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Zen, contemplation, and a case FOR extinction.

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So, I've been very zen like for the past couple of hours while quietly and logically weighing the pros and cons of animal extinction. Extinction has always been equated with BAD throughout the 20th and now 21st century and I've had to ask myself, "Is there such a thing as necessary evil? Is there a case for extinction?"


After much meditation on the subject, I've come to the conclusion that yes, extinction is a good thing in some cases. I believe that MAN is a higher order than snake, and we should irradicate snake kind from the earth.


Now, I know that there are those that will say, "We'll be over-run with rodents." But, please hear me out. This is the age of science and technology. I see in our future robotic cats with composting/compacting "stomachs". These solar powered robots do nothing but seek out and destroy rodent life. They scoop it up, break it's neck, "swallow" it, and the composter goes to work. Once per year the owner of "terminator kitty 2000" pours more composting bacteria into the "cat".


And really, if we are so overun by rodents, then why on earth does the stupid pet-store have to breed and sell the blasted things so that domesticated evil reptiles can eat. If the rat population of the world is sooooooo large, then why doesn't the pet-store proprietor just open the door, walk into the back alley, and catch some blasted rats????? Explain that one.


I believe that the earth should be irradicated of these menacing hordes of snakes so that man can live in peace and tranquilty.


Vote "yes" on snake extinction!



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I'll keep the snakes, but spiders gone would be okay. All right, I know they have use too, so you could argue that point.


However, I have contemplated and can find no good use for the flea. If someone has an obvious reason fleas need to exist, I'd be interested. When I think pestilence I think of fleas.

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So, I've been very zen like for the past couple of hours while quietly and logically weighing the pros and cons of animal extinction. Extinction has always been equated with BAD throughout the 20th and now 21st century and I've had to ask myself, "Is there such a thing as necessary evil? Is there a case for extinction?"


After much meditation on the subject, I've come to the conclusion that yes, extinction is a good thing in some cases. I believe that MAN is a higher order than snake, and we should irradicate snake kind from the earth.


Now, I know that there are those that will say, "We'll be over-run with rodents." But, please hear me out. This is the age of science and technology. I see in our future robotic cats with composting/compacting "stomachs". These solar powered robots do nothing but seek out and destroy rodent life. They scoop it up, break it's neck, "swallow" it, and the composter goes to work. Once per year the owner of "terminator kitty 2000" pours more composting bacteria into the "cat".


And really, if we are so overun by rodents, then why on earth does the stupid pet-store have to breed and sell the blasted things so that domesticated evil reptiles can eat. If the rat population of the world is sooooooo large, then why doesn't the pet-store proprietor just open the door, walk into the back alley, and catch some blasted rats????? Explain that one.


I believe that the earth should be irradicated of these menacing hordes of snakes so that man can live in peace and tranquilty.


Vote "yes" on snake extinction!





:lol: My laughter interupted my son's math assignment.


Faith, I have really, REALLY enjoyed your posts the past couple of days!! :lol:


I'll vote "yes" for snake extinction, if you'll vote "yes" to cockroach (by all their various names!) extinction. ;)

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A case for extinction is actually more of a Taoist philosophy than a Zen Buddhist philosophy. Part of Taoist philosophy is that nothing lasts forever. So eventually snakes will be gone from the face of the earth. It might take a couple million years and might only happen when our sun goes all red giant, but eventually snakes will be gone.


Zen on the other hand believes that this obsession on the snakes is not a good thing. You should let go of your thoughts on snakes. More meditation is necessary. You should be mindful of yourself and your place in the world (away from the snakes) than being so mindful of the snakes. Otherwise enlightenment will be difficult if not impossible to achieve. But one must keep in mind that once one reaches enlightenment one becomes one with all the cosmos and all earthly kind - even the snakes. So maybe enlightenment isn't something you want to happen.

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Parrothead, seriously...thank you for pointing this out. I will now convert to Taoist thought. Zen very bad, very, very bad...I can never be one with a universe that includes SNAKES!


Yes, McConnell Boys, robo kitty can eat snakes. Robo kitty can be a part of the grand plan to irradicate the evil vermin from the earth...this will reduce the number of nulear bombs that must be dropped on rain forests. Afterall, we want to encourage nuclear disarmament!


I also believe in cockroach and BIG HAIRY SPIDER irradication. But, as for cockroaches, I am convinced that they are unfortunately, the highest order of species and will be on earth long after the sun explodes! The rotten, wicked things will just NOT DIE! Ask me how I know...we were doing some model rocketry with an 8th grade class whose science teacher kept a colony of madagascar hissing cockroaches in the lab. (Yeah, I know....the man was wacko but that insanity, for whatever reason, made him a great science teacher!). The kids wanted to "sacrifice" something, for the sake of science, in the payload section of our large Saturn Rocket...the rocket that is so big we have to file a special permit, get Department of Homeland Security Educational Clearance, in order to purchase the rocket engines....that kind of rocket. The teacher volunteered one of his cockroaches. The disgusting critter was loaded into the payload section of the rocket and the kids were certain it would not survive - there was no padding provided in the payload section - no insect safety restraints. The rocket went up and let me tell you, with the size of engine this thing flies with, we are talking SERIOUS G's of force - mega G's of force. The parachute did not deploy! It came down from about 1000 feet like a missile. It arched over hard due to a wind gust and without that parachute, the nose cone came straight down and dug a 6 inch deep trench where it landed. The rocket was in bits and pieces. STUPID MADAGASCAR HISSING COCKROACH WAS STILL ALIVE AND HISSING!


Crazy mad scientist school teacher decided that hissy cockroach must be traumatized and cold and allowed it to crawl up his sleeve! One of the most disturbing events I've ever witnessed.


We did go home and rebuild the rocket...so cool...if we launch it from the soccer field across the parking lot from the elementary school, it still rattles the windows of the building. We call the fire department ahead of time so they know that a meth lab did not explode, no response necessary - the "boom" is that big.


Cockroaches will be hear for all eternity even if earth is sucked into a black hole.



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Parrothead, seriously...thank you for pointing this out. I will now convert to Taoist thought. Zen very bad, very, very bad...I can never be one with a universe that includes SNAKES!


Yes, McConnell Boys, robo kitty can eat snakes. Robo kitty can be a part of the grand plan to irradicate the evil vermin from the earth...this will reduce the number of nulear bombs that must be dropped on rain forests. Afterall, we want to encourage nuclear disarmament!


I also believe in cockroach and BIG HAIRY SPIDER irradication. But, as for cockroaches, I am convinced that they are unfortunately, the highest order of species and will be on earth long after the sun explodes! The rotten, wicked things will just NOT DIE! Ask me how I know...we were doing some model rocketry with an 8th grade class whose science teacher kept a colony of madagascar hissing cockroaches in the lab. (Yeah, I know....the man was wacko but that insanity, for whatever reason, made him a great science teacher!). The kids wanted to "sacrifice" something, for the sake of science, in the payload section of our large Saturn Rocket...the rocket that is so big we have to file a special permit, get Department of Homeland Security Educational Clearance, in order to purchase the rocket engines....that kind of rocket. The teacher volunteered one of his cockroaches. The disgusting critter was loaded into the payload section of the rocket and the kids were certain it would not survive - there was no padding provided in the payload section - no insect safety restraints. The rocket went up and let me tell you, with the size of engine this thing flies with, we are talking SERIOUS G's of force - mega G's of force. The parachute did not deploy! It came down from about 1000 feet like a missile. It arched over hard due to a wind gust and without that parachute, the nose cone came straight down and dug a 6 inch deep trench where it landed. The rocket was in bits and pieces. STUPID MADAGASCAR HISSING COCKROACH WAS STILL ALIVE AND HISSING!


Crazy mad scientist school teacher decided that hissy cockroach must be traumatized and cold and allowed it to crawl up his sleeve! One of the most disturbing events I've ever witnessed.


We did go home and rebuild the rocket...so cool...if we launch it from the soccer field across the parking lot from the elementary school, it still rattles the windows of the building. We call the fire department ahead of time so they know that a meth lab did not explode, no response necessary - the "boom" is that big.


Cockroaches will be hear for all eternity even if earth is sucked into a black hole.




Noooooo!!!!! :crying:

(That rocket sounds really cool!! The cockroach loving science teacher, not so much! :lol:)

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Can we move to the plant world? Let's get rid of mold. An obsolete form of life if ever one existed.



ETA - Faith, I think I'll be having a nightmare tonight about RoboKitties run amuk. I can already see them in vivid anime style... compacting stomachs and all. What happens when they run out of rats? Or their cruel tastes turn to something more... delectable? Oh, heck, I better just go clean up the kitchen.

Edited by AuntieM
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I read a really great article about this issue not long ago




The BBC wildlife expert Chris Packham has questioned the millions spent trying to save the giant panda from extinction and suggested that the bamboo-eating bear should be allowed to die out "with a degree of dignity".


He said a lot of interesting things.


But...that was about cute fluffy bears.


I am sure some of these creatures/molds have some important roles to play.:lol:

Edited by Sis
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And really, if we are so overun by rodents, then why on earth does the stupid pet-store have to breed and sell the blasted things so that domesticated evil reptiles can eat. If the rat population of the world is sooooooo large, then why doesn't the pet-store proprietor just open the door, walk into the back alley, and catch some blasted rats????? Explain that one.





I have to share this with you. Our accountant/former neighbor was recently divorced by his wife. He's a 50-something guy and has signed up for Match.com. This has yielded some very interesting contacts that he has quickly shut down. But one lady seemed promising - attractive, successful, etc. So they went out. Then he found out what she does for a living.


She's a rat farmer. Yep, she raises rats to sell to pet stores.


He's planning on embracing the single life for a bit.

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No, I like snakes :)

I am not into upsetting the balance- snakes kill the mice. Kill the snakes- then you gotta poison the mice. Then the native animals eat the poison and die. Upset the balance :) YOu know, what's an Egyptian snake doign in the Bronx anyway? Maybe thats the issue, really.

I was honestly mortified when I read your post (because I didnt read the previous one first) until i realised you were joking (I hope you were joking!) :)

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Yes, Peela, it's all a in fun! :) But, I really do hate snakes, they scary the jeewillikers out of me! :w00t:


Really, my big problem is that a. An egyptian Cobra is in the Bronx...hello...reptile houses just shouldn't exist and b. If you are going to have an Egyptian Cobra in the Bronx - DON'T LEAVE THE CAGE DOOR OPEN!


Seriously, where are the checks and balances in the system when dealing with deadly animals? Shouldn't there be another worker with a check list that says in 72 pt. font, "If you leave the cage door open, zoo officials can not be responsible for what the people of NYC do to you!"


Snakes should not be on twitter. This is not appropriate. :D



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Crazy mad scientist school teacher decided that hissy cockroach must be traumatized and cold and allowed it to crawl up his sleeve! One of the most disturbing events I've ever witnessed.





That just made me gag. :001_huh:


What kind of person are you allowing to be around your children????? Next thing you know they'll come home with one of those creatures, claiming it's a 'pet' and they've 'bonded'. ;)

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