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Well, I have 8 weeks to go in history and only 4 weeks left, vote please


How/If should I finish history (year 2 Middle Ages)  

  1. 1. How/If should I finish history (year 2 Middle Ages)

    • Finish it up next fall?
    • Finish it up this summer?
    • Skip the last few weeks and start year 3 in the fall?
    • Other?

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We have to take a break the first 2 weeks in June because we have baseball, swimming lessons and Bible school. I refuse to do school too. :) We like to take off in the summer (a modified public school schedule). Should I:


1. finish up at the beginning of next year?

2. finish up over the summer?

3. forget the last few weeks and just go on next year?

4. other?

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Since you have 8 weeks left and 4 weeks of school, can you double up the history and lighten each weeks load? This way you can cover the essentials of the last 8 weeks of history, have your summer break, and start next year fresh with the new year of history. :001_smile:


Best of luck!

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I would skip it and begin again next year at the next level. Your kids are young and you will eventually cover it again in the future. If you really feel the need to finish you could find some fun read alouds and do those at bed time during the summer. Have fun!

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I would just do what you can to finish out the year and then over the summer you can finish reading. or the kids could read books from the reading list during quiet time to finish out the year. You're so close to the end I wouldn't stress about not getting it done. as someone else said, they are young and it will come around again.

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Since you have 8 weeks left and 4 weeks of school, can you double up the history and lighten each weeks load? This way you can cover the essentials of the last 8 weeks of history, have your summer break, and start next year fresh with the new year of history. :001_smile:


Best of luck!


I agree with SWB's "just read for awhile" when you get behind.


I'm still working on the "take as much time as you want on subjects that interest you" since I like to be on schedule. But, life happens, and sometimes we have to double-up SOTW anyway just to fit 42 chapters into 36 weeks. Those weeks we usually just read and discuss.

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I would skip it and begin again next year at the next level. Your kids are young and you will eventually cover it again in the future. If you really feel the need to finish you could find some fun read alouds and do those at bed time during the summer. Have fun!

:iagree: At the age your kids are, they'll get it again later. At that point I would NOT skip! I think they'll be more into it all at that point too! So I'd say, get as far as you can, and maybe do some this summer. But don't sweat it. Then move on as you like to do when school starts up again.

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I was pretty sure you were a fellow Biblioplan user. I voted for "skip it and start year 3 in the fall". The end of year 2 is the Reformation, and as the Biblioplan authors note, there really isn't much for young kids studying the reformation. I would go ahead and finish all of the SOTW chapters, but I think you can probably find 4 weeks to cut from the Reformation section. Wait...let me get my binder...okay, cut weeks 32, 33, 34, and 35. Do finish the 3 pages in Rats, Bulls, & Flying Machines for week 32, and go ahead and do week 36 which will finish off SOTW with Queen Elizabeth. But you should be able to finish your year just fine and miss only 2 family read-alouds. We're slowly making our way through River of Grace now, but I think we are going to save Queen's Smuggler for next time through and just be done!

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I am seriously behind and using Biblioplan 2 this year. It just didn't go over well with my dc. I'd like to cover what I can between now and next fall so my plan is to just do the SOTW audio and review questions in the order Biblioplan has it laid out and maybe some of the read alouds and skipping the rest. We are carschooling with the SOTW audio cd's and coloring in the car and that's it! And if it becomes a struggle to still finish before next fall, I will just skip and it know that we'll cover it again when they are older. I'm glad too for the ideas on how to handle this situation in our homeschool as well. Thanks for this thread!! :)

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