue_smilie:


i think I posted this answer in the other thread but it bears repeating:


I had NEVER had a weight problem EVER in my entire life until a few years ago. Thyroid issues, etc.


I needed to see results fast. I have to tell you: seeing results (and having people comment on how fast I was losing weight) was so empowering. I felt that I had taken back control. Nothing succeeds like success.

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i think I posted this answer in the other thread but it bears repeating:


I had NEVER had a weight problem EVER in my entire life until a few years ago. Thyroid issues, etc.


I needed to see results fast. I have to tell you: seeing results (and having people comment on how fast I was losing weight) was so empowering. I felt that I had taken back control. Nothing succeeds like success.



thanks again for all of your help. I pm'ed you with a thyroid question.

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I had to TUG my formerly 'tight' jeans up today!!!


I googled lots of recipe sites and then just 'winged' it with my own variations.


For dinner tonight I had a tilapia fillet and I topped it with a smidge of coconut oil (I'm supposed to take up to 1 tsp per day of it) and some seasoned salt and garlic salt. It was yummy. I paired that with a nice salad with my own vinaigrette dressing and a few melba rounds. I'm getting ready to make a strawberry lemonade slushy for desert (frozen strawberries a squeeze of lemon juice, stevia and a bit of water pureed in my Magic Bullet).


I'm not hungry-- and this is amazing!


My Dr has me testing my keytones (p-stick in the morning) to make sure I'm burning fat instead of muscle.

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I've stayed at 157 for a week or so. I still feel like I am losing inches in my clothes. I'm not as discouraged as I thought I would be by coming to a stall. One reason is that I see a change in my body that keeps me going. The other reason I believe it works and I am pretty confident I'll push through this and continue to lose. I just want to get to 150. I plan to stick with it until I get there.

You will get to it. You've come a long way and are doing great! :D

Most have stalls for about 10 days or so.

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You will get to it. You've come a long way and are doing great! :D

Most have stalls for about 10 days or so.


On my first round, I stalled about two weeks in. I asked alot of questions on an hcg board I was frequenting at the time. I received tons of encouragement and lots of support, and they were correct............after about 5 days of the scale not moving, the numbers started dropping like a rock. Hang in there!

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I do hope you are all doing ALL of your research. My dh would never let me do something like this, money for one and just would not think it's healthy at all. I am currently doing Sparks and love the beachbody.com videos as well. I am more physically fit than I ever have been and it's amazing seeing some of the stories on those sites. I'd never even heard about HCG until here. Whether you want to believe it or not, you are starving yourself. I mean come on 500 calories a day? Your body needs about 1700 alone just for everyday activities. Good luck, let us know how it goes!










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I do hope you are all doing ALL of your research. My dh would never let me do something like this, money for one and just would not think it's healthy at all. I am currently doing Sparks and love the beachbody.com videos as well. I am more physically fit than I ever have been and it's amazing seeing some of the stories on those sites. I'd never even heard about HCG until here. Whether you want to believe it or not, you are starving yourself. I mean come on 500 calories a day? Your body needs about 1700 alone just for everyday activities. Good luck, let us know how it goes!











Thank you for the links -- I will sit this evening and read. :)


Everyone is different, and things that work for one individual, don't work for another. Healthy, not healthy -- lots of stuff is unhealthy. I felt wonderful when I did my first round of hcg and I was monitored weekly. My blood pressure went to almost normal levels, my cholesterol had dropped when it was checked months later, I had gained muscle mass and lost fat. Just throwing this out there: perhaps it would be unhealthy and unwise for 99% of the population that is obese to try hcg, but at the same time, perhaps there is a group for whom it works.


500 calories a day is (if I recall correctly) the minimum a person can take in and not be at a starvation level. I have typically always felt better when I eat less -- no acid reflux, more energy, better mood.

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:grouphug: I'm so excited for you too!


I noticed on the other thread there were a lot of negative comments from people who have never tried this diet. But most of the comments from people that have actually tried it themselves seem to be pretty positive. I did it, and I sing its praises every time I put on a pair of shorts. :D

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Here is a link to the original protocol by Dr. Simeons that I followed. (I did the hCG hormone injections, not homepathic.) If you scroll down about half way you will see the foods listed under The Diet.




Just so we are clear, my complaint was about people buying into homeopathic hcg, because it is a fraud. There is no such thing as homeopathic hcg. The drops some people are taking do not contain hcg. Hcg cannot be preserved with alcohol or taken orally because it is a protein and either method would destroy it.

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Just so we are clear, my complaint was about people buying into homeopathic hcg, because it is a fraud. There is no such thing as homeopathic hcg. The drops some people are taking do not contain hcg. Hcg cannot be preserved with alcohol or taken orally because it is a protein and either method would destroy it.


They are different, and that is why I felt I better post specifically with which product and protocol I have personal experience (and success).

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You will get to it. You've come a long way and are doing great! :D

Most have stalls for about 10 days or so.


Thank you for the encouragement. I really don't have too hard a time sticking to the diet so I'm not so discouraged. I'm still stuck at exactly 157. I actually am happy to see that exact number day after day (though I'd like it to go down). I hate the feeling of jumping up and down a number of pounds every day. The fact that I am stuck at exactly that number makes me feel like it is real...like it's not a fluke and I'm going to wake up at 162 tomorrow...lol.

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Just so we are clear, my complaint was about people buying into homeopathic hcg, because it is a fraud. There is no such thing as homeopathic hcg. The drops some people are taking do not contain hcg. Hcg cannot be preserved with alcohol or taken orally because it is a protein and either method would destroy it.




Some of the drops do not contain Hcg, but not all of them. For example, GNC sells something that appears to be Hcg, but if you read the ingredients it is only herbs that are supposed to support your natural Hcg production. You have to be very careful who you purchase through. Some are legit, some are scams. Reputable companies are selling real Hcg. It isn't illegal, but they are using the homeopathic route as a loophole to sell it as a supplement. I know someone who tested hers with a pregnancy test and it showed positive. How much more real can it be?

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Everyone is different, and things that work for one individual, don't work for another. Healthy, not healthy -- lots of stuff is unhealthy. I felt wonderful when I did my first round of hcg and I was monitored weekly. My blood pressure went to almost normal levels, my cholesterol had dropped when it was checked months later, I had gained muscle mass and lost fat. Just throwing this out there: perhaps it would be unhealthy and unwise for 99% of the population that is obese to try hcg, but at the same time, perhaps there is a group for whom it works.

I have typically always felt better when I eat less -- no acid reflux, more energy, better mood.

:hurray: You've done great. Your post is a fabulous one.

Yes, everyone is different. I would never dream of bashing someone else's choice with regards to pretty much anything - curriculum, diet, you name it. We're all adults here and responsible for ourselves. It's our own choice how we go about trying to get healthy and lose weight. :chillpill: I honestly don't think it's anyone else's business. If I'm not interested in a certain plan, or if I don't believe in it, I certainly wouldn't post negative comments about it, particularly if I had no experience with it or had little to no knowledge about it.


I noticed on the other thread there were a lot of negative comments from people who have never tried this diet. But most of the comments from people that have actually tried it themselves seem to be pretty positive.

I know. I keep seeing this. It's funny to me. I thought I was the only one who noticed. I observed the same exact thing on one of the news sites. Most who had tried it, had good things to say.

Most who had not tried it, or, better yet, those who knew VERY little about it ;), bashed it.

Reminds me of homeschooling. ;)


I did it, and I sing its praises every time I put on a pair of shorts.

:D Great job!


Just so we are clear, my complaint was about people buying into homeopathic hcg, because it is a fraud.

Well, if it is a fraud, it certainly worked for me and helped me lose LOTS of weight, made me feel and look better than ever. I love it.



I'm still stuck at exactly 157.

:grouphug: Hang in there.


You have to be very careful who you purchase through. Some are legit, some are scams.


This is where reading and research come into play. :)

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Just bumping this to see if you have started the diet yet and how it's going. Despite all the negative comments I really want to give it a try. I've just been scared that I won't be able to handle that small amount of food everyday and the discipline in preparing the food that comes along with it.

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Just bumping this to see if you have started the diet yet and how it's going. Despite all the negative comments I really want to give it a try. I've just been scared that I won't be able to handle that small amount of food everyday and the discipline in preparing the food that comes along with it.



I did start (in my own way, sort of :D). I started slowly with the drops and worked up to the amount they suggested. Yesterday was my first day on the full amount. I am such a rogue person! This is what I am doing....I am not necessarily suggesting you do this:tongue_smilie:. I am eating from the foods list they suggest. I am not limiting the veggies and I have slightly increased the lean protein. I am still limiting the fruit to 1-2 per day. I wanted to try this first. If it doesn't work at some point or if I stall, I will follow protocol more closely. I know that my time is limited and that I am better off not focusing on food so I am not measuring, just eyeing. Here is an example of my meals yesterday


Breakfast: orange, green tea

Lunch: A large salad with chicken breast (organic apple cider vinegar as a dressing - no oil). I didnt measure the greens and I added onion and yellow pepper.

Dinner: A stir fry with chicken breast and low carb veggies.


I wasn't hungry at all. nada. I didn't think about food or crave a thing. My energy has been crazy good. For the last few days, my hormones feel very balanced. My rosacea is getting better. Everything makes it worse, so I expected it to get horrible and look awful during this time.


I started at 175 and 4 days later...I weighed 171.8 this morning! I took every bit of those pounds off in my trouble spot (the band right around my abdomen). I can visibly see a huge difference there and I comfortably zipped jeans this morning that I couldn't wear last week :D I have counted calories and followed a 1200 caloried diet before and lost the same amount and felt/saw very little difference at just 3 pounds lost. This convinces me that I am not losing muscle. If I were losing muscle, I would not see such a difference in my fatty area, kwim?

I may need to strictly follow the protocol at some point to keep losing and I am willing to do that if/when necessary.

I can keep you posted if you want. If I forget just PM me and ask.

Edited by Charleigh
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Meant to say....

I haven't exercised at all. I am considering adding it in to see if it helps. Some people swear that it stalls their losses and they wait until they are done with the 30-40 days on Hcg to exercise. Looking at my stomach, you would think I have been doing alot of situps!


Also, I have lost on a 1200 cal. diet before, but it took a lot of exercise and weeks before I would see this sort of result.


I am not attempting to convince anyone to try this. I am way too new at this to know how I will feel about it in the future. I am just updating because I was asked about progress :001_smile:

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Good to hear!


I posted last week about being stalled at 157 for over a week. Today I am down to 152.5 :) I wore a pair of jeans yesterday that I thought I would never wear again and they were loose.


I have added more lean protein here toward the end of the cycle and it hasn't hurt any.


Glad you're not hungry!

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Good to hear!


I posted last week about being stalled at 157 for over a week. Today I am down to 152.5 :) I wore a pair of jeans yesterday that I thought I would never wear again and they were loose.


I have added more lean protein here toward the end of the cycle and it hasn't hurt any.


Glad you're not hungry!



:hurray: :party:

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