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Meaning of Japan tragedy?

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My conspiracy loving friend sent me this email, which has me horrified!! If what this guy Norm Franz is saying is correct, then I guess we're all in trouble. Anyways----I thought I would post my 'friend's' message here to get some more knowldegable opinions about how or if I should respond to this and her. FWIW---as far as I know she has always been a very Anti-Catholic evangelical, but now seems to be heading into Messianic Judaism :confused:


Here's the message: (It's offensive and shocking so warning!):


My friend Norm Franz gave a live message today after Shabbat service on Justintv.com. Will be recorded this week so others can view.


the Japanese Ministry of Foreign Affairs made a statement 3 months ago saying that they were not behind Israel building Jewish settlements on their land they acquired post 1967 borders. They were standing with Palestinian and Arab nations. Briefly, if you remember this land was acquired during a battle with Palestinians. Israel gave back the part that was not in their biblical boundaries but kept this part in which to build Jewish settlements. These boundaries of land Israel kept was well within their God given biblical boundaries.


Scripture in Ezekiel states that any country that takes land away from Israel's God given boundaries will have their land taken away also.


Also, Japanese Ministry of Foreign Affairs signed an agreement with Palestinian government that Palestine should be allowed to put a waste water site in that area.

Which would take that area of land away from Israel basically forever making it impossible to grow anything on, even if it was acquired back at a future date.


No one likes to acknowledge The Almighty ever displays His wrath. However, it states it right in scripture. If you measure the area devastated, it is is really close to the land in question within Israels God given boundaries. And the nuclear site in Japan, is almost exactly the same size as the proposed waste-water site to be built on Israeli land by Palestinians.



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Why are you perpetuating this stuff? If it is for entertainment, I am not amused.


Deleting it is a good idea.


Huh? I am simply in a position with someone I need to just gird up the gumption to 'delete' from my life---and I am such a wimp and so afraid of hurting feelings I put up with stuff like this :001_huh: She sent me this email out of the blue---and I was floored and confused because we don't have any TV news to find out that there is a faction of people out there that believe God sent this to Japan. It never crossed my mind.


Anyways---I am not trying to perpetuate anything. Sorry to bother anyone with my questions and dilemmas. I guess it's safer to stick with curriculum, huh?

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http://www.ps.emb-japan.go.jp/PressRelease/PressRelease2011/n28Feb2011.pdf - I don't know enough about the area to know if this is the waste water agreement that was referenced.


I'm assuming there are teeny bits of truth (or spun bits of truth floss) hidden in here and altered to meet the needs of the author.


But really - must there always be a Biblical reason for everything?

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Huh? I am simply in a position with someone I need to just gird up the gumption to 'delete' from my life---and I am such a wimp and so afraid of hurting feelings I put up with stuff like this :001_huh: She sent me this email out of the blue---and I was floored and confused because we don't have any TV news to find out that there is a faction of people out there that believe God sent this to Japan. It never crossed my mind.


Anyways---I am not trying to perpetuate anything. Sorry to bother anyone with my questions and dilemmas. I guess it's safer to stick with curriculum, huh?



This is not horribly offensive. If you could stick with curriculum, that would be great.

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http://www.ps.emb-japan.go.jp/PressRelease/PressRelease2011/n28Feb2011.pdf - I don't know enough about the area to know if this is the waste water agreement that was referenced.


I'm assuming there are teeny bits of truth (or spun bits of truth floss) hidden in here and altered to meet the needs of the author.


But really - must there always be a Biblical reason for everything?


Thanks for that link. Wow, after reading that I would say most definitely altered to fit the author's viewpoint. I am struck by Japan's 'commitment to a Peace and Prosperity' corridor and their help in using their technology to alleviate nasty sounding environmental problems.

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Huh? I am simply in a position with someone I need to just gird up the gumption to 'delete' from my life---and I am such a wimp and so afraid of hurting feelings I put up with stuff like this :001_huh: She sent me this email out of the blue---and I was floored and confused because we don't have any TV news to find out that there is a faction of people out there that believe God sent this to Japan. It never crossed my mind.


Anyways---I am not trying to perpetuate anything. Sorry to bother anyone with my questions and dilemmas. I guess it's safer to stick with curriculum, huh?


If you really don't want to read such things then just click 'report as SPAM' on such messages and from now on they should go to your SPAM folder and you won't even see them (unless you go looking for them). That's as passive a way as I can give you for 'ignoring' this person's messages.

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Why are you perpetuating this stuff? If it is for entertainment, I am not amused.


Deleting it is a good idea.

I have "known" 4wildberries on the boards here and other places for probably 5 years of so and I know for a fact she would NEVER perpetuate anything, so I can say with total confidence she is not here. 4Wildberries is just "not like that".



I think 4wild that you are really struggling with this friend of yours though. I read another thread a while back where she was giving you grief also. I think you have two choices....delete the friendship all together or simply laugh it off. I'd find it entertaining myself. LOL I don't believe in any of this crappola that people spew.


My MIL is kinda like this, but not as bad. She is into conspiracty theories big time! In fact she just told me that when my cat was attacked and killed by a pitbull ( you know the story) that was my "karma" because I have always been so fearful of pitbulls. She said since I was sending that energy into the universe that is what came back to me. OHMYGOD!


Well I can't delete her from my life, but just know that she is a bit whacky. I told my dh she said that to me and he just told me to pay no attention to her. So that is what you need to do, ignore/delete the friendship or keep her around for entertainment value!!!!



Your California buddy!


ps...why don't u post this question over at HSR chit chat side and see for the heckofit, and see what all the religious ladies have to say..i'd be curious also

Edited by Love2Smile
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I have "known" 4wildberries on the boards here and other places for probably 5 years of so and I know for a fact she would NEVER perpetuate anything, so I can say with total confidence she is not here. 4Wildberries is just "not like that".



I think 4wild that you are really struggling with this friend of yours though. I read another thread a while back where she was giving you grief also. I think you have two choices....delete the friendship all together or simply laugh it off. I'd find it entertaining myself. LOL I don't believe in any of this crappola that people spew.


My MIL is kinda like this, but not as bad. She is into conspiracty theories big time! In fact she just told me that when my cat was attacked and killed by a pitbull ( you know the story) that was my "karma" because I have always been so fearful of pitbulls. She said since I was sending that energy into the universe that is what came back to me. OHMYGOD!


Well I can't delete her from my life, but just know that she is a bit whacky. I told my dh she said that to me and he just told me to pay no attention to her. So that is what you need to do, ignore/delete the friendship or keep her around for entertainment value!!!!



Your California buddy!


ps...why don't u post this question over at HSR chit chat side and see for the heckofit, and see what all the religious ladies have to say..i'd be curious also


Thanks so much for your support! ;) Good grief---obviously if anything I was just looking for 'fuel' pretty much to get strength to deal with this problem. I can obviously ignore this woman---but trust me--in a town this small that is pretty much impossible!


And I think I will post my honest question over at HSR.


Thanks so much California buddy!!! (Hoping to be there soon too)

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I have a friend like this who was constantly posting every conspiracy theory article he could find on FB. I ended up just blocking him from my news feed. Some of the articles were interesting, but after a while it was just too much. He's a great guy, a great friend, but I will not socialize with him online anymore--only IRL. If it's via email, then it's harder to block, but you could filter her emails and trash any that have a link in them or you can just ignore them. If it's on FB, I would put up security on just her and block her from messaging you and block her in your news feed.


If she is constantly sharing her views with you IRL, you could politely ask her to stop because you are trying to take a break from the media and related news. Say that you don't have a TV or get the newspaper or listen to the radio for a reason and so you are not in a position to debate/discuss world events with her.

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I have "known" 4wildberries on the boards here and other places for probably 5 years of so and I know for a fact she would NEVER perpetuate anything, so I can say with total confidence she is not here. 4Wildberries is just "not like that".



That was very sweet.


I watch a particular show that has documented the kindness and generosity of the japanese people during this tradgedy. They are helping each other, there is little to no looting, etc. They are good people and we should be more like them. God lets bad things happen to good people too, for his own purposes.

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He needs a reminder that it's a sin of presumption to believe one can read the mind of God and that we must have charity in all things. I'd leave it at that. What benefit is it to him or his readers to ponder this any further, except perhaps that it might be an ego building experience if his view is supported by others.

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