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I'm so proud of my oldest!

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She wrote a proposal to have a booth at a local 10 weekend long festival. They average 900,000 patrons each year.


She wants to teach about poly culture and sustainable agriculture by giving milking and spinning and weaving demonstrations as well as selling her brother's goat milk soap and her sister's quail egg ornaments and her own "instant gardens" (goat compost mixed with heirloom seeds).


She took the pictures, wrote the text, sent it to friends for comments, revised it, made up a sample basket, decorated the binder and delivered it herself.


They called today to tell her that even though they are not supposed to meet and vote on proposals until next month, they were crazy about her products and unanimously want her as a participant.


I'm so proud because this is my child who had a dx of classic autism a few years ago. The doctor's advice was to get her on Social Security disability for life. I can not imagine anything better than for her to talk to hundreds of thousands of strangers about a subject she is so passionate about.


My buttons are bursting tonight.

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To be fair, the doctor also suggested she have a sleep study done. We found out that an untreated sleep disorder can look a lot like Autism.


I remember you posting about her "diagnosis" and then about the sleep study later. I always wondered if solving the sleep issues did the trick, and I guess it did!


Her success is breathtakingly awesome, and you must just be so proud you want to burst :grouphug: Congratulations to her--and to you, mama!

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The medication for her sleep disorder have really helped. She also has chosen to go off of gluten because she feels like it causes her to have brain fog.


Her neurologist isn't convinced gluten is an issue, but she's old enough to make these decisions for herself now.

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This is the festival.




It's all even more emotional for me because my dad was a part of this festival from the very first year when he played music, and I passed the hat for him (for a cut of the money).


Later, he was the King of the Gypsies.


This is the website that Mr. Clever made for him.




We were at the festival, last November when my sister called to tell me that my dad had passed away in hospice. The children were comforted, by knowing, "There is nowhere Grandpa would rater us be."


Miss Good just brought me a book of plans for building medieval pavilions. I asked her where she got it and she said, "Right under Grandpa's bed. I'm good at finding what I need. Aren't I?"

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