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Teachers Bistro! 3-16-2011

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Did everyone survive the Ides of March?


What's on the menu today? Us: mac-n-cheese.


What did you do different today? Us: we made ginormous passports as an art project, since we're studying world culture this year. :001_smile: All while listening to an mp3 recording of The Sugar Creek Gang.


What do you wish for today? Me: that spring break activities where my kids could go have someone else supervise them for a few hours weren't so expensive!


Talk to me! :bigear:

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Lunch: leftover quesadillas from last night and a spinach salad


what we did different today: I shopped online for shoes for my oldest dd. It is different because I bought her 2 identical pair instead of just one. I got awesome deals at 6pm.com. 3 pair of shoes for less than $70 including shipping!


what I wish for today: I had a magic wand that I could wave to clean up my messy house!

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So is bistro just chatting? I am up for that.


Menu: leftovers for girls: fish sticks and steamed broccolli and carrots, and grapes for dessert.


Me: a frozen ravioli low cal dinner.


different today: dd6 and I did phonics in the "tent" she built on her bunkbed. It was actually a good thing. She worked much more independently in her nice little space she created after the initial lesson. (Lately I have been putting up w/a lot of whining over phonics.) big improvement.


Also, it is nice out. So after lunch, I plan to surprise them and do our Bible reading and coloring outside for fun.


I wish for someone to help me clean closets and drawers this week to get ready for a consignment sale. I have piles and boxes of clothes spread everywhere right now. :tongue_smilie:

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Did everyone survive the Ides of March? You mean that is what was making yesterday so crazy??? I wish I had remembered to stay home and hide.


What's on the menu today? Us: mac-n-cheese. Us too, with those super processed chicken nuggest grandpa bought the kids when he took them shopping. You can always tell when grandpa takes them grocery shopping LOL. This time they returned with 5 bags of super processed chicken nuggets, a box of chicken nuggets, a box of popcicles, a box of ice cream, 2 bags of 'formed fries' designed to be extra crispy, more bags of popcoprn super processed chicken, and fudgecicles.


What did you do different today? We stayed home..


What do you wish for today? A break from the kids, an allergy free spring, and tht the brooder and coop were finished.

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The kids are having turkey sandwiches for lunch--at least that's what I made but only one of the four actually ate his. The rest think they will disappear just by using their minds. I ate some roasted butternut squash and chicken soup.


My dh stayed home this morning and just went into work at lunch time, so that's kind of different.


I'm wishing that my 3yo would please, please stop whining and telling me no all. day. long. My other kids weren't this verbal so it's new to have a little one like this. New and very, very draining. She's heading off to quiet time in about 15 minutes, so I'm hoping she actually sleeps and I get a break from the whining and no's.

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Good afternoon now.


Lunch: The girls had grilled cheese. I ate peanut butter crackers.


Different: We went to a local Indian village/archaeologic site where the kids had a class in how to make medicine bags. They each made their own and got to fill them with lots of cool stuff.


I wish I could wiggle my nose and the whole house would be clean/organized/decluttered. In the absence of that, I wish these terrible cramps would go away so I could do it myself.

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Welcome to all the new teachers and the 'regulars'. :coolgleamA:


Yep, mainly the Bistro is for chatting. Just a time out for Mom(ma) around lunch time, to chill and share conversation with an adult. ;)


Glad to see everyone. I don't know if I will be on here tomorrow or not. My right knee seems to be wanting to have an issue. So, if I can find someone to take me to the VA, I'll be there all day! I certainly don't want to drive there with this knee!


Jean in Newcastle, think you could open the Bistro tomorrow?

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Did everyone survive the Ides of March? I think so.


What's on the menu today? Lunch was pizza leftover from Pi Day


What did you do different today? I've been moving my kids over to a learning contract method of schooling, and today was the first day that we combined that with our class schedule to ensure they work in each subject.


What do you wish for today? More income, long term. Needs and wants have been weighing heavily on me lately.

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The Ides nearly killed me. I had insomnia and was up till 2:45 a.m. I finally fell asleep till the voices woke me. They belonged to my children, who had decided 5:15 a.m. was a dandy time to rise and shine. I may have gone a little Vesuvius on them. Then I had to drive them up to Kansas to visit my grandmother... and then back home later in the day. Caffeine was my FRIEND. I'm glad that day is over!


Lunch today was soup and sandwiches at a friend's house.


Different thing today was visiting a friend's house. She lives on a lake, so we all wandered down to the shoreline and spent hours enjoying the good weather. We all got a little sunburn.


My wish for today was that I had a little more energy. I neeeeeeed to work on my cross-stitch project for my daughter, but all I want to do is crawl in bed with the Kindle!

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