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Calling all waffles... you know - those of us waffling on picks for next year!


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I am waffling so BIG time that I feel like a Belgium Waffle! I've heard it's normal as the kids get a little older. I'll have a 4th and 5th grader next year. It feels like the stakes are higher and I am getting more serious every year...


Some days I am set: lots of CLE and MFW… Simple. Clean.


Then some days I am feeling the love for textbooks: BJU is calling me (combining LA and writing has its appeal), and MFW.


TOG is quieting. It’s only a whisper now…


Last night I asked a reliable friend about BJU, which she hated, but loves Shurley…


Off I research… and I LIKE it… Again, grammar and writing in one…


Then this morning my son shares how he made a mud pack for his ant bites yesterday and how well it worked. I asked him where he got that idea. He explained that people used to make “mud plasters†for the same reason. “Where’s you read that?â€, I ask. “Those booksâ€, he points – the Little House books. So today I feel the pull of Sonlight. My kids are readers. They retain a lot. I am a reader…


Adding to the confusion, yesterday at church I found a set of VP cards – the ones I would need next year- so I researched a little more. I love them.


So I waffle.


And I research.


And I think I need a “real†hobby. LOL!


I am so grateful for all the choices, but some days I wish I were an old homeschooler. Back in the day. One or two options. But really, who am I kidding?!?


Tell me I am not the only one!!

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DD 9 is struggling with the lack of review and fast pace of Singapore, so we are looking to switch. Maybe Horizons 5 or ABeka? Can't decide.


We switched to CQLA language arts. I love it, she hates it. It was a great switch for writing, but okay for the rest. Looking at language arts for next year. The options are Abeka, BJU, Saxon Grammar, Climbing to Good English? Vocabulary? Writing? AAAAh, too many choices.


Then comes history. I really want to do a STOW4 with US focus. We have been using Biblioplan this year, but it is not my favorite. So I am possibly looking at History Odyssey?


The ONLY thing we have decided on, for sure, is DD 5's curriculum :) and science (I think).

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Your not the only one!!


My son loves Winter Promise, yet I keep feeling pulled to Catholic Textbook Projects books....which means I'd have to plan out my year myself.


There are just too many great choices out there!


We're using the American History volume, From Sea to Shining Sea as spine for my oldest this year and it's been really easy. Do get the TM and the workbook. Mater Amabilis has a great literature list here that corresponds to the chapters.

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We're using the American History volume, From Sea to Shining Sea as spine for my oldest this year and it's been really easy. Do get the TM and the workbook. Mater Amabilis has a great literature list here that corresponds to the chapters.

Thanks Crimson Wife! My son really wants to do Medieval next year ( 7th grade). For 8th I'd like to do U.S. History. Or should I do U.S. for 7th and All Ye Lands ( overview year) for 8th?? I just can't decide!! We did U.S history through the Civil War 2 years ago, but that's as far as we made it.I saw that they came out with a workbook cd, it looks great.


Part of the problem I'm having with pre-planned curriculum is my son hates historical fiction, but he loves the hands on activities that WP offers.

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I'm waffling on spelling for my rising 2nd grader. We've done no spelling instruction this year, concentrating instead on finishing OPGTTR. Dd is a strong reader, but she doesn't like writing (the physical act). She doesn't seem to be an intuitive speller, and I already own AAS, bit I'm feeling reluctant to add it instead of workbook because almost everything we do is very teacher driven. I just don't know how well Ican implement it PLUS RS mathfor both girls PLUS chase a soon to be toddler (whom I'm nursing now, hence the typos).

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You are not alone. I have what I can afford and will work. But there are so many other things I like. Or that would be so interesting. Or that I would just enjoy using..... I make myself crazy thinking what my kids are missing. Sigh. I'm an adult. I know you can't have everything all at one time but it's so tempting.:tongue_smilie:

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I waffle on everything, just about. :tongue_smilie:


Math, we just switched to Math U See. The kids are doing well, and picking it up (finally...), but I wonder that it's not enough. Part of that, though, is that we had to start all the way back at Alpha. Still, I see and hear so much about Singapore and Saxon... When they get the basics down well, I want something rigorous.


Latin, was set for Prima Latina, but now don't think it'll be a great fit for our family. Am still thinking about Latin for Children... but...


Grammar: Was using PLL through about January, and realized the kids were much farther behind than I would've liked. Now we're using CQLA. The kids seem to like it, but the spelling stinks, frankly. So, we're probably going to have to supplement somewhat with that. Not sure with what, though. Also, The Latin Road is calling me... ;) If we use that, it'll make the Latin decision much easier I think. Right? Adding another curriculum to that would be overkill. I think...



Greek... Was set for Hey, Andrew!, but now looking at Greek for Children. ;)


The only things I don't waffle on are TOG and Apologia for science. Oh, and we're using The Phonics Road this year for DS4's phonics, when he gets there after Funnix. But... Apologia will be reevaluated again when we hit middle and high school, I think. So, give me a few years and I'll be in the same boat there. ;)

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Well, I guess I'm not crazy after all! (...or, we all are.)


I tried to post in one of the "tell me your plans for 5th grade" threads, but after typing over half my post, realized it was just my list of things to choose from. This will be my 1st time teaching logic stage, so I identify with the feeling of stakes being higher. Here's what I've got (from my patchy Word doc. notes, sorry) so far for my oldest son, going into 5th next year:


blue = decided, purple = mostly decided, green = Yikes! Decide Already! Or start researching!


Bible: a real program with real learning & growing (BJU includes catechism), still deciding whether to use something from my shelf or buy something like MP Christian Studies, Bible Study for All Ages, Balancing the Sword... haven't researched these yet.




Grammar: R&S5, unless FLL5 (title?) is out... then I'll have to choose.


Writing: WWE finish up 3, move on to 4; R&S 5 writing lessons; (or IEW??); get WTM-rec’d outlining book? (WTM outlining, copywork, narration, dictation, & summaries, of course)


Spelling: SWO F, G & finish up AAS


Vocab? Check WTM, if it’s not rec’d yet, keep doing it informally.


Penmanship: finish up Abeka, then Presidential Penmanship + DonnaYoung & other printouts? Or ___? Copywork from hymns & other subjects?


Reading/Literature list from WTM hist & other curric’s (VP, AO, etc.); Lit. program like TtC, Deconstructing Penguins, Reading Strands, DitHoR, BJU, CLE, etc.; Oral Reading Practice using our own books or selections from other subjects


Math: Horizons 5, RS Games, SM supplements


Science: something meaty with real learning, real experiments that aren’t just fluff. Stop & cover missed topics? Do a year of many diff. topics? Continue on to chemistry? Apologia, RS4K, Ellen McHenry’s, look at GuestHollow's rec’s, BJU, BFSU, etc.


History: start WTM 5th gr. Logic stage using SOTW 1 as starting point w/ KF & outlining, + add’l reading, history, picture, and chapter books from many lists. OR whatever Ancient History program we’re using (MFW, TOG, BP, HOD, etc).


Geography: Evan Moor? Knowledge Quest & Uncle Josh Printable Maps? Sheppard Software? Beautiful Feet (take a closer look)? Check WTM


Logic: Check WTM 5th gr.


Foreign Language: Spanish (Rosetta Stone + tutor/classes) or Latin (PL/LC, Lively, LfC, etc.)


Art: continue Atelier or switch to Artisic Pursuits


Health/Safety: make a syllabus of what I want to cover, then find and line up resources before school year starts. Use GH “Otter’s Science” and other resources, or look at Abeka Health?


Music Appreciation/history: Themes to Rem. + Trivium Academy's schedule for add’l stuff. Schedule more listening & visit symphonies, orchestras, and informal music venues too.


Extras: Piano lessons, soccer or other P.E., AWANA



I'll eliminate unecessary overlap once I've decided on things.

Edited by Annabel Lee
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I'm totally waffling on history. I am a BIG history waffler, always have been, I hope I won't always be though. We love SL, but the TOG pull is getting stronger...and stronger...! ACK!!!


I OWN SL 1+2 (only need to buy one book to complete it), but I also own the teaching plans for TOG Y1U1...all I'd need to buy is some books....to get started....and DD keeps asking if we'll get to do TOG....ACKACKACK!!!!


Should be responsible...and do the SL...but...the TOG...is tempting me.........and I'm trying to put it off....until 4th grade....but not sure....I'll be able to resist for that long!!!!!


The plan is...3rd grade - SL 1+2, 4th grade TOG Y1. Trying to resist skipping ahead!!!!

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I had a waffling history thread recently. I finally decided to try TOG. I'll get Y2U1 and spend a whole semester on it. If we like it and want to continue, we'll do U2 the next semester. My library has most of the books, so I just have to buy a handful that would be useful for any history program we do.


I figure the best way to cure TOG lust is to try it! History next year won't cost any more than it did this year, since we're taking it half pace.


I've had waffling thoughts on spelling, but I'm currently planning to stick with what we're using, since it IS working. Sometimes I look longingly at the easy, independent, inexpensive workbooks, but my son wants to know "why", and AAS has been incredibly effective. I'm playing with Webster's Speller, and it's at least going great for my preK' er.


I think I'm settled on all other subjects... Well, ok, I was looking at handwriting for my 4 year old today, waffling between traditional cursive for him or GDI. I'll probably go ahead with GDI.


We need an Eggo club!

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Well, I guess I'm not crazy after all! (...or, we all are.)



blue = decided, purple = mostly decided, green = Yikes! Decide Already! Or start researching!


I like your color coding! I think we tend towards your latter statement ;).


And now that I see your very comprehensive waffling list, I realize that I am actually waffling on more than I listed, that is just my BIG waffle. :lol:

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I am majorly waffling and it's driving me crazy! I'm a veteran! Homeschooler, that is. This isn't supposed to happen to me! I was thinking nostalgically about our early years of homeschooling back in the 80's (I know -- most of you were probably toddlers then) and for a bit the lack of choices back then seemed like the good old days! (sigh)


I really am thankful for all the wonderful options we have, but I just can't make up my mind.

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Yep, big time!


I love the looks of CLE LA and have almost bought it 2-3 times but then I chicken out. I keep going back to FLL, WWE and AAS because it feels safe (it's all I know.) If that makes any sense. :) Some how I feel dd is missing out on worksheets, independent work, etc. But I think the one on one, verbal learning is best for dd.


I also go back and forth over a reading program that is structured rather than reading the recommendations from Ambleside's booklist. Again, I feel she's missing out on something.


Don't get me started with math or writing. :ack2:




Decisions, decisions...

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I'll join the club. I wasn't sure I was going to homeschool next year and now I'm pretty sure I'll be keeping the younger ones home. First, I have to scrape up the money to buy stuff. Then, I need to decide. I have math figured out. That one is easy now that we've found CLE. Language Arts is the one I'm having the biggest trouble deciding on.

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I usually have one subject I agonize about for each child every year. Usually it is math or language arts. This year, I was lucky and only had to drive myself crazy about LA for my daughter since I'm really happy with everything I'm doing with my son. Luckily for me, MommyFaithe helped me by really encouraging me with her comments about how happy she is with CLE LA. That made me decide to stick with that for my daughter.


So this is probably the first year ever that I am not going back and forth on curriculum. I'm not even going to go to so much as a local conference this year because I don't even feel like looking. My husband will be shocked!:001_smile:



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Bible: a real program with real learning & growing (BJU includes catechism), still deciding whether to use something from my shelf or buy something like MP Christian Studes, Bible Study for All Ages, Balancing the Sword... haven't researched these yet.



MP Christian Studies - we have this on hand for 3rd and it looks really good for the narrative, structure, places, people of scripture. Not really a doctrinal-heavy program so it is easy to use across denominations

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Guest baemorgan

We are finishing our first year of K and I have spent the last several months trying to decide what to do for 1st grade and Pre School next year. Waffle, Waffle, I am becoming one!!!

In talking with several friends I have decided on Saxon Math for both children, We have been doing Johnny Can Spell, only flash cards along with Sing Spell Read and Write and loved it and the flash cards have been so helpful. Thinking of switching to MFW this year for the pre schooler at least but hard to decide. I am adding Real Science 4 Kids after seeing it and talking to several friends who love it and I love most that my kids wont freak out when they get to highschool and it gets really hard because they have never really learned why things work but instead just that they work. Really wrestling with TOG or MFW!!!! HELP!!!!

I was homeschooled K-12 along with my three siblings and Mama has just told me that over the years she found it more and more difficult to find what to do because every year there were more options. She said she feels sorry for those of us starting out now with more options then we could possibly look through but that there are certainly benefits to being able to find what works for each family!! Anyway, that's where we are so if anyone has any suggestions or thoughts for me that would be great.


Also, looking for any or all of my stuff second hand to cut back on cost since we, like many homeschool families make a lot of sacrifices to be a one income family and be able to homeschool.

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All this talk of waffles.... maybe I should go grab some Vermont maple syrup, some delicious coffee and we all sit down and figure this out! :lol: I hope everyone reads that I am teasing. My heart goes out to each of you. I waffle every spring too. I simply am past this phase (this year anyway). Hollar if you want some syrup. :D

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