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Portland, OR 2012 Conference

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Who would come, knowing that I'm a die hard Christian, if I chose speakers I really want to hear? I want academic talks... from people like: SWB, Andrew Pudewa, Adam Andrews perhaps??, Christopher Perrin, and more...


I have NO idea if I could actually get any of them to speak over here...


Here's the deal.... I want MANY Christian speakers, but if there are some I'd like to hear that aren't... I'd ask them, too.


At this conference if the person is Christian, I can imagine them praying for silence during their talk. (You know... the baby/child thing) BUT, all the talks would be ON FOCUS about the particular subjects we want to hear....


NO TALK would be against another person.... And none would be trying to persuade another.... to any particular religion.


All talks would remain civilized and ... well....Speakers and others would perhaps have curriculum to share??


Tell me what YOU'D come for... if I put it together.


And yup, I'd be praying for peace at the conference :) Guaranteed!!



BTW, I like Sonlight... and I'd ask them to come!!


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I would definitely be there. Would love to hear everyone you mentioned plus Michael Clay Thompson and Andrew Kern as part of the dream team. I would be there to focus on academic issues and would skip any sessions by anyone trying to tell me how they think I should be living my life. Wouldn't mind a good vendor hall. I think focusing on academics or a classical or classical Christian approach to education is the way to distinguish it from the annual OCEAN conference which I see as more worldview-focused. And probably having it in some month other than June would be good (theirs is usually about the 3rd week of June).

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I would go almost anywhere in the western part of the US for a conference that focused on education. I am a Christian, but that is not what I'm looking for in a conference. I already know my worldview, but I would love to hear more about different educational philosophies, etc. If I could make it work, I would definitely come from Arizona! I wish I was going to a conference this year...I want to go to the vendor hall so bad! :D

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I would love to attend a more hands on, less reason-for-doing-hsing conference in PDX or within a 2-3 hour drive!


I already know why & what I am teaching, but need help with practically implementing writing instruction, classroom management (yes even in our home) and implementation of the SWR program... (with a remedial speller)


I am not interested in bringing my children, but don't mind your kiddos if they are quiet.


Home venues don't work for me unless they are animal free...:D

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I would come if the focus were on HOMESCHOOLING and not on "being a good Christian". I'm Christian, but not the "right kind" for many, so I doubt I'd get much from a *heavily* Christian-focused conference, but if the speakers were Christians who wish to encourage achedemics (like SWB) then I'd be there in a heartbeat. :)

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I would come if the focus were on HOMESCHOOLING and not on "being a good Christian". I'm Christian, but not the "right kind" for many, so I doubt I'd get much from a *heavily* Christian-focused conference, but if the speakers were Christians who wish to encourage achedemics (like SWB) then I'd be there in a heartbeat. :)


This is my position too. The speakers you mentioned would all be of interest to me, and since we're moving to Portland soon, I'd come.

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I would definitely be there. Would love to hear everyone you mentioned plus Michael Clay Thompson and Andrew Kern as part of the dream team. I would be there to focus on academic issues and would skip any sessions by anyone trying to tell me how they think I should be living my life. Wouldn't mind a good vendor hall. I think focusing on academics or a classical or classical Christian approach to education is the way to distinguish it from the annual OCEAN conference which I see as more worldview-focused. And probably having it in some month other than June would be good (theirs is usually about the 3rd week of June).


:iagree: And I'd love to advertise for you, Carrie. I'm pretty sure I could drum up quite a few people to attend. I'd love to listen to MCT and Andrew Kern along with SWB and Andrew Pudewa, as well.

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I would come if the focus were on HOMESCHOOLING and not on "being a good Christian". I'm Christian, but not the "right kind" for many, so I doubt I'd get much from a *heavily* Christian-focused conference, but if the speakers were Christians who wish to encourage achedemics (like SWB) then I'd be there in a heartbeat. :)


:iagree: I'm in Vancouver. I would love to hear from all the speakers you listed...And I will leave the dc at home:D.

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This is great! I am curious to know what people would budget to pay and if people would try to budget some money to spend on the curriculum. I need to start figuring out the big picture that we'd want and then backing up to see all the little parts that would need to come together to make it happen. I'll be counting on votes to help me decide who we want, what we want to hear (I know Cat wants the real kid one:)) and then ..... figure out how much money this will take :) I will FOR SURE need someone to help me with the money part... as far as intake and such...

I love doing things like this... I just have to figure out location ... and ALL the other stuff that goes into it... Ramble ramble... I think that 1.5 years is enough time to make it happen.

Also... here's a question... Do you all want different speaker for the weekend... or concentrate on one speaker at a time?? And rotate through people over the years :)


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I would be okay with a conference that was all just speakers, or speakers that came with samples of their curriculum to flip through, and then order-forms for us to fill out (don't know if that'll make it cheaper to bring in vendors or not). I'd be willing to buy on-the-spot, but I'd also be willing to just come and listen and gawk.

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Hey Mindy :) If you come... your entrance fee needs to include pics of your new babies... since it's been a while since you showed them here :) And, your songs... you might need to share how you get started with those... I have a few that I need songs for :) Just giving you a heads up :)

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The closest thing to that this year is the WHO connvention in Puyallup (but WHO doesn't have the big speakers). I have NO INTEREST in going to OCEAN, except maybe to the used curriculum exchange.


Did you know that OHEN has a conference every other year, and their next one is Spring 2012? They're usually in a school gym, so it's been small. OHEN is inclusive, but I think they lean rather unschooly (at least their panel of speakers who did an "intro to homeschooling" were all unschoolers). Their speaker last year was Pat Farenga. Anyway, it may be worth it to contact them and ask if you could help recruit more speakers and add a vendor hall.

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Hey Mindy :) If you come... your entrance fee needs to include pics of your new babies... since it's been a while since you showed them here :) And, your songs... you might need to share how you get started with those... I have a few that I need songs for :) Just giving you a heads up :)


I think I can swing that!! :D

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Last year? Dang! This year the lineup looks .... well, it's got Rebecca Keller from RS4K and someone from MFW, but no one else I've heard of (including a vice cop who speaks about the dangers of the internet???). And the topics of the lectures aren't posted, so it's hard to tell if it would be worth it to go.


I'm very sad Susan couldn't make it to the western half of the US this year. She's got a lot of "like minded" friends out here!

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I sorta want to fly up to Fairbanks to hear Pudewa speak at one of the IDEA conventions. In Alaska, there are a bunch of programs that will pay for your curriculum if you sign up with them, and you retain most freedoms of homeschooling. They ask for non-consumables back, and the big program (IDEA) then sells them at these giant curriculum fairs for cheap.

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