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Did you know that...(CC, I suppose)

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Because Harry Potter is nothing but fantasy. It has no basis in reality. It has nothing to do with witchcraft of the real variety.



I guess I am confused because last time I checked, Twilight is also fantasy. The reason why I said it that way is because on the anti-HP websites I have read, it is said that HP is not acceptable to Christians due to its reference to witchcraft and how HP gets children interested in witchcraft. The stories might not be about witchcraft in a realistic sense, but that it could intice a child to witchcraft and ultimately the religions that hold witchcraft as part of their practice, but I have heard that there are witches that arent a part of those religions- wicca, etc. Not that I dont understand the addage that not all wiccans are witches, and not all witches are wiccan- so I am probably not wording that right. Its not like from reading Twilight someone can say "oh gee, I think I will go find a vampire somewhere to bite me so I can be a vampire too." The story is a work of fiction. I mean really, they both are. My point was that I dont understand why HP is acceptable to some of the people who find Twilight unacceptable... and I was glad to see the OP's realization. :001_smile:

...... Im hoping not to offend any wiccans, witches, or pagans with my inability to word this correctly. :001_unsure:

Edited by sassyscrapperinid
spelling darn it! LOL
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I did out of curiousity :tongue_smilie: And this just made me laugh...at the author, not SWB, LOL. Many people have critisized her for using only her own opinions, including Sonlight, and Blaise Kohler. :lol:





I wonder how many people know who "Sonlight" is. Is Blaise Kohler someone I should know about?

Edited by Onceuponatime
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Sassy, I agree, they are both fantasy.


Vampires in literature at large do have quite a different role than wizards. There are usually a lot of sexual connotations with vampires. But, I don't have a problem with adults reading books about either one, just to clarify. Some vampire books are not appropriate for young people.

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Reading HP has not made a single one of my children interested in witchcraft.


I, on the other hand, would LOVE to be able to make my broom fly, tweak my nose or wave my hand and have my laundry run itself, dishes jump into the dishwasher, etc. etc. :lol: I am so jealous of Mrs. Weasley's housekeeping abilities! :lol:


People are so afraid of imagination, they need to be more concerned about pride and speaking things upon someone's life that is the place of God alone.

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Reading HP has not made a single one of my children interested in witchcraft.


I, on the other hand, would LOVE to be able to make my broom fly, tweak my nose or wave my hand and have my laundry run itself, dishes jump into the dishwasher, etc. etc. :lol: I am so jealous of Mrs. Weasley's housekeeping abilities! :lol:


People are so afraid of imagination, they need to be more concerned about pride and speaking things upon someone's life that is the place of God alone.



I wonder if our parents and grandparents made such a big deal out of I Dream of Jeannie...

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I wonder if our parents and grandparents made such a big deal out of I Dream of Jeannie...


We watched that and Bewitched! We loved them!

(And I used to play Barbies at the feet of my mother while she watched Dark Shadows!) My mother and I do not remember having our Christianity questioned.


My mom *also* said that Christians didn't try to segregate themselves either. She knew all her neighbors. We kids *all* played together. It was a different country. What happened? Whatever is was has not had a positive affect.

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We watched that and Bewitched! We loved them!

(And I used to play Barbies at the feet of my mother while she watched Dark Shadows!) My mother and I do not remember having our Christianity questioned.


My mom *also* said that Christians didn't try to segregate themselves either. She knew all her neighbors. We kids *all* played together. It was a different country. What happened? Whatever is was has not had a positive affect.


I don't know, but it scares me. It's a very bad thing when you have to stop calling yourself Christian and start referring to yourself by your denomination. I think people are just becoming very segregated and eccentric. We've always been a really segregated country...racially, economically... Maybe this is just a new category.


I hate to quote William Shatner..."Guys! It was just a movie!"

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We watched that and Bewitched! We loved them!

(And I used to play Barbies at the feet of my mother while she watched Dark Shadows!) My mother and I do not remember having our Christianity questioned.


My mom *also* said that Christians didn't try to segregate themselves either. She knew all her neighbors. We kids *all* played together. It was a different country. What happened? Whatever is was has not had a positive affect.


I remember my Great Aunt and My Grandma's 'stories' playing the background as my cousin and I played with our Barbies. I read and loved the Greek Myths and not once did I think they were real.


My best friend from childhood is a Mormon. I only knew that when I grew up! I honestly didn't know about denominations and divisions until I was older and it was really hard for me to accept that.


We don't take a poll before allowing our kids to play with other kids. :D As long as we are treated kindly we respond in kind.


I'm trying not to get snippy on Facebook because its rearing its ugly head again. I do wish people would pay more attention to their planks and less to others splinters. My planks are a full time job.

Edited by pdalley
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You do not have a consistent walk with the Lord if you read Twilight, go to see the new movie Soul Surfer, etc.?:glare::glare: You have bad judgement, are a compromiser and may not even be a Christian at all.:glare::glare:


I just want to say that I'm sorry for ever thinking or saying anything to or about anyone that would indicated that I think my own personal convictions are the gold standard.


I'm sick of legalism! I regret that I was ever caught up in it.


I'm frustrated! That is all!;)


Thanks for the rant.



I hear you. My oldest never had Pokemon cards or read Harry Potter because back when he was in grade school, I just didn't know any better. I am glad to be past that stage.

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But the witchcraft in HP is completely fantasy. No one in their right mind would believe that the HP witchcraft really works. I have never known anyone to become interested in witchcraft or wicca as a result of HP. The Harry Potter saga is about the fight of good vs. evil, about self-sacrifice, redemption. The seventh book has what I consider to be Christian themes.


The issue many people have with Twilight is not that it is fantasy, but about the unhealthy relationship dynamics that are romanticized.

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We watched that and Bewitched! We loved them!

(And I used to play Barbies at the feet of my mother while she watched Dark Shadows!) My mother and I do not remember having our Christianity questioned.


My mom *also* said that Christians didn't try to segregate themselves either. She knew all her neighbors. We kids *all* played together. It was a different country. What happened? Whatever is was has not had a positive affect.


:D Bewitched was watched by everyone. And I had forgotten about Dark Shadows. And what about The Adams Family? Didn't they have some magic? I do remember my gm saying that she didn't go to the movies because the movie stars had immoral life styles but she watched tv all day. :lol:

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In the congregation I grew up in watching The Simpsons was something "good people" didn't do. I didn't get it then, STILL don't get it now. My family were all closet fans. :p (although nobody bats an eye at it now). But then, by age 6 I was already well versed in all things Python :lol: (except Life of Bryan and Meaning of Life, which I was never allowed to watch, probably because of the nudity)

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Oh good grief! been there, done that.... :grouphug:


"[There is] therefore now no condemnation to them which are in Christ Jesus, who walk not after the flesh, but after the Spirit." Romans 8:1


"But if you are led by the Spirit, you are not under the law." Galatians 5:18


Sorry you have to deal with this. But there's really no escaping it....ask me how I know! LOL


Donna -- born again, wife to a pastor-in-training, homeschooling, former IFB church member, Harry Potter-reading, movie-watching, music-listening, dancing, pants-wearing, tambourine shaking, praise band singing woman!

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That was a Catholic Mass? I have never heard of it. From what I recall, using juice would be against the GIRM (General Instruction of the Roman Missal.) They do allow mustum if the priest is an alcoholic, but this is only with dispensation from the bishop and the priest is the only one who receives this, since he is the only one who is obligated to take under both species (bread and wine.) All others would have the option of taking the wine or not.


Sorry, I forgot about this thread and I'm just now getting back to it, but, yes, it was a Catholic mass. In Virginia Beach, don't know if that has anything to do with the diocese or not, though. It was 10+ years ago, when DH and I had first gotten married. (Although he did remind me we went to a funeral mass once since then...) Anyway, I wouldn't even remember, except I was so shocked when I took the wine (didn't know at the time you had to be Catholic, my bad. :blushing:) because we used juice in the services at my church. DH pointed out to me when we sat back down the line for the juice. He said it was for people like alcoholics, who couldn't touch a drop and were trying to be responsible about it.

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:grouphug: We are all sinners. While I may not read or watch most things "they" would consider un-Christan I only answer to God. I don't pass judgment on others based on what they read/watch/wear I have a big enough plank in my own eye to go fishing the speak out of any one else's.

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It makes me want to take up smoking and carry a flask - just so that no one thinks that I think I'm the better Christian.


I'm waiting on the rumors about me to start. My tkd dojo shares a building with a packags store and I have taken to parking at the package store because I can get in and out easier.

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