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Craft idea for 9yo birthday party?

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I had a big outdoor scavenger hunt planned, but now it's supposed to snow. :glare: So I need to come up with something to do indoors with four or five 9 and 10yo girls. I can't come up with anything new and different. Any help?

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Well, my dd9 loves spa parties. What about letting the girls make their own body scrubs using turbinado sugar and olive oil or jojoba oil? One of my dd's favorite games is to have several bottles of nail polish in wild colors and play spin the bottle. The girls take turns spinning a bottle of nail polish and whomever the tip is pointing at has to paint either a fingernail or toenail that color. They keep going until each girl has everyone of their fingernails &/or toenails covered.

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Well, my dd9 loves spa parties. What about letting the girls make their own body scrubs using turbinado sugar and olive oil or jojoba oil? One of my dd's favorite games is to have several bottles of nail polish in wild colors and play spin the bottle. The girls take turns spinning a bottle of nail polish and whomever the tip is pointing at has to paint either a fingernail or toenail that color. They keep going until each girl has everyone of their fingernails &/or toenails covered.


One of those parties where you have someone come in with beads and stuff and they make their own jewelry?





We've already done both of these. (Not the spin-the-bottle thing, though. That sounds fun!)

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Get these and some fabric bags, hand puppets, etc at Micheals, all cheap, and have at it. You use draw ON the fabric and "seal it" by putting typing paper over it and ironing on it. If my wiggly just 8 could do it, those girls could too.



Oh, those look fun! I'll have to see if I can make it to the craft store---nearest one is an hour away. :glare:

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We've had a few cupcake decorating parties, and everyone seems to enjoy it. I bake yellow and chocolate cupcakes and let the kids frost and decorate. I put out tons of frostings, frosting bag with a fun tip on it, sprinkles, decorations, paper umbrellas, you name it. It's an activity and a little something to take home (instead of a goody bag). Everyone takes their creations home in these: http://www.amazon.com/Wilton-Cavity-Pastel-Cupcake-Boxes/dp/B003IPCUWK

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Indoor scavenger hunt?


My daughter went to a fake slumber party that she enjoyed, there were mostly 9 and 10 year olds there. You brought your sleeping bag and pillow and wore pajamas. They played some games, ate pizza, did a craft, and watched the movie in their sleeping bags. (It was from 4 or 5 to 8 PM.)

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Give a big bag filled with various articles -- an old hat, a batan, a book, a pan, whatever -- enough for each girl to have each one. Tell them they have half an hour to prepare a little play where each of the props is used. The bag can include costumes as well.




Divide the girls into pairs, and give each pair two rolls of toilet paper and tape. They'll have a certain amount of time to make a toilet paper fashion outfit on each other. For example, 10 minutes for one, and then 10 minutes for the other. They can be very creative: make dresses, hats, purses, whatever, with the toilet paper! At the end, they put on a toilet paper fashion show. You can take a picture of each one. :)




Have ingredients for Rice Krispy bars, but instead of the bars, they make their own sculpture of anything. Each girl needs wax paper to work on, and buttered hands, and a blob of warm Rice Krispy bar mix. Warning: it can be messy!




Have all of the ingredients for an individual pizza. They each get a chunk of dough, which they roll out and shape into a mini pizza. You have the toppings all ready to go, and they get to choose their own and make it.




Have various supplies for making a little miniature room. Each girl can have a shoe box. You can have wall paper samples or even wrapping paper bits, for girls to choose from and make their own wall paper and floors. Have a glue stick for each girl, and plenty of scissors.


We did this once, and I had found a website or magazine article that told how to make little tables and chairs and lamps, etc., out of simple household objects. For example, the little white plastic piece with legs that often comes with pizza-to-go can be used as a little table. You can probably do a google search for ideas. The girls loved doing this and it took a lot of time!


Anyway, those are a few things we've done that have been a success. Have fun!

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